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Posts posted by Milkman

  1. Ah, i didnt capitalize the O in AddOns. Thanks Ace smile_o.gif

    This is how I have it now working:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"C:\Program Files\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE" -nomap -nosplash -mod=@ECP;llauma;BAS

  2. I have been trying to use mod folders for all of my addons (1.2 gigs to be precise). My first go at it didnt work well at all. All of the units that were in folders would not show up in the mission editor. The way I did it was create a folder called "BAS" put a subfolder in it called "Addons" and then dump all the addons into that. I then put the BAS folder into my Operation Flashpoint directory and added to my .exe "-mod=BAS;" This didnt not work so can someone tell me to proper way?

  3. I don't think you should get technical about it though, because even Hyk's soldiers aren't from 1985.

    Hyk's soldiers are 1985, 1991 and 2003.

    Where can I find these 1985 soldiers? All I see in the Editor are 2003 and 1991 soldiers. Are you saying the 1991 era soldiers work for 1985rock.gif



    Have anyone of you thought of Resistance forces.

    Are there any good troops around available?

    EDGE made some new resistance soldiers that you could use.

  4. Sigma did make a M60A1 and A3 you know wink_o.gif

    Russian weapons can be replaced with Earl's, but I dont think the AK74M was around in 1985, and the only replacement for the Soviet soldiers are Suchey's Naval Infantry, but those are Russian Federation. I don't think you should get technical about it though, because even Hyk's soldiers aren't from 1985. RHS is making/updating T-72's and T-80's so hold tight on that update.

  5. I see the stranges conspiracies in the operation flashpoint community. First there is this myth that JPEG textures are bad! Even when I ran on a 800mhz 256mb PC100 ram I had absolutly no lag from INQ's weapons. Then people complain that addons are "unfair" because they take "powerful" computers to run. 1.3ghz is not powerful, and yet it runs every addon to date just fine. If somone has trouble running this addon or any addon for that matter on a P3 800mhz computer than lower your video settings! It is not the addon makers fault that OFP looks crappy on lower settings for which your computer is barely capable of playing. If somone doesnt like how ofp runs, then upgrade, if you can't upgrade, then don't come here and tell addon makers that they need to make their addons poor so you can run them.
