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Everything posted by malick

  1. malick

    DMA Lean-Roll-CroucRun-Croucmove

    Wooha ! Another nice DMA product... Great job as always Sanctuary ! Thanks. Malick
  2. malick

    New MP/SP Coop

    Hello all... I think that your solution is doable Shashman. I'll try to implement it in next version, either with an "assignasdriver" or with a "moveindriver" command, whichever works best. Right now I'm working on the new mission and on a little bonus for you lads... So the airstrike works nice, that's cool, cause I tried to tweak it so that bombs could actually hit something and still look "realistic". Malick
  3. malick

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    That's a nice idea, but what happens if your team mates do not revive you in time ? I don't know how this works exactly but might give it a try. Malick
  4. malick

    The Wierdest Problem Ever Please Help

    Yeah, I've got AC97 Realtek too, and exactly the same problems popping up now and then... No way to solve this ? Malick
  5. malick

    New MP/SP Coop

    Hello L'etranger What do you mean : it doesn't initialise properly, or some spawning problems ? What version have you tried ? Is it the file I put for download on OFP-Fr forums or the one available here ? They are supposed to be identical, except that the OFrP version is already built. It is the config I use for my current test... OK, I've just spotted an error in mission.sqm... One addon slipped in inadvertedly. Open mission.sqm (with notepad) and remove: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"oc_fr_armes" from the addons sections at the very beginnin of the file. This will be corrected in next version anyway. Was it what bugged your mission ? Otherwise download it from OFrP forum. Malick
  6. malick

    New MP/SP Coop

    Hi all ! It's cool you seem to like this mission. I know there are still some problems : some I can solve, others I don't know how ! One of my main concern right now is the "no/low ammo after rearm" bug. It's present in all builds, whatever I do. In fact, OFP AI knows it has ammo only when it is given an ammo clip before the corresponding weapon. For example: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_troop addweapon "M4" _troop addmagazine "M4" will result in the AI believing it has no ammo. If you put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_troop addmagazine "M4" _troop addweapon "M4" the AI has a weapon and ammo, it's fine. The the rearm script works now, it looks what kind of weapon the unit has, remove all magazines and add new ones back to full complement. Thus, it does not yet comply with what I just stated above. In order to make it work properly, I would have to remove the unit's weapon and ammo, and add it back in the correct order. The problem is, the units will find themselves with no weapon selected and believe that they have none... Strange AI sometimes, because all they have to do is circle their weapons with <spacebar> Anyway, it's pretty mind boggling, and I still try to correct it. EDIT: on your side, a workaround for this problem is to tell your units to reload their weapon, through action menu. Cause if you look on your notebook (in map screen), under "gear" menu, you'll see all your troops have weapon and ammo. Expect another update, with one brand new mission: recon, you have to gather intelligence on the enemy in a given area, avoid being detected and do not engage enemy units. If you are spotted by too many enemy leaders or if you kill too many enemies it may compromise the entire mission Yes, it's a very sneaky mission. If only I could find a way to make dynamic weather work again  By the way, does anyone here tried the airstrike support option ? Did it work as intended or not ? Thanks... Malick
  7. malick

    New MP/SP Coop

    Well, your PC well being may still be threatened by some other mishap For the helo engine starting, I really don't know what I can do... As I haven't got FFUR installed, I can't really make a version that works with those. And sorry, but I can't make a version that works with every replacement pack, in fact... I'll try to find a workaround for this, in order to keep the chopper grounded until you ask him to move, which the "this setfuel 0" did perfectly Isn't there a way to disable such scripts on init ? If you have any other problem, feel free to ask. Malick
  8. malick

    MP Resistance Campaign

    Hi Pathetic_Berserker ! I tried last version of your mission but couldn't  play ! I got an error message "bad format in p3d file". Anyone else has this ? Can't seem to find where it comes from. Malick EDIT: It seems to be a problem on my side as I get the same message with the new version of CCE. I haven't touched anything in my addon selection in between.
  9. malick

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    The bug in convoy trucks spawning script is my fault, not tacrod's. I modified a script and let an error slip in. All scripts are functional in original CCE while my additions/modifications have a little experimental touch Malick
  10. malick

