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Everything posted by malick

  1. malick

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Hehe, do you mean watching an american propaganda channel ? ;) BTW NBC plans to make a movie out of the story of this young woman soldier captured by iraqis. The fact that this whole story is highly uninteresting seems not to afflict them See yahoo news for more: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tm....ynch_dc Don't tell me this is not propaganda TV
  2. malick

    Need help finding texture

    I have the same problem... I have unpboed landtext.pbo into its own directory, visitor and buldozer can't find them ! Anyone, help ?
  3. malick

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Urgh *Hangs himself from the closest tree*
  4. It's okay, I have both... And discovered this little terrain trick with the very low detail. In fact, it's not a bad thing, being forced to turn to very low detail, it saves my framerate I use a bit of WRP and Visitor. Trying to learn how it works with some tutorials, but I haven't come to the bridges' part yet ! I guess I'll encounter the same difficulties as you did... But it's true making two different versions is a good way of solving some problems quickly. Don't remove the bridge ! One remark, though, on your island. It seems the industrial part and the airport are a bit too isolated. In real life, I guess they would have been a lot closer to the cities for obvious practical reasons. A last question: how many inhabitants do you believe live on Trinity ? Around 2000 ? Thanks, and keep up the good work !
  5. malick

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    This is good news ! Thank you goldmember ! BTW, did you have time to implement the soldiers moving sounds with dynrange ?
  6. I asked you about the problem I encountered with Helm's bridge not connected to the land. You were right, it's related with the terrain detail level, the bridge parts move withe the level of detail when I raise it or lower it. Quite funny, if I don't want a tank to cross, I just have to raise the level while playing... Is it possible to correct this, or the bridge parts are definitely connected to the land (like a road) ?
  7. malick

    You want cas? you got cas

    Mmmmh, Footmunch, I have downloaded the mig, and the archive I got seems not to work properly. WinZip gratifies me with an "unexpected end of archive". Am I drunk, or is your archive incomplete ?
  8. malick

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Well, actually I don't know if your config is responsible for this. In fact I have some problems: my machine gunners found their M60 back, but now it's the black op that has lost his laser designator... And as Lupus said, it was in the editor, offline I'll tell you later when I finish rearranging my mod folders It was a bit messy
  9. malick

    Ofrp release

    Hi guys Really love your addons ! Great work, great units, specially the choppers I'm glad to have some french units to play with, and kick some ass too From what you said, we will have to wait a bit longer for the Leclerc. Do you have any ETA for it, and/or hints on its ingame specs ? I guess that for gameplay reasons you had to make its capabilities fit with the others MBTs... Same question for the vehicles' pack ? Keep up the good work. So that we can say french made units are twice as good as BAS' Thank you for your dedication
  10. malick

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Maybe it's also related with the fact that my west machine gunners have an invisible M60 ? Edit: BTW, I use GMR_ExploModV1.31+DynRange, middle bin..
  11. Hi Buggs ! Well I D/L the normal version with the alternate link given at the beginning of this thread. I don't really know the level of terrain detail I use in game, must be low or normal to save frame rate ! I maybe gonna try the low detail version, or try to raise the terrain detail level. Cool news, can't wait to play with v2.0
  12. Mmmmh... Any news on this island ? BTW, I noticed that Helm's bridge is not well connected to it's nothern part, the last bridge object is not high enough. I cannot cross the valley. Is it my own bug or others than me saw it ? Anyway, I really like the feeling you gave to the island, with a lot of details, like ruins in the forests,etc..
  13. Maybe I've erased too many addons carelessly, but when I create a regular machine gunner unit, it appears without the M60 in hand. It can still "use" a machine gun, i.e. it can shoot and I can see the smoke of the gun spurting from his chest, but no weapon on screen. He stands as if unarmed, or weapon on back, by the way. Have I missed something ?
  14. malick

    No m60 for machine gunners...

    Well, in fact, the rest of the game runs quite normal, except some addon related bugs. So I guess I gonna try this one when I get home. Thanks anyway
  15. malick

    No m60 for machine gunners...

    OK, it seems I just went an Addon Too Far Boohoohoo, I don't want spending 10 hours re installing... *Looking fearfully OFP:CWC and OFP:R and the gig of addons* I should have definitely never tried this at home
  16. malick

    No m60 for machine gunners...

    Yes, but... Where is the pbo for the regular bis machine gunner ? It's not an addon
  17. malick

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    OK, too bad... Even by modifying the config is it impossible? In fact, it is not so different from what you've done, or I may miss something And with event handlers, for example, when a vehicle, whatever its class is, gets hit by bullet, then sparkle spray, the same way dust sprays right now. Do you follow me ? This was just something I wanted to know. Thank you for Dynrange support Keep up the GREAT work and keep us informed of updates
  18. malick

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Goldmember, it may sound as a request, but take it as a question : Is it possible to change the effect of bullets on vehicles? Cause I got tired of the little dust that appears when they take MG fire. Specially for aircrafts and choppers... But, maybe the MG effects are all the same, whatever they hit ? I fact, I'd like to see little yellow sparkles. Thank you anyway, or anyone able to answer.
  19. malick

    You want cas? you got cas

    Aaaaaaaarg It says page not available. Too bad. Hate Geocities
  20. malick

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    Hi! I don't want to upgrade dynrange support until it is not 100% done. BUt if you satisfied with earlier version I will make an v1.31 compatible version today. Well, if you find the time to make it It's really an impressive job you've done here ! Right now, I wonder why BIS don't ask support from third party addon makers for OFP2, cause they are able to focus on very specific aspect of the game : your explosions, wright and satchel sounds, inquisitors weapons, many talented units ands vehicles makers, countless scripters to cope with OFP engine... Anyway, I really like what you did, and didn't find major bugs yet. Thanks !
  21. malick

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    So there should be no more Dynamic Range support ? Snif, feel a bit sad right now Maybe I will remain with an older version...
  22. malick

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Really love that one ! There's a bit of editing (you didn't finish to erase the radio chatter ) but it's quite cool !
  23. malick

    You want cas? you got cas

    This is fair of you to wait for FM approval. Even if you have only changed the textures, it shows a good experience in this domain, which allows you to suck at scripting
  24. malick

    You want cas? you got cas

    Now this is... Excellent ! Are you willing to release it some day ? Very nice work on the textures, but did you change something else, like animations, different features, scripts ?
  25. malick

    Editing sound files

    Anyway, it helped me Don't get mad Wounded, it's always good for someone !