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Posts posted by Milkman

  1. Thankyou for the quick update Pablo! Same goes for you Rudedog! Thanks for the quick fixes! smile_o.gif


    I am still having problems with the not being able to see certain objects through the windows in the drivers 1st person view. Might seem like a harmless bug, but many servers limit you to 1st person view only and the last thing you want to happen is to drive into a house you couldn't see because of a bug with the windows.

  2. no ManiacMike is right.. there are no good Desert Camo'd M4's around.

    and there will not be cause I am not releasing mine.  wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

    You might want to rephrase that gords. People like me take it as you being a self-centered asshole. Another things, if you really are not going to release it then don't keep showing it off the the Combat Photography thread. The last thing people like is seeing someone bait them with an addon they will never use.

  3. I got a similar error to what AvonLady had, the black screen that crashes to the desktop immediatly when loading the game. I tried reducing the resolution but still crashes. Here's a log of my most recent crash.

    Error stuff

    Is this being caused by having DX9 or an old GeForce 2 GTS? If it is the video card, should it not crash on my other computer which has a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro?

    It is because you have a geforce2 which does not support shaders 1.1! Read the readme!! Install it on your 9800 pro and you will have alot more fun. wink_o.gif

  4. What am I doing wrong?

    Not reading the readme?

    Quote[/b] ] might be blind or something, but I can't see the reflective water!

    When I turn it off via the command, my FPS goes up, but the water doesn't change.

    I have a 9500 Pro video card, hmm..

    Did you try all the suggestions from the readme?

    No I read the readme, I think I assumed I was suppose to add the mod thing just because I do it with everything else. I am going to try this with BIS water texture, as suggested in the readme. Too bad it doenst want to run with custom water textures, I liked mine...