    New MP/SP Coop

    Ok, thanks Shashman for your feedback. Regarding your problems: first, you have to rest between missions. This action is available in one of the tent to the left, when you look from co's point of view. This will launch the purge script. For teleport, it's for testing purpose, as the red dots on your map showing enemy units. But I may activate it only if your insertion heli gets shot down, which leaves you helpless when it comes to getting home... Hehe, the ambush enemy convoy is very buggy it seems... If a WHOLE lot of PV3S spawned, it means that the spawn script went terrribly wrong as it should spawn at most 2 trucks and 2 escorting vehicles. Might have to rework this, again, and again. I still haven't found something satisfying for convoy missions, escort or ambush. The enemy trucks are pretty elusive, I've even been tricked by one of the escort which took a different way to the convoy objective and lured me away. In fact, as he was the leader, the red dot on the map was following him, while the other units were completely elsewhere... Anyway, I'll have a look at this. EDIT: You're right Shashman, there was an enormous mistake in the script, now corrected ! Thanks ! EDIT 2 : Corrected version already available in the first post. For random spawning enemy camps, I know it's pretty odd to see them on steep hills, as the 2D effect kicks in. But as I made their spawn random, I cannot check where they are. At least, I don't know how... I'm glad you like it. Have fun ! Malick
  11. malick

    New MP/SP Coop

    As you can see, I edited the first post with the updated version of the mission. Some changes makes the gameplay a bit more enjoyable. Enjoy ! Malick
  12. malick

    Fours Days, Ten Players, Tom's Place

    Hope you'll be clean enough to play... Never played OFP drunk ? That's hard Malick
  13. malick

    The atmosphere

    I believe ArmA to be more than a simple facelift, as you said. It's a facelift (graphics, DirectX 9, drawdistance), a brain surgery (AI) and a knee and backbone surgery (new scripting commands allowing more flexibility). Malick
  14. malick

    The atmosphere

    Armed Assault is "just" OFP with an updated engine. It's still original flashpoint, just a tad more crispy looking and more modern. It's not a new game built from scratch... So, as they said in their statement, ALL original content will be in, just updated, plus new data. Malick
  15. malick

    Fours Days, Ten Players, Tom's Place

    Wow 4 days and 10 players seems like impossible for me ! We never managed to be more than 3 for more than a night. And, of course, sometimes it just didn't work at all during this very night. Call us unlucky Have a nice half week of frantic OFP gaming ! Wish I was a bit closer to the Netherlands... Malick
  16. malick

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    Wow, I'm honored. By the way, the new CCE v0.3 works well, DAC is a nice addition. Good job on this one, as always ! Keep up the good work, lads ! Malick
  17. malick

    New MP/SP Coop

    Thanks Q ! BTW, there's an update coming soon. It's not related with the recent update on original template, which I haven't tested yet. If I find it really superior to the original, I might adapt it. No feedback so far ?
  18. malick

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    Hey ! How could I miss that topic ? Excellent news, I'm gonna test it out right now Thanks guys...
  19. malick

    New MP/SP Coop

    Thanks Espectro ! Well at first I tried to add a mobile respawn that the players could move around freely on the map, because I did not like the fact of respawning at base and waiting for the others to come back while they were having fun. But, for some reason, we had problems like the client and server respawn set up at different places. Even if I did everything right for the marker "respawn_west" to be the same on each computer. Anyway, if you want to revert back to base respawn, open description.ext and change respawn = "instant" to "base", and respawn_delay to the time you want. That's the quickest way. Malick
  20. malick

    OFP Crashes Randomly....

    Well I already have 1Go Ram, not the most powerful as it's only PC2100, but should be enough. And by the way, in fact I just crashed OFP, even if my computer is no more overclocked... But that was with ECP, DMA, Lauma sky, many addons installed. I just had an error message, WinXP style: Operation Flashpoint has created a fatal error and needs to be closed, sorry etc... Always loved these VERY informative messages. Back to beginning for me.
  21. malick

    Project SMLE

    Very nice indeed ! I've always loved the look of the Enfield. Very different from the French Lebel or German Kar. Keep up the good work ! Malick
  22. This is really a nice island, very well done. There are lots of villages and town, and has all regular ofp islands lack. Maybe adding some rivers to cross would be nice... Good job to all that worked on this one ! Malick Edit: I have just found the bus stop ad...
  23. malick

