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Everything posted by L!nk07

  1. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    ok, well, if i run a deticated server, I still can't join. I get that invalid cd keyb6....... error.
  2. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    I though .sqf scripts are much faster than .sqs scripts. What do you mean OFP scripts run faster? I tried running it on one computer. Here is my error: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">2 ArmA's running: CD-Key in use 1 ArmA 1 Deticated ArmA Server: Invalid CD Keyb6... How did you bypass this? It pops up as soon as I join the server I created one the same pc. Any advice? L!nk out
  3. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    Yeah. I will keep it server friendly for the time being. L!nk out
  4. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    IS the Resistance AI spawned when a player is near or is it prespawned? volkov956 : Sorry, I was refering to OGN's crCTI. So far there is nothing laggy about mine. The resitance in my CTI is not prespawned. When a unit enters a area around the town, the resitance is spawn. Still thinking of maybe reducing the groups when there is no one present in a town when the units have already spawn. Przemek_kondor : For now, L!nkCTI is 8vs8. Thats my beta testing version. If everything goes well, I will make it 32vs32 but with limited group sizes. Sry, should have been more clear.
  5. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    Was quite suprised when I saw it. I did not know there is a working JIP CTI out there. The CTI itself still needs a little attention. I played it for 1minute and then, lagggg. Nice dialog improvements and unit switch features though. I just started with JIP today. Imposible for me to know if it will work because I only have one pc to test it on. But if someone can help me one this, then it would help alot when I actually have to test it some time. Poping my questions on OFPEC about JIP. L!nk out.
  6. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    I figured the problem with ArmA CTI is the JIP. People join one side, play for 5 minutes, disconnect and join other side and tell everyone where enemy base is. Ok, I found way to prevent this from happening: When a player has already join a side he cannot disconnect and join the other side. The admin can decide if there should be a time delay before the player is allowed to join the other side. This way, he cannot give vital information to the other players.
  7. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    Well, my aim for L!nkCTI is to make it work in ArmA and ArmA2 etc. Working hard... Stay tuned for more news. P.S. More scripters can increase work load. Need someone experienced in server->client communication(public/client variables). I also don't know much about JIP yet. (My codes are simple and commented! L!nk out.
  8. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    I will make sure my CTI covers all the features of the previous CTI's (crCTI, mfCTI etc.) And I will make it playable.
  9. L!nk07

    L!nkCTI Coming Soon...

    The main reason I'm making this is to make it ArmA compatible and make CTI WORK. I started making it in ArmA and I will use all the features that ArmA can provide me. Like the multiple gunner etc. I will always be a fan of CTI and thats why I want to make this work! What exactly when wrong in ArmA CTI? Maybe I can make it work again in LinkCTI.
  10. L!nk07

    Lost CD-Key...

    I know I'm not suppose to lose this, but there has to be a way to get my CD-Key(obviously not a cracked one) back. Thx, L!nk
  11. Always wanted to make a contribution but you don't know how? Find out what the community wants most and get started on your addon. P.S. Let me know if you want to add one...
  12. I get a "while loop" error when I run the script for I think 2 minutes. I pops up at the top of my screen while playing. Inside the "while" loop is: sleep 1; It reads more or less like this: "while {(alive player)} # do" ^ l here is the problem It does not specify what type of error it is. I just says "Error" and then the location of the problem. eg. line 27 Driving me crazy....!!! > Please help.
  13. L!nk07

    LCCE v2 release!!

    Found a bug. The troops stop spawning after a hour or so. There seems to be a problem with the groups (arma groups are limited to I think 30 groups). I need to reset the groups every now and then. This will be fixed soon. Hope you have been enjoying this mission, I know I have. Let me know what you think.
  14. L!nk07

    LCCE v2 release!!

