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Everything posted by malick

  1. malick

    Map WIP: Savine Vode

    No, sorry for misunderstanding, I was talking about the borders of the map. The stream in itself looks good, within the grid size limitation. I did some maps for OFP and even if the terrain detail has been improved for ArmA, it doesn't allow meter-size detail on a local scale (like ditches along roads or rivers and streams). This is the part I was talking about... Without pictures, it's hard to see what it looks like. Indeed, the 'cliffs all around' solution would look pretty dumb. I was proposing a hand made gentle slope towards the waterline (level 0) to smooth things. Malick
  2. malick

    Campaign "Range of Dead"

    Is that a campaign with zombies ? I like it Will try it tonight ! Thanks, OTK always have a high standard of quality. Malick
  3. malick


    Excellent quality and very nice looking units ! The attention to detail is remarkable ! Malick
  4. malick

    Map WIP: Savine Vode

    So you'll keep an abrupt and ugly looking junction with water ? No work around possible ? Malick
  5. malick

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    I say this because, within the hitpoints system, it is very hard to simulate a fight between armored vehicles. Every fan of the M1A1/A2 will say that it should own everything on the battlefield, so it should have more hitpoints, and make more damage. Then, fans of the T90 will say that its non sense, the T90 should have even more hitpoints and make even more damage. Then, fans of the Leopard 2A6 will say the same thing, then fans of the Leclerc, then fans of the M1A2... At the end, we will have overpowered steam rollers, unusable with each other because none of them will be standardised. That's why a config based on BIS values is the best solution, for compatibility reasons. Or a CAVS-like system, that was never developed or released because of misplaced pride (mine is better than yours). Malick
  6. malick

    Map WIP: Savine Vode

    OK, so do you plan on making it 'island-like', with a smooth junction with the water ? Malick
  7. malick

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Incredible job ! I've quickly read the german version and must say it's a real gold mine ! Now, waiting for the english version... Thanks for your hard work ! Malick
  8. malick

    Map WIP: Savine Vode

    Looks fairly good ! Real world locations definitely look good ingame. Is it an island ? Or do the borders of the map go on indefinitely (like Schmalfelden) ? Keep up the good work ! Malick
  9. That would be a nice thing, actually. I bet BIS and BIA have a hundred applications each month, but why not ? Try it, you have some talent and dedication. Maybe they'll help you or hire you, or buy what you did for a future version Good luck ! I hope you'll find a job and solve all your bank problems soon ! Malick
  10. malick

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    The problem is, we don't need a steamroller that can't even be scratched. Even if realistic, it's utterly NOT fun. Superior firepower, superior armour, superior mobility, superior electronics, superior tactics, superior training : how could iraqi 2nd generation T72 stand any chance against a horde of 3rd generation M1A1 ? Of course they got completely wiped out... If realism matters, then you would cry just knowing that several M1 Abrams got their ass kicked in Iraq by well placed RPG, which represents the best ratio between ammo and target cost (several millions $ for one M1, some hundreds of $ for a RPG, maybe even less). It's a game, even if it's trying to be realistic, fun remains the main factor. Malick
  11. malick

    US M60A3 NATO camo Release

    Thank you for the RACS version of the M60 ! This tank is indeed sexy Good job ! I didn't take the time yet to have a look at the config: is it based on BIS values (middle between T72 and M1A1) or on personal feeling of the tank ? The order of battle for North and South Sahrani (50,000 max inhabitants on the island) has been discussed in several topics. M60s and T55s fit these micro nations perfectly (instead of M1s and T90s !. Malick
  12. This sounds like a very good improvement and tech proof of concept. However positive I may be about this idea, is BIS going to include this in any future patch ? Maybe Suma can answer ? From experience, such modifications and what the community described as 'improvements' never made their way in a patch (with maybe the exception of the "fire over sandbags" bugfix). I can only hope Suma will prove me wrong, but rather doubt it. The community can, on the other hand, release a complete replacement pack (very much like SLX did for vehicles with animated parts) for all aircraft. Which is, as previously noted, quite a large amount of work, isn't it ? Malick
  13. malick

