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About Leeclose

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  1. Has any one noticed if this has made a diffrence for the 9500/9800 gt owners cause my A2 plays liek a sack of well best not said and im runnign a 9500 gt with a gig of ram.
  2. Hi guys ive just upgraded from a laptop to a amd 2700 dual core with a nvidia 1 gig gfx card and windows vista altimate. Now for some reason my clan server is showing as a grey ? in the ping section and when i join what hapens is i get the joining game tag. Then kicked back to selection screen and told coneecting failed nothing more. I connect via my router via ethernet cable all ports etc etc are open all firewalls are disabled. Weird part is i can join other servers fine tried at least 6 so far and no probs just cant get into mines any suggestions/help.
  3. Leeclose

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Hi mate you know you can go in and edit those figures yourself:)
  4. Leeclose

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Loop.sqf <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> onMapSingleClick " if ((local player) and player == leader player and _shift) then { deleteWaypoint [group player, 1]; _wp1 = group player addWaypoint [[0,0,0], 0]; [group player, 1] showWaypoint ""NEVER""; [group player, 1] setWaypointStatements [""never"",""never""]; [group player, 1] setWaypointDescription ""MOVE""; _base = ""HeliHEmpty"" createVehicleLocal _pos; [group player, 1] setWaypointPosition [position _base, 0]; deleteVehicle _base; group player setCurrentWaypoint [group player, 1]; hint ""Waypoint Set""; } "; I think its not that u have done something wrong WLD i think its more that its EVO code. Which TBH really doesnt play well with Domi for some reason.