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Everything posted by malick

  1. malick

    Chammys Sound Mod

    I think you misread me : I was talking about Even's chopper sounds, which are not part of CSM. I believe CSM has a different set of sounds for them, don't worry Malick
  2. malick

    Guardian Angel

    Just happened once. Couldn't get to the end of the intro, so I just had to skip it Note that I haven't tried it since (skip each time on mission start). Malick
  3. malick

    first user Island for ArmA

    Great, an update ! I see you have added some land mass. Any towns ? Haven't tested it yet (at work !. Keep 'em coming ! Malick
  4. malick

    Chammys Sound Mod

    OK, that's good news But it means that Even excellent chopper sounds won't be included. I can live with that (or can do it on my own ) Waiting patiently for updated CSM ! Malick
  5. malick

    Guardian Angel

    I've had some troubles with the cinematic : - non loaded textures and LODs - intro cinematic not ending (the general stands with his men for ever after they disembark from the LandRover). Otherwise, nice mission. Haven't finished it yet Malick
  6. Great ! I hope most common mods/addons will apply this, in order to have complete compatibility. Malick
  7. After looking at various incoming addons, I think it would be nice to make an 'international' version for some. For example, a C130 Hercules with a generic grey or camouflage painting, but no national marking. Then, maybe a script could add these on init, just like the national roundel scripts worked for OFP. Could be used for many types of aircraft, like US build jet fighters, air transports, Russian/Soviet build jets, tanks etc.. Any news on someone already into this ? Malick
  8. malick

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Oh, too bad... Let's hope CSM won't fall apart because of that. Keep up the good work, all of you Malick
  9. Very nice addon. I love the VDV, in OFP and ArmA One request though : would you be able to remove the soldiers' shovel and bedroll from their back ? They look pretty silly in my opinion (BIS model, I know). Looking forward to other addons : tanks, APC, jets, transport planes etc.. Anything that would fit russian troops. Malick
  10. malick

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Sakura-chan, your mod(s) look very interesting. I really love the sky textures ! Are you going to release them, as I have read somewhere that you are working on some ? Great pictures ! Malick
  11. Hi Q, I went through the WGL5 AI values and have a question : In "men overview", why are there values such as 2 next to values 39203 in column accuracy ? Isn't this a bit extreme, or am i missing something here... Otherwise, any suggested config so far ? I'm still toying around... Malick
  12. malick

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Take your time to make it right, Chammy ! We all appreciate the work you have done and the quality of your sound mod. As AverageJoe pointed out, many of us are waiting for CSM. Don't apologize for something you are doing in your free time, for free Looking forward to the final version ! Malick
  13. Naaaah, don't let yourself down 'cause of the AI... Think, if BIS corrects the "bridge crossing bug", your island would then become fully playable Malick
  14. Nice island Aussie ! It looks roughly the size of South Sahrani, am I right ? By the way, you could add some bridges to it. And I don't see any towns, villages, settlements ? Good job ! Malick
  15. malick

    Advance & Secure gametype templates

    I hope at least some servers will implement this mission. Everyone is playing Evolution, which I don't really find enjoyable. Good job ! Malick
  16. malick

    Chammys Sound Mod

    As far as I'm concerned, I would like to hear those sounds in next version of Chammy's mod. On the other hand, we haven't heard what sounds Chammy has in reserve for the choppers What do you think, Chammy, EvEnLeaSe44 and others ? Malick
  17. malick

    Guardian Angel

    Sounds interesting, indeed. I'll test it as soon as possible... ArmA needs missions more than addons right now ! Keep them coming. Malick
  18. malick

    Armed Assault videos

    Wow ! This helicopter flyover sounds nearly perfect ! Malick
  19. malick

    ArmA Effects

    Jarvis, this fire effect looks nice. A video would do it justice, in my opinion This game is getting better each day Malick
  20. malick

    Chammys Sound Mod

    M249 : V1, definitely ! Excellent sound. M240 : V1 also (like Medicus said, the linked file is m240_v2) AK is quite alright. I hope vehicle sounds are loud, because they are in real life. You can't speak next to a hovering helicopter, or behind a raging MBT. On the other hand, the "insidesoundcoeff" can be adjusted so that the sounds inside the vehicle are a bit muted. I really love your sound mod so far ! Malick
  21. malick

    Mando Heliroute ArmA

    Mandoble, your script is very useful but still has some bugs, in my opinion. I use it to call a dynamic insertion/extraction chopper. The problem happens when I call the script the second or third time, the chopper heads to its destination but doesn't stop or land. I think it's due to the fact that the first script I have called hasn't finished yet. The problem is that I use sqs and not sqf in my scripts, so I don't have the ability to check if the script is already running. Any idea ? Malick
  22. malick

    first user Island for ArmA

    This water body independant from the sea is quite interesting. I haven't tested this yet, can you tell us how you did it or if other applications are possible ? I'm dreaming of rivers, swamps, etc... Malick
  23. malick

    AI On Demmand?

    Thanks Myke ! I'll give a test to the "enhanced" version as soon as I can Otherwise, thanks for the various scripting tips from other posters. Malick
  24. malick

    AI On Demmand?

    Hi Myke, I have tested your script for some time now. It works as intended and proves quite useful. Up till now, I have found the following issues : - as already stated in a previous post, the script spawns additional units to a group when the player starts within cache range - init eventhandlers are not passed to the cached units Any idea how to fix this ? Thanks for your work. Malick
  25. malick

    Commanding squadmates to grab ammo/gear

    It would be really useful to have a recognized command in "squad command mode". Very much like the "get in that vehicle" command, where you point your team mates to the vehicle you want them to load on. Would require to make the game recognize when you point an ammo box or even a corpse (which acts like an box, game-wise). Malick