    LCCE v2 (Link's Commander Conflict Engine) Never-ending battlefield between commanders and their troops. The first one to push their troops into the enemy base and destroy the tower wins. Read the manual to learn how to play... Gametype: Team Deathmatch Players: 1-16 Goals: Destroy enemy tower Addons required: -EditorUpdate_v102 (http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&id=53) -coc_markers (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1976) -LCCE_v1_Addon (included in zip) -LCCE_Island (included in zip) You can download the mission here: Mirror1 : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2192&a=dl Mirror2 : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2192&a=dl2 BTW, be welcome to host this on any site if you want to. Changes from v1 to v2: 1. New Map 2. Rewriten the whole script to .sqf format 3. Many bug fixes 4. Reduced LAG 5. More stable 6. Skills added (RPG) Enjoy, L!nk
  15. Modern warfare falls under afganistan. I just didn't specify much. And most modern weapons used from 1985-2007 are the same. So if you want to vote cold war or something, you can vote it under modern warfare. This poll is just so people can see what era to concentrate on to realese weapons, units, vehicles etc.
  16. Modern Warfare isn't really something new to me. WWII is the best and there is still things that we can learn from its mistakes or strategies. Important events happend during this time and it made the world what it is today. WWII forever...
  17. To add more eras I have to delete the poll and start a new one. We will lose all the votes but it seems like most people wanted to vote for Cold War. I can then also add the following eras: 1.Western 2.Ancient(Roman,Alexander) 3.Cold War Start new poll and delete this one?
  18. I've tried everyting... Can someone please help me. I'm making a "place and build" building script. When I place the object, it moves the object north(sometimes little east). I have no idea why this is happening. The local object is deleted but it won't make a difference because I set the position after I created it. This must be a bug. Here is my code: P.S. Its .sqf scripting and I am quite new to this so maybe the problems lies there. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_dist = 10; _obj = "MASH" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _obj setdir (getdir player); build = player addaction ["Build","build.sqs"]; //this just makes place = false cancelaction = player addaction ["Cancel","cancel.sqs"]; //this just makes cancel = true place = true; cancel = false; while {place && !(cancel)} do { _dir = (getdir player); sleep 0.01; _obj setpos [(getpos player select 0)+(_dist*(sin _dir)),(getpos player select 1)+(_dist*(cos _dir)),0]; _obj setdir _dir; }; if (!(cancel)) then { _obj2 = "MASH" createVehicle [0,0,0]; sleep 0.1; _obj2 setpos [(getpos player select 0)+(sin(getdir player)*10),(getpos player select 1)+(cos(getdir player)*10),(getpos player select 2)];; _obj2 setdir (getdir player); }; I have tried assigning the positions to variables but not helping and also tried to just add the values to place the object where it belonged but I couldn't find the pattern. Maybe I can make just one object and stop updating the position when place = true. But that won't be multiplayer compatible (I think). Maybe there is away around that. Please help... Thx in advance, L!nk
  19. L!nk07

    Setpos not working!!

    Jip, that works. Thank you very much. I wonder why that happens but it works. Sometimes the answer is right in front of me but I just can't get it. Thx again, L!nk
  20. Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers was one of my favourite WWII experiences ever. Re-creating this epic world changing events in ArmA will be excellent! Can't wait for the first D-Day missions(Rangers, Paratroopers, German Defence etc.). WWII was and will always be my first pick...
  21. L!nk07

    LCCE v2 release!!

    Let me know what you guys think of my mission. Its my first and I want to know if it would be worth the while to continue developing it. And report any bugs, gliches, improvements, suggestions etc. Thx in advance, L!nk
  22. L!nk07

    LCCE v2 release!!

    ok, the link is fixed. I removed the old one. Sry. Enjoy, L!nk
  23. L!nk07

    LCCE v2 release!!

    I'm aware of the problem. Already reported to the host. Sry, hopefully it will be up soon.
  24. L!nk07

    MFCTI Capture the island

    I believe that arma just needs time to make CTI famous. I think in a year or so CTI WILL OWN!! Patience = CTI Meanwhile, try my mission http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=68972 Newer version will be released soon. (converted to .sqf and added RPG elements)
  25. L!nk07

    [CAMP] Perpetua - RELASE!!!

    Wow, this looks GREAT! Downloading...