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Everything posted by Milkman

  1. Milkman

    Bmp3 beta 0.6 released

    Hmmm I had to delete this addon. When ever you tried to shoot with the "Fixed" AKS74 OFP would freeze.
  2. Hmmm no clue, although this should have probably been posted in Mission Editing & Scripting.
  3. Milkman

    Is it posible to let a jeep float?

    Hmmm no clue, although this should have probably been posted in Mission Editing & Scripting.
  4. Milkman

    Bmp3 beta 0.6 released

    hey, didn't that plane get blown up because the F5 got sucked into its engine?
  5. Milkman

    C&c generals goes gold

    I cant wait for Generals. I thought Ra2 and Yuri's revenge were the best RTS games ever created. This game is going to be a beast though, and my pentium3 866 mhz w/ 256 megs of ram is going to explode after about two minutes of play.
  6. Milkman

    Bmp3 beta 0.6 released

    well im glad someone made a BMP3 in .zip form. AKM74's bmp3 is in .rar, whatever that is...
  7. Milkman

    Request for spas12 shotgun

    USMC, I thought you and Peanuckle_00 were working on somthing called Crime City Mod, kinda like vice city. Well I guess I was mistaken.
  8. Milkman

    Request for spas12 shotgun

    theres a USAS-20 in CS? what version are you running? Unless version 1.6 came out in the last five minutes, I dont recall a USAS-20 in CS, unless its a custom skin...
  9. Milkman

    Request for spas12 shotgun

    CS dosnt have it, they have the Benelli XM1014, buts it very similar. You should ask one of the guys working on the Crime City Mod if they have a SPAS12 being made.
  10. Milkman

    Mouse buttons for iron sights

    Wow, why didnt I think of that? I have gotten really pissed in multyplayer sometimes when I was stuck with that annoying little white thing in a firefight where I had to have quick reaction. I always had do use the 0 on the numpad. And BTW, how did you have both left click AND right click buttons on fire? How did you lock onto targets??
  11. Milkman

    Sound file repository

    yeah, it would be great, but who would create it?
  12. Milkman

    Is there any way of stopping cheating

    Hey, wouldnt it be a great idea if we had a topic in multiplayer where all cheaters could be listed along with their violations, and IP adress?? I think it would be a great idea!! Although people could start throwing accusations at each other it would be like a Salem Witch trial...
  13. Milkman

    Bi studios.

    It aint going to happen pal, sorry. Why isnt this locked yet?
  14. Milkman

    Independence lost release date

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Feb. 09 2003,01:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SFG @ Feb. 09 2003,02:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Would they really buy it?<span id='postcolor'> Two words: Pet Rock.<span id='postcolor'> What?? Â
  15. Milkman

    Computer is way 2 accurate in shooting

    I dont think you can really moan and cry about the AI's accuracy. Its a freaking computer game and you cant just make it like real life. I mean, look at your computer screen, you will notice that you only get about a 80 degree view, while in real life, its about 130. Shooting weapons is different too, instead of have a weapon in your hand, you got a mouse or joystick that you click to shoot. The accuracy won't change in this game, but I bet that the next couple games will show far better targeting, movement, and behavior for the AI. You will just have to live with the AI's "godlike" aiming untill OFP 2 or whatever is next. And you might want to disable super AI, if it is on that is. It makes the AI far more retarded.
  16. Milkman

    Independence lost....

    Lone wolf is right, we should petition CM, or alteast email a link to this thread so they can see,
  17. Hello again, today i am trying to figure out to hide a radio message until a certain trigger is activated. I have ried many things over the past 3 hours and cant seem to get it to work. Can anyone help me out?
  18. Milkman

    Value not an array...

    I hope you made a copy of the original config file. Looks like you screwed up bigtime. You need to restore the original file or reinstall. And what did you exactly change anyways???
  19. Milkman


    Sorry, but what is FRAPS? sounds interesting...
  20. Milkman


    *wispers to bullzeye* hey dude, I think he didn't understand a word you said. Although you should check out Avon's FAQ, its got everything a n00b needs. AND MORE!
  21. Milkman

    Space shuttle columbia lost

    This wasn't a space station flight. It was a scientific expieriment. It was carrying important findings that we will probaly never know about now. Although they have warned us people here in texas to stay away from wreakage, because it could be contaminated with Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, although it is unlikley after being boiled at thousands of degrees in the atmospere. Its still a good idea to stay away though.
  22. Milkman

    Space shuttle columbia lost

    Goeth, im guessing your not american, and dont share the same grief as we do. Hell, i probly wouldnt give a shit if something horrible happened in your country.
  23. Milkman

    Space shuttle columbia lost

    Yeah, it seems like we always have some incompetent fool running the FBI, CIA, NSA, NASA, USAF, NAVY, USMC, ARMY, ATF, or DEA when something important goes boom in their department. In this case, NASA, they will probly ask for the director's resignation in about, oh 3 hours.
  24. Milkman

    Space shuttle columbia lost

    Yeah a piece of damn foam, thats all it took. And it is truley ironic that the challenger blew up on practically the same day, years ago.
  25. Milkman

    Space shuttle columbia lost

    I was having a great day too, I was going to buy my airsoft gun but thats a thing of past now. But the theory I have heard on TV and what I have contructed is: During Liftoff, a peice of insulation hit the wing, NASA engineers said it would have no major effect. During reintry, a part of the wing ripped off (You can see something fall off before the whole thing vaporized) The loss of the object caused the shuttle to either A. Dip in at an angle too low or B. Begin a roll that exposed the unprotected top of the shuttle to the atmoshpere. The loss of the object caused the entire breakup of the shuttle.