    Map Screen Problem

    I have a similar problem with the notepad that appeared in 1.12b: all clickable links and tabs are misplaced, I have to actually click to the bottom right to reach them. Example : to reach the Notes section in briefing, I have to click slightly to the right and below it in order to activate it (I can see the link getting highlighted/underscored). Link Position Cursor Position Same goes for all links on notepad. Any idea ? Malick
  14. malick

    Eden oh Eden

    Wow, very very very nice Everon ! Looks 10 times better than other Everon ports I've seen so far... Good job on this one. Patiently waiting for release Malick
  15. malick

    Bank Building

    Nice addon, with its own use. Would be even nicer to see it implemented in the RPG missions it's intended for (hint D.Murphyman, Quarantine ! Malick
  16. malick

    Handi Hop! : helping disabled people

    OK, here are 2 pictures as a start, more to come... The whole group, disabled and volunteers http://img413.imageshack.us/img413....MG] And the disabled in action, on their ski-chair http://img413.imageshack.us/img413....MG] Thanks again to all who contributed or looked at the website, and for your kind words ! Malick
  17. malick

    US M60A3 NATO camo Release

    Hey ! I like how this tank looks ingame. With a RACS paintscheme and a correct config, it's already in the order of battle for South Sahrani Royal Army Corps ! Regarding the chevron, I'm for diagonal stripes on the side of the turret. Some Italian tanks during WW2 used these as company/platoon recognition, as your enemy is usually in front of you and your buddies beside you. Thanks ! It can replace Törni's M60, which was good, but far from this one, as it was just a port from OFP. Malick
  18. malick

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Thank you Nicholas Bell for the update. I'll try it sometime tonight ! I didn't think of the map size parameter in Visitor, which explains why you can't really extend it. OK, got it Keep on improving this map ! I hope some of us can make some serious mission on it, with or without addons. Malick
  19. malick

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Hey good news ! Will test it as soon as possible. Why SIX tracers can't work with it ? Have you defined new ammo for it which are not recognized ? Would it be possible to have a BIS config for that ? i.e. BIS guns and ammo for compatibility sake... Looks really good anyway ! Malick
  20. malick

    Fix ArmA choppers now!

    Don't change the flight model for choppers ! It DOES need some tweaks here and there, but it's working as designed. In my opinion, it does its job of simulating an helicopter in a game where infantry is the main focus. Jets and all fixed wings aircraft on the other hand need some serious improvement. Thrust and lift are not rendered in a correct manner, making gameplay less satisfying and too far from realism. For helicopters, I believe an increased damage resistance (armor in config ? or another coefficient) could improve the experience, allowing better landings without dying... Malick
  21. malick

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Thanks for the upcoming update ! I guess you don't plan extending it to other areas, like suggested in my previous post ? Would be nice to have a river, even fictional. Perfect WW3 setting ! Malick
  22. malick


    Hmmm, all this on Schmalfelden map will rock WW3 Looks very nice for an OFP model. If only this map could be 10x larger (for decent air war ! Malick
  23. malick

    Handi Hop! : helping disabled people

    Thanks for your interest ! And thank you for the questionnaire I'll try to post pictures of the event here once I manage to upload them somewhere on the net. Malick
  24. malick


    Now that seems like a very nice idea, exactly like the randomized vehicles lying around... Would make the looting even more fun and dangerous. Your mission seemed pretty scary, indeed I sometime get scared and run off to all vehicles, hoping to find one able to get me far from them. Last time, I managed to save some survivors, loaded them in the first damaged truck I found and rolled our way back to Paraiso. En route, some Z's were roaming on the road, getting me even more stressed. I missed a turn before passing the guarded gates because I was so scared. The truck crashed in a wall and we all died. Thank you for all these excellent and unpredictable moments ! Malick
  25. malick

    Dynamic Sound AI - RC 1.0

    Thank you for this very nice and updated DSAI. I tried the first version but in some situations it seemed off to me, soldiers were constantly burping and shouting. This one adds so much to the atmosphere without being overdone, it's nearly perfect ! Thank you ! Malick