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Everything posted by malick

  1. malick

    Dynamic Campain for arma?

    I agree dynamic missions are a must. I still can't figure out why modern games just forget this, which was included in classical titles of the late 80's and 90's (I think Microprose and Sierra games). For my part, as I can't wait for DMA, I started working on a dynamic mission, except it's SP only. It's not very professional coding wise, I do believe Kutya or Tacrod might be able to pull something much more optimized. Features so far : player gets promotions, random missions, rating for his performance on the field, an increasing number of units to command and to fight against, increased support according to his rank etc.. I re-used some scripts from my version of DMA's CCE for OFP, mainly insertion/extraction scripts, and supports scripts. Most spawned units use kronzky's Urban Patrol Script which greatly improves the experience and NIM Dynamic Weather (modified). Worked nice with 1.04, quite unplayable in 1.05 due to increased frame rate drop. Of course, all of this is very very early alpha and work in progress I think 0.22 right now. So, if you want to test and/or contribute, send a PM. Malick
  2. malick

    GDCE2 for AA

    Great news Kutya ! I'm glad you started working on a port of your mission. I liked it for OFP, I'll like it for ArmA. What I'd like to see implemented is a career progress : when the player finishes mission, he earns points and if his total reaches a certain amount, he gets promoted, new responsabilities, new missions, new features. O/T : I already started coding a quite simple dynamic mission from scratch. In fact it is really closer to what DMA did for OFP than GDCE. I guess that I coded what I knew better ! Malick
  3. Hehe, I'm another one... Mine just looooooves busting zombies. She's unstoppable when she begins shooting. She's even as excited as I am when she sees a zombie than when I see a T72. One hell of a girl friend, for sure Malick PS: thanks ZMoD !
  4. malick

    OFrP addons in ARMA

    Thanks guys ! ArmA will be a better place to fight with frenchies around Malick
  5. malick

    TroopMon V0.8 released

    This is a must have, indeed. I can't do without, now... I'm currently working on a dynamic mission, and this tool proves very useful. It gives every information I need, that's great. Thanks ! Malick [EDIT] I've found that TroopMon eats a lot of resources when running but does not returns them correctly when shut. Once I launch it and after I exit it, my memory usage is very high and makes everything laggy. I have a AMD 4600, GeForce 7900GT 256Mo, 2Go DDR2 PC3200. Other thing, once you quit TroopMon, the player cannot access the clock (O by default), the compass (K) or the map (M). Not very annoying, since it's for debugging, but I like to play in the editor.
  6. malick

    SP: Zombie_Attack

    When I tested the mission, the Zombies surprised me. I was avancing blind in the fog, leapfrogging between whatever cover I could find. And then I suddenly heard something behind me... Some kind of aknowledgement ("5, waiting" ) They were dozens of them, maybe 10 meters from me ! I really freaked out, shot wildly to slow them down and started running. I really didn't know where I was going at first. Inearly got lost, really fearing to be eaten all alone in the mist. And then I saw my buddies, and the M2 opened fire. During the confusing battle that followed, I tried to free my CO from 3 zombies, but I accidentally shot him... Any way, he might have become one of them otherwise. Good mission, very good ambiance. I just love ArmA and the possibilities opened by the enhanced graphics. Thanks for the entertainment da rat (and BIS) ! Malick
  7. Thanks Baddo, it works. I thought I had tried this syntax already, but it seems not Malick
  8. Hi all, I just restarted scripting for a mission and I encounter some troubles using addeventhandler command. I want all units in a group to fire a script when they are killed. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this exec {friendly\killed.sqs}}]} forEach units player_group But an error message tells me that a ; is missing before the forEach command. I also tried another syntax that I already used in OFP, with no better results: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"_x addEventHandler [""Killed"", {_this exec {friendly\killed.sqs}}]" forEach units player_group Has anyone got an idea ? Thanks Malick
  9. I also have this rough landing problem. Each time I try to get an insertion, the chopper hovers some meters above ground and then decides to drop abruptly... The helo gets enough damage for the crew to decide disembarking. I'll try the setPos trick with the helipad, thanks ! Malick
  10. Hi all ! I downloaded some missions in pbo format. I wanted to unpbo them (with good old UnPbo.exe) but it doesn't work, nothing happens. Has anyone encountered this problem ? Or should I just stick to creating my own missions ? Malick
  11. malick

    Opening user made missions pbo

    Well, thanks for the link. Alas, I tried several different tool (UnPbo, WinPbo, PboTool, etc..), and none of them could open a mission pbo. I have No problem opening addons pbos, by the way. Are the mission pbos made in a different manner ? Or am I missing something ? Malick [EDIT] After some more tries, it appears that I can't open only certain mission. I'll contact mission makers directly...
  12. malick

    Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

    I loooooved zombies for OFP... Great addition, in my opinion, and it makes for a very nice change in mission theme. Too bad you can't make addons call silent. I mean : imagine launching a normal mission you downloaded and then, without knowing it, it turns into a zombie mission. Gniark gniark gniark Malick
  13. Very nice Alouette indeed ! It seems to fit Sahrani perfectly (the look and feeling). I'll try this for sure. Good work ! Malick
  14. malick

    NIM Dynamic Weather

    1- find a pbo tool (UnPbo / MakePbo will work fine) 2- depbo the file NIM_Weather.pbo with UnPbo 3- open the script NIM_SeasonalSettings.sqs 4- find the 4 lines that contain NIM_CloudSystem.sqs 5- replace the {} with "" 6- save 7- repbo the whole file with MakePbo 8- play ! May give a bit more precision on request, but that's really simple. Hope this could help some of you ! Malick
  15. malick

