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Everything posted by LBpilot1

  1. LBpilot1

    1.15 Beta AI gunners not firing

    you are playing arma
  2. LBpilot1

    Disable Zoom Function Help Needed

    Does this work for the AH1Z gunner scope.
  3. Im trying to toy with a couple of vehicles in order to make them more advanced in which they can actually hit a human player or ai at more then 4 clicks away. Its like their view distance for air objects is set at about 2500-3000 meters and they wont fire past that range. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class AT5Launcher; class 3M9: AT5Launcher { displayName = "3M9 Missile"; magazines[] = {"3m9_mag"}; ReloadTime = 4.5; magazineReloadTime = 30; canLock = 2; maxLeadSpeed = 6000; shotFromTurret = 1; minRange = 30; minRangeProbab = 0.3; midRange = 4000; midRangeProbab = 1.0; maxRange = 7000; maxRangeProbab = 1.0; aiRateOfFire = 10.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance = 500; }; };
  4. I got it to work perfectly with helicopters. It can take down a heli from 7000 meters out no problem. It doesn't seem to work right with planes though. I thought maybe it was the planes speed but that was not it because I tested it out with the harrier.
  5. LBpilot1

    Geforce 7800GTX to 8800GT?

    I upgraded from a 7900GS to a 8800GT very small improvement in FPS. Barley noticeable. I don't know if its my card or what but I have tried everything.
  6. LBpilot1

    8800 problems

    I just upgraded my video card from a 7900gs to a 8800gt and I now have a decrease in FPS, performance, and stability. I cant play the game for more then 20 minutes without getting texture glitches or artifacts. My card is not overheating so that not an issue. Its brand new so thats not an issue. The only thing I could think thats causing this problem is the drivers. What drivers are people using for there 8800gt.
  7. How do I increase zoom optics for the gunner in the AH1Z
  8. LBpilot1

    8800 problems

    Im using those drivers with the maxmem512 parameter and I still get the same issues.
  9. LBpilot1

    ArmA Effects

    Why don't some effects show on 1.08. The other versions are still beta's and plenty of people still play 1.08
  10. LBpilot1

    Server security

    I wanted to know if there is any available tools or fixes that will automatically filter out 10 digit id's. And how do you IP bann.
  11. I cant get ArmA working online. I used to have it working before but I haven't played it in a while and now its not letting me on multilayer. I have the 1.11 patch. I turned off all the firewalls.
  12. LBpilot1

    UAV RQ-1 Predator

    wrong thread
  13. LBpilot1

    UAV management

    Are we going to see flight improvements like the UAV going a bit faster and higher. I think a UAV in real life can go like 35000 ft. At least make the highest reaching point above 600.
  14. I just like to say thank you for all the hard work you've put into this game. I still use your mod in ArmA since the very beginning. No other sounds compare, even after multiple releases from other sound mods.
  15. LBpilot1

    Getting flir to work

    I know its not real FLIR but I would like to get the color thing to work.
  16. *This is for my own personal use* FLIR on and off are suppose to show up in the action list of the cobra gunner but they are not. Config.cpp <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define true 1 #define false 0 #define VSoft 0 #define VArmor 1 #define VAir 2 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define ReadAndWrite 0 #define ReadAndCreate 1 #define ReadOnly 2 #define ReadOnlyVerified 3 class Air; class Helicopter; class Turrets; class Mainturret; class AnimationSources; class CfgPatches { class Cobra_FLIR { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class AH1W; class Cobra_FLIR : AH1W { selectionHRotorStill = "mainRotorStatic"; selectionHRotorMove = "mainRotorBlurred"; selectionVRotorStill = "tailRotorStatic"; selectionVRotorMove = "tailRotorBlurred"; memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1"; memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2"; memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1"; memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2"; selectionFireAnim = "muzzleflash"; crew = "SoldierWPilot"; scope = 2; side = 1; displayName = "Cobra FLIR"; nameSound = "cobra"; accuracy = 0.03; driverAction = "AH1Z_Pilot"; crewVulnerable = 0; maxSpeed = 270; typicalCargo[] = {"SoldierWPilot", "SoldierWPilot"}; soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door1", 0.1, 1}; soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door1", 0.1, 1}; soundEngine[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\AH1_engine_v3a", 39.8107, 1}; armor = 60; damageResistance = 0.00593; cost = 10000000; model = "\ca\air\ah1z"; picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\ah1z_CA.paa"; mapSize = 13; Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_ah1z_CA.paa"; memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir"; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { gunnerAction = "UH60_Pilot"; gunnerInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; outGunnerMayFire = 1; commanding = -1; primary = 1; weapons[] = {M197, "FFARLauncher", "HellfireLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"750Rnd_M197_AH1", "38Rnd_FFAR", "8Rnd_Hellfire"}; memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos_gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos_gunner_dir"; memoryPointGun = "machinegun"; minElev = -60; maxElev = 10; initElev = 0; minTurn = -70; maxTurn = 70; initTurn = 0; gunnerOpticsColor[] = {1,1,1,1}; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_AH1Z"; gunnerForceOptics = 0; }; }; threat[] = {0.3, 1, 0.8}; class AnimationSources : AnimationSources { class 20mmBarrels { source = "reload"; weapon = M197; }; }; laserScanner = 1; class Library { libTextDesc = $STR_LIB_AH1Z; }; dammageHalf[] = {"\ca\air\data\ah1z_glass_ca.paa", "\ca\air\data\ah1z_glassbr1_ca.paa", "\ca\air\data\ah1z_glass_ca.paa", "\ca\air\data\ah1z_glassbr1_ca.paa"}; dammageFull[] = {"\ca\air\data\ah1z_glass_ca.paa", "\ca\air\data\ah1z_glassbr2_ca.paa", "\ca\air\data\ah1z_glass_ca.paa", "\ca\air\data\ah1z_glassbr2_ca.paa", "\Ca\air\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_ca.paa", "\Ca\air\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_destr_co.paa"}; class Damage { tex[] = {}; mat[] = {"ca\air\data\ah1z_body.rvmat", "ca\air\data\ah1z_body.rvmat", "ca\air\data\ah1z_body_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\ah1z_cockpit.rvmat", "ca\air\data\ah1z_cockpit.rvmat", "ca\air\data\ah1z_cockpit_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\ah1z_engines.rvmat", "ca\air\data\ah1z_engines.rvmat", "ca\air\data\ah1z_engines_destruct.rvmat", "Ca\air\data\ah1z_monitors.rvmat", "Ca\air\data\ah1z_monitors.rvmat", "Ca\air\data\ah1z_monitors_destruct