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Posts posted by Milkman

  1. Early Morning, Somewhere near the east border...


    A Finnish ammo truck stops for fuel


    Only to be greeted by masked guerillias




    The men quickly capture the two drivers


    ... and execute them.


    The men make off with the truck full very lethal weapons


    Later that morning, the Police investigate


    A MP questions a potential witness


    Miltary Police protect the scene


    A investigator examines the bodies


  2. My best skill is probably being able to run into open space with an AK47 shouting "ALLAHU-AKBAR!!!" (yes, I really do that).  smile_o.gif

    Wow, once in a Deathmatch game I ran around the city and placed satchel charges set to go off in 30 seconds. Everytime my bombs claimed a life I would yell into my mic ALLAHU AKBAR!


  3. I have a where groups attack in waves. Once the first wave is killed off the second wave attacks. Three groups named terr1, terr2, and terr3 are the first wave. When all members of these groups are eliminated the next wave starts. What syntax can I use to detect these group's elimination?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">NOT (Alive terr1)

    Does not work because the group is not an object.


  4. These guys already have their hands full creating Nogova's armed forces...maybe someone else or another team could make a new/modified Nogova  wink_o.gif

    This has been said before, and I will repeat it again:

    Releasing a modification of Nogova Island is impossible because BIS says it allows non-resistance owners to play a Resistance map. BIS will not allow anyone to release a modified Nogova.

  5. Travis County Sheriff

    These guys are the nice folks, despite the M4A1, Sig 226 and Remington 870 they carry in each car.


    K9 Police Vehicle


    Austin Police Department

    City police, some of the most incompetent police I have ever met. They are famous for their overzealous actions against local citizens.


    Sorry, there are not many pics available of these agencies.

    edit: both file sizes over 100kb!

  6. swis mod did it for there LAV pirana TOW.

    and there is a way around the guide missile thing it was posted in the opec forums

    but i still want an MK19 on a HMMWV..

    Yes, you could classify the hummer as a tank, but then it will act like a tank. I don't think anyone would have a problem with that but I don't think flaber has time to add more units to the pack.

  7. one question why not mk19 version of the HMMWV.

    would be nice to have TOW version and maybe even an Avenger version. and even medic version.

    HMMWV info

    you could even give them their military number ie M998 Cargo/Troop

    It is not possible for wheeled vehicles in OFP to fire guided missiles due to engine limitations. I like the idea of a medic one though.
