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Posts posted by Milkman

  1. I am kinda glad that the criminals blocked the police from attempting to stop them. From the what I have read, I highly doubt a cop with a 9mm and maybe a weak kevlar vest would last long against heavily armed professionals like these were. They would have been slaughtered.

    Did any security cameras get pics of the criminals?

  2. Take from the sight:

    Quote[/b] ]19. What is the "Springfield Effect"?

    The Springfield Effect is the name given to the phenomenon by which every place named Springfield is hard-linked in hyperspace to every other place of this name. In other words, there is only one place named Springfield, but it is "linked" to various locations in the world.

    20. Does Idaho exist

    No. The existence of Idaho is a lie, fabricated by a conspiracy of cartographers, as is England (see question 10).

    21. What about North Dakota?

    That doesn't exist either.

    22. Any other places which are believed to exist but really don't?

    Yes, Australia. And then there are the cryptogeographica, places such as Kadath, Carcosa, Hobbiton, Narnia, Hy-Brasil, Hell and such whose existence has not been satisfactorily proven.

    They are just messing with you, noone is foolish enough to believe this, and if they do they can be easily shown that it is round....

  3. BIS forum automessage: "Youve filled your quota for the week for pics , now your access to this thread is locked till then. Thank You"  tounge_o.gif

    Hehe, I think I can't post anymore anyways. I just got an email from my provider saying that I have almost reached my bandwith for the month, which started 3 days ago. :P

  4. Oops, wrong pics, the server at school doesnt let me view them so I have to make a random guess at the name of the pics.

    Sorry. sad_o.gif

    The continuation:


    I woke up again, this time in a moving truck. My headache was gone and I could see clearly again.


    I turned to look at the back of the truck, the door was open. I guess the rebel across from me read my mind because the next thing he said in rather good english was "I wouldn't try that american, you wouldn't make it twenty meters." He was right, I was in no condition to run. All I could do now was wait...

  5. Thanks Thirty G, I guess I will play out this story now, it kinda started as an accident , but now I got inspiration.


    I regained conscience with a horrible headache, and two figures conversing in some language I didn't understand.


    Whatever they said must of translated to "Kick the american in the face," because that was the next thing they did.


    I came to with dirt in my face and some figures standing over me. I turned over to face them. My head was still killing me.


    The man in the beret handed the guy in the t-shirt what looked like money, perhaps his bounty for turning me in. I asked "where is my crew?" The man in the Beret laughed and said "You didn't know? They are all dead." My heart sank and I lost conscience again.