    DMA CoIn Coop Engine

    Hello ! I'm still working hard (hehe, just kidding) on my version of CCE. It seems to run well, with little occasional bugs (like desync between client and server for time and weather), crashing helicopters and never ending missions... Run of the mill Anyway I'm having some scripting problems right now. Yeah, I've got another silly question... I created random groups across the map: one squad at the base that patrols around it, one convoy group and some air trafic to simulate an active area of operation and some civilan movements. I want these groups to move from GL (game logic) to GL, each time choosing another random GL when they reach their waypoint. The problem is, when I ask for the distance between the team leader and the GL it returns a wrong value, like 1e+10 m. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#setwp ?((_l distance base_spawn) > 500) : wp_base setpos getpos base_spawn ~1 _wpx = getpos wp_base select 0 _wpy = getpos wp_base select 1 ~0.1 _r1 = random (500) _r2 = random (500) ~0.1 _wpx = _wpx + _r1 - _r2 _wpy = _wpy - _r1 + _r2 ~0.1 wp_base setpos [_wpx,_wpy] _l = leader _tg _tg move [_wpx,_wpy] _l domove [_wpx,_wpy] {_x dofollow _l} foreach units _tg ~1 _tg setbehaviour "SAFE" _tg setcombatmode "RED" #loop ?(purge) : exit ~0.1 _d = _l distance wp_base ~0.1 hint format ["%1",_d] ~0.1 ?(_d < 50) : goto "setwp" ~10 goto "loop" exit Everything is defined as it should beforehand. As I created the group with a script, defined the group in the editor by placing a dummy_base unit for example and deleted it right at mission start, may it be that the leader is a NULL unit ? That would explain why the distance is wrong... But as I already used this code sample in another mission and it worked nicely, I thought it would work here too. Any idea ? I'm getting mad with this... Thanks ! EDIT: OK, things solved. Found where the problem was : the cleanup.sqs was called a bit late on game launch, so the dummy_units were still present in game, changing the leader identity for all spawned groups ! I interverted the order in which the scripts were called, and all works fine now... As always, a strange problem has a pretty simple solution Sorry for being annoying and asking stupid questions ! Now I get back to mission editing.
  24. malick

    OFP Crashes Randomly....

    Hi all, I've had the same problem for some time now. The game locks up and crashes without advice. I tried many possible solution, and none solved the problem. Even with vanilla OFP, no addons, no DXDLL, just out of the box install + 1.96 patch. I believe the game does not like overclocked computers, which seems to be SGTHurley's case as you have an AMD2400 at 2GHz (meant to run at 1.5GHz). By returning to original config (AMD2600 at 1.6GHz instead of 2.0GHz overclocked), all works well... Hope this helps Malick
  25. malick

    MP Resistance Campaign

    Hello Pathetic_Berserker, I've been testing your mission with a friend in full MP, I being the client for this game. As I'm making my own adaptation of Tacrod's CCE, I wanted to have a look at your attempt Yes, I'm ruthlessly stealing your ideas... First, we wanted to try your mission because of the setting: playing as resistance against a superior opponent. It mays sound simple, but, good idea. The immersion factor is very important and should not be overlooked when making a mission, specially a dynamic one. I know your mission is in WiP state, but keep this in mind. We have encountered problems during this game, some being due to CCE design flaws, some to your scripting. At the end of the first rest, the client and server had a desynchronisation. In game time it was midnight for the server, while I was lagging behind at 8 in the morning. I believe this is CCE's flaw, which I'm trying to correct on my side. Same thing for weather... The first mission was an escort convoy one. We climbed into the trucks and got immediatly obliterated by 2 Hinds. The mission lasted less than a minute. Try to give us a chance there... Then, when players die, they respawn in the base, which is a great pain when the battle rages far away. As I couldn't get a moveable respawn point to work as intended, I avoided this problem by making the respawn "Instant" in description.ext and respawn delay around 30 seconds. This avoids killing the ambience and game experience for players. Second mission was a raid. Obvious enough, it was a pure massacre. The insertion heli got blown out of the sky by a BMP, we all died before reaching the LZ. With a bit of teleport, we managed to get there And we met with 3 infantry squads helped by 2 BMP. Less than 30 seconds. OK, we're not really top notch OFP l337 gamers, but the odds were clearly against us. Try balancing this a bit. Third mission was a downed pilot. Except for insertion heli that flew on drugs, no prob Right after that we both crashed and had to reboot. We'll give you another report when we'll have the chance to try the new mission types. They sound pretty cool, so I'll maybe give them a try in local MP game. I'm glad to see other people working on the same conversion. So keep up the good work, even if criticism sounds harsh. Cheers ! Malick