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Posts posted by Milkman

  1. *Cough*

    Quote[/b] ]the aircraft had no connection to the U.S. government, and the company listed as the plane's owner said the aircraft was sold recently.

    The united states sells hundreds of aircraft a year, why should the fact that the government at one time owned this plane automaticaly mean America was trying to secure interests???

    This is like saying "Because this 727 was once operated by Northwest Airlines, that Northwest Airlines was attempting to assassinate the "president" of Zimbabwe."


  2. What size are we talking here in terms of megs?

    I'm the kind of person that hates huge packs of things. It severely limits your choices if you don't have 1+gigs of ram to throw about if there's one thing in say five huge packs of things you like.

    My problem with this is if it would easily strip most normal systems of their physical memory before even being put to use on the actual game. Which means limited performance.

    Since however I can get these anims in slightly more individual chunks. I don't mind at all any initiative to consolidate them. It's just if I'm forced to choke down one huge pack or leave it.

    That's when I start getting a bit cheesed off.

    The unzipped file is 684 Kilobytes wink_o.gif

  3. When I get into my car with some friends I usually murmur "ALL getin car 4 o'clock."

    Those who are flashpoint players get in and say "2 ready" "3 ready" and then I start driving and say "ALL move to echo foxtrot two four!" biggrin_o.gif


    - when you see a vehicle you think "We need that addon!"

    - when you look at the sky and comment how nice it would look in a skymod (I do this all the time)

  4. Awhile ago I was looking for animations to use for combat photography, I searched and found many different packs by many different authors. All were excellent, but the last thing I needed was 5+ pbos clogging up my already stacked addons folder. I thought "Hey, why not put all of the animations into one big pack?" 5 hours later I had compiled all of JSDF's, Wilco's and Hunter's animations into one pbo. I tweaked the times on a few so they would not be split second blurs and viola; I had made a unified animation pack containing over 100 user made animations!

    Concept: Create one addon that contains all usermade animations. Make it easy for the user to use animations without having to hunt town many seperate packs. This addon will be updated with the release of more animations.

    .RAR Format


    .ZIP Format


    Bonus: this addon contains new animations by Hunter! Pics:










  5. Necromancer I cant believe you bought a classic army gun, everyone know most of those things fall apart a week after you buy them

    I hear the M4 (Or whatever they call them) are quite good, but I would stay away from their MP5's.

  6. Yeah, now I've got a G-36C, AK-47S, Sig 552 (jams a lot) and two FA-MASes for my friends to use. I'm trying to ween them off of paintball.

    Fa-mas won't be sufficent to get them away from paintball. I suggest two RPK's wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

  7. Hahah I use to give my old computer a good smack where the harddrive was located. It helped unfreeze the sucker but after enough punches it developed physical errors on the disk. crazy_o.gif

    So I took out the harddrive and used a sledge hammer/Ax to kill it. smile_o.gif
