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Posts posted by Milkman

  1. From what I have heard, it was alot better than Bowling for Columbine, which I did see. Columbine was a pretty bad movie from a political standpoint as well just a bad movie, his filming technique was odd to say the least. I never figured out what exactly his point was.

  2. He probably has AS on way too high, I can play at 75fps (Refresh Rate) when I take off AS but at 8x my computer crawls down to 15fps.


    Athlon Xp2600+

    1 gig DDR400 RAM

    Nvidia geforce4 Ti4200 128mb DDR (newest driver)

    120 Gig HD 7200 RPM

    Windows2000 SP4

  3. Bummer looks like I have the latest. I was hoping my drivers were way outdated. That way I hoping that with new drivers I'd gain at least 10fps.

       What frame rate do all of you get?

    What resolution do you play on? I noticed with my Ti4200 it begins to slow down at 1152x864. I run 2xQ AA and 4x AS on newest driver.

  4. I would have to agree that Platoon also deserves to be on the list of the best.

    And i thought we were talking about war movies...how does Dehind Enemy Lines come into this? True its an intertaining movies but I would hardly say its a war movie.

    Well, two pilots get shot down by Serbians, and get caught in the middle of the genocide/war. Sounds warrish to me...

  5. Hi senden! Welcome to the Flashpoint Community! You can play online without resistance, but most servers have moved over to resistance so you won't be able to play on them. When you buy resistance, go to the downloads page of flashpoin1985.com and download the latest patches, 1.96 in the newest version. There are hundreds of wonderful mods and addons out there. We have mod for almost any warfare time period (WW2, Vietnam, Gulf War, even an american Civil war mod) and many nationial army mods such as Finish Defence Forces, USMC Mod etc. There are also conversion mods that replace the standard BIS units with new addons. Take some time looking around this forum and get a feel of what the community is like. Also check out these links:





    Have fun! smile_o.gif

  6. Hi senden! Welcome to the Flashpoint Community! You can play online without resistance, but most servers have moved over to resistance so you won't be able to play on them. When you buy resistance, go to the downloads page of flashpoin1985.com and download the latest patches, 1.96 in the newest version. There are hundreds of wonderful mods and addons out there. We have mod for almost any warfare time period (WW2, Vietnam, Gulf War, even an american Civil war mod) and many nationial army mods such as Finish Defence Forces, USMC Mod etc. There are also conversion mods that replace the standard BIS units with new addons. Take some time looking around this forum and get a feel of what the community is like. Also check out these links:





    Have fun! smile_o.gif

  7. u dont die of "natural causes" at 56.

    Well, apparently a good portion of the world dies of "natural causes" in their fifties, but that could be because of poor healthcare, genetic problems, etc. Dieing from complications of years of partying with drugs and alcohol could be considered a natural death... IMHO

  8. I never heard of Rick James, must be a US star.

    He is known by most people by Chappelle's "Rick James BITCH!" skit, I dont know if anyone outside of the US or Canada gets comedy central so I wouldn't be surprised if you don't know who he was.


  9. Quote[/b] ]Haha yeah I can imagine that, you wouldnt be able to drive 5 feet without being car-jacked, and stopping at red lights will be unheard of

    But imagine the street races you could have tounge_o.gif !

    What? Getting your tires shot by your opponent's friend or getting blowed up?? :P

    Lamers! Ban them! tounge_o.gif

  10. yep, sure would be. it would be greatest thing since the first true 3D games were invented and i honestly bet thats exactly what R* has in store. multiplayer is the #1 thing people want the most in GTA. and the best way to do that is make it a MMORPG. thousands of people playing a life sized versions of Liberty City, Vice City and SA. just imagine it...

    Ahhhhhh... the possibilites are endless. smile_o.gif
