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Posts posted by Milkman

  1. How so? I sure am not frustrated  rock.gif

    Well, it looks absolutly fantastic but its way too expensive and its like teasing us with something great that many of us will never get to play/have. Its a bit like having OPF while waiting for OPF2 knowing that there is something in betwean that is cool but is not for everyone wink_o.gif .

    But my point was the thread is called OPF combat photography and only OPF pics should be posted there,  but the mods dictate the rules and our opinion doesnt seem to deserve the minimum of though or atention so i will leave it at that.

    Personally I couldnt give a shit weither it be VBS1 or OFP, I like the pretty VBS shots, and thats about it. Nothing other than that is appealing in vbs1, its just like regular ofp but with hi-res models.

    EDIT: It isnt called OPF Photography either, it just says OPF Engine , and vbs runs the OPF engine. wink_o.gif

  2. It's a pity people aren't using their skills, to combine efforts and create Actual Films using flashpoint.

    You mean something like a WW2 documentary? (for example)  rock.gif

    I think he means video missions that you play ingame.

  3. Somebody's teddy is well and truly out of the Pram...

    So you don't like Bush being blamed for being a shitty president?  Tough.  Truth hurts sometimes.

    Truth is many the people who roam this offtopic forum need to give up the trolling and find soemthing more productive to do with their time. I almost never venture into these damn political discussions because I see nothing but hatred of americans and their government. I dunno, maybe this is your only outlit for your anger against us, because I can't think of anything you can do that would actually be constructive and that would actually influence world politics. Complaining in favor or against anything thing really has no effect. As my speech teacher once said "People get this strange idea that they can convince someone, no matter how strongly they feel about something, to go the other way. This is simpily untrue and a waste of everyones time."

    Find a better way to change our foreign policy other than trying to convince total strangers on a forum that they need to change their beliefs in their government, because that will never work except with the weak minded, and I don't see any weak minded individuals on either side of this debate.

    Just some thoughts. Have a nice evening gentlemen, I have wasted enough time with this thread. unclesam.gif

  4. Goddamnit I have lost it with all you people. Every freaking idiot blames bush for 9/11, even though most of the people in the intelligence agencies were from the Clinton era, for example: CIA Director Tenet. The old rivalries from the Clinton administration hadn't had time to break under Bush. What pisses me off more than anything about you Walker, is the way you present your case. Unlike the usual flamer who I just ignore or find funny, you are a special breed. The way you type the way I imagine you sound IRL just makes me furious. I thought better of you when I know you were one of those good fellas from CoC but then you started spewing your stupid conspiracy crap in the Carlyle (SP? I don't give a shit anymore) group thread. For the love of christ just try to make your argument in a more polite intelligent way... Like Denoir. Make him your role model. He is a very smart man and I respect his views nomatter how much they contradict mine.

    Just some thoughts, and have a nice evening. unclesam.gif

  5. Quote[/b] ]By the way, why would you outlaw effective weapons and ammunition? Why ban napalm, hollowpoints etc? They do their job well is there something wrong with that?

    If you were burned to death maybe you would think that they should be banned.

    Do you think every country should start using napalm and nervgas?

    Didn't say anything about nervegas. Napalm isnt the only thing that can "burn you to death." So why must it be the only one banned? I say either don't ban them or ban them all.

  6. I can even argue that those ammuniction are more humane than regular.

    Regular goes through u but this will blow u to pieces. In which case the death may occur instantly? The same with hunting. U will use a shotgun to kill a duck.  rock.gif

    One regular bullet won't necessarily kill you.

    What about a shot in the face, neck, femoral artery, lungs, heart, spice, skull, sternum? All are fatal to one shot unless you are one lucky son-of-a-bitch.

  7. Yes such rounds are illegal in international law....its to do with the maiming potential it has....

    AFAIK, .50 cal bullets can only be used (according to ROE) when the person with whatever that weapon that they are using (eg, a Barret anti material rifle) is fired upon or is being attacked.....otherwise, these are only intended as anti material rounds, and it would be illegal for use against personnel. I imagine these would fall into a similar category.

    I have heard that during training instructors would tell M2 gunners that it was illegal to shoot a man with it, but nothing was wrong with shooting the equipment on the soldiers. wink_o.gif

    By the way, why would you outlaw effective weapons and ammunition? Why ban napalm, hollowpoints etc? They do their job well is there something wrong with that?

    @Baron: United States doesnt use explosive, hollowpoint or blended metal ammo. This was a PMC which is a civilian and he could have bought it anywhere.

  8. Personally I think MP missions are the way to go. Even the simplest missions are fun do play when you get a groud of buddies together in MP. SP is far more difficult to work on mainly because you need to add scripts, voice acting, and nice camera work to keep it appealing to the user.

    I am thinking about redoing some older missions with these units for MP.