    NIM Dynamic Weather

    Hi ! First of all, I must say that this addon is really wonderful. It makes mission a bit more immersive. There is still some room for improvements: - an error message appears when I launch an editor mission containing only a season game logic. It says, roughly : invalid number of arguments in script NIM_CloudSystem Sorry, I don't have a screenshot or the exact syntax. Might look further into it. [EDIT] As I said, I looked further into it. In NIM_SeasonalSetting.sqs, change <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[_this,0,1,true,[8,[0,2]]] exec {\NIM_Weather\NIM_CloudSystem.sqs} with <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[_this,0,1,true,[8,[0,2]]] exec "\NIM_Weather\NIM_CloudSystem.sqs" - with only rain clouds, I sometime get an incredible amount of thunder, like one very other second... With Thunder clouds, I get even less, but still too much. Is it possible, and where can I reduce the probability or frequency for thunder ? [EDIT] I added a random delay in the thunder loop. - fog pops out of nowhere, as if there was a 'fog-factory' somewhere. Might need some improvement. [EDIT] After a second look, I could not reproduce that, now I have a nice looking fog, don't know why. Otherwise, everything runs perfect ! Thank you for this great addition, keep up the good work. Malick
  16. malick

    Bug list

    Luciano, I disagree with you regarding bugs. I know that most bugs I and others have complained about were there in the German/Polish/Czech release. But BIS proved with OFP that they are up to it, I wouldn't have bought ArmA otherwise. It may be wishful thinking for some, but I do believe BIS will correct at least part of the bugs we complain about. They might even improve some parts of the game or add other things. I understand your frustrastion, believe me. Feeling as a paying beta tester is horrible. If you played OFP before, you'll have to bear with it a while longer... The game will reveal its full potential in the following months. Remember, OFP 1.00 was a real pain to play, at least for me . OFP 1.96 was much better, after I-don't-know-how-many-updates-and-patches... Have faith ! Malick
  17. malick

    Bug list

    Well, I just bought the game 2 days ago. I started the campaign and did all the training missions (except attack chopper course, in which I keep on crashing into trees or houses ) Here are my specs: Game: ArmA 1.04 505 Fr Computer : AMD 4600X2 2x1Go DDRam PC3200 GeForce 7900GT 256Mo, drivers 93.71 WinXP SP2 Bugs so far: *AI units can travel through walls (1st mission of the campaign), through vehicles or other AI units (cutscenes). *Transparency bugs while shooting against a wall, the muzzle flash allows me to see through all walls. *Lighting errors when in vehicles, instead of being shadowed by the vehicle flanks, everything is still lit by exterior light, but with an added shade of light grey. [EDIT]* Forgot to add, Rifle Bullet Tracers enable/disable doesn't work for me, tracers are always on. Not bugs, but worth reporting in my opinion: * Bad english in briefing screens. * Wheeled vehicles turn into destroyed state far too abruptly, there is no 'intermediate damage' state. * Recoils for some of the weapons feel wrong. I haven't shot any real weapon, but having little to no recoil for a G36 or MP5 seems inacurate. Correct me if I'm wrong. * Gameplay balanced in some area but not all, meant to give BLUFOR player some advantage over OPFOR AI. This is WAD, but not a good WAD. I believe there are much more to report, but I'll stick to this for now as being the most fun killing for me. Malick
  18. malick

    Trouble with first main mission

    Seems I get nother problem in this mission too. Every body gets ordered to board the 4WD except me ! When I found the 4WD, I got ordered to get in a static M2. I tried to board the jeeps nevertheless, but I couldn't, as if they were locked to me. After 10 minutes of frustrated waiting, trying and searching, I finally withdrew alone, on foot, to the the town to the south. And there, the mission magically ended. Quite a few missions seem to be messed up like this. Malick
  19. Really sounds like a great mod ! Gonna give it a try. It seems to be quite a piece of work... Malick
  20. malick

    ArmA Photography

    That video, as well as all the screenshots... Incredible... Just compare to what OFP was in 2001 ! Makes me want to be Czech, as in France we'll have to wait another couple of months, at least Great job BIS ! Malick
  21. malick

    GDCE released

    Not really a bug, actually, rather a tweak: Playing with the west template v1.10, I keep on getting shot down by enemy anti air defenses, either a shilka or a missile. I just can't play a mission, as I have to survive a crash every other insertion. Is this DAC related ? I tried to install some modified NVG (by unpboing Data3D.pbo and Data.pbo), but I can't play GDCE, each time I get a "Bad file format in p3d file". Any ideas ? I reverted back to old ones, and everything is OK. Last thing, but I guess it's DAC related. I changed the units in GDC_globals and mission.sqm with OFrP's. But during a mission, I ran across a couple of american trucks speeding down the road. Where do I change the config for DAC ? Otherwise, excellent job on this. I personnaly find it very well organized, and the fact that everything is centralized makes it a lot clearer to modify. The use of arrays makes everything simple. Good work ! Malick
  22. malick

    GDCE released

    OK, thanks ! Malick
  23. malick

    GDCE released

    Hi kutya, and everybody else ! I'm currently trying to edit the GDCE mission to my likings. I would be very interested by a incoming "patch". What would it correct or add ? Thank you for your time... Malick
  24. malick

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    Hi ! After quite a long period offline, I come back and I must say that VTE 0.3 is a VERY good surprise. Now that I have a decent computer, everything runs smooth and fine. I really love it. Thank you all that worked on VTE pack ! Now, back to Ia Drang Good night, and good luck !
  25. malick

    ArmA Progress Updates

    The latest video shows off quite a lot of goodies. Very nice indeed ! I've been quite impressed by the TrackIR system. I'm wondering right now if eDimension 3D glasses can be used together with a TrackIR system ? This could completely change and enhance the gaming experience ! Just imagine turning your head and seeing the whole world in 3D ? Malick