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Posts posted by Milkman

  1. I found the problem ages ago...

    The triggers read...

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">obj1 objstatus "Done"

    Should be...

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"1" objstatus "Done" smile_o.gif

    Haha silly me. I am a bit rusty you know. smile_o.giftounge_o.gif

  2. Just got back from testing my squad version of it, only 3 of us out of the possible 16 members though. Got our asses kicked, 30 deaths in total. Probably because we werent expecting reinforcements, didnt go properly equipped and didnt actually make a plan tounge_o.gif Good mission, hopefully when my squad version done it'll be the best on the server. I did notice the objectives didnt tick off though wink_o.gif  Good job mate biggrin_o.gif

    Strange, they should tick off, it could be a MP issue, I don't have much experience with MP missions.

  3. No shit America is Pro-Israeli, we have millions of Jews living in our country and many of them vote. Do you think they would vote for a government that condemned the actions Jewish homeland? Simple politics, not anything special.

    Hey I don't doubt that ;) I was just answering to someone else.

    @Monkey Lib Front


    Israel map

    Yeah sorry for sounding rude I was trying to make a point but now I am late for a meeting and can't finish my thoughts. :/

  4. Quote[/b] ]Europe is not pro-palestinian. It's USA that is pro-Israel.

    Not an argument i would dare to make ,not that i disagree ,their are probably lost of Jews lobbying for Israel in the U.S as far as i know or heard ,but it's not an argument that can be proven.

    US foreign policy is clearly pro-Israel. You can see this best in the UN security council. While the whole world agrees on resolution that critisize israel for some of their actions the US is constantly vetoing them. The are only few exceptions when it's not justifyable for the US to veto it.

    Of course America is Pro-Israeli, we have millions of Jews living in our country and many of them vote. Do you think they would vote for a government that condemned the actions Jewish homeland? Simple politics, not anything special.

  5. Why dont you join and tell them to use it, see how far you get. Links in my sig wink_o.gif

    Now talk about the freaking mission!

    If you are not willing to make a different version I will make it for you, just PM me.

  6. Quote[/b] ]Meanwhile, go outside and enjoy the sun (or rain, whichever)

    Outside? You mean outside the room the computer is in? I do that actually, when I eat. The rest of that sentense I didnt understand.

    You should try it sometime, the graphics outside are stunning, and the physics engine is very well done too.

  7. Is it possible to remove VITAPC from the mission or does it play too big a part? Could be used by my squad but we dont use that addon sad_o.gif

    Sorry for the long reply, but VITAPC is unremovable. Your squad should use them because they are great weapons and vehicles, if not, you are free to open it up your self and take out/replace the BMP3's, BTR-80's, and KORD 12.7mm's.

  8. PS... Is it just me or is Victor Troska the only dude in flashpoint who has a tan? I mean good god, no amount of editing this picture could keep these guys pasty white faces from reflecting the full intensity of the posidon engine's virtual sun back in my face.

    The pasty faces only make them better targets. smile_o.gif

    Now to finish my pic series, I was gone for about two weeks so some might not remember the other ones.








  9. those are some nice weaponmodels !!!

    But 6.2 MB for them is a little bit much

    so why don't you binarize them for better Performance and smaller file size ? wink_o.gif

    6mb is not a big deal! If you don't like it don't download it. Simple as that. I think we need mirrors though, I am downloading this pack at a massive 33kb/sec. sad_o.gif

  10. I have Halo for PC too, everything is great about it except it doesnt support Antialiasing.

    Dont forget those corpse humpers. wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

    Hahah, like you, once you were doing that and a warthog fell on your head. biggrin_o.gif

  11. I have Halo for PC too, everything is great about it except it doesnt support Antialiasing. (Wtf where they thinking?!) Not that it matters though because the game would lag horribly if it had any AA or AS on with a resolution higher than 800x600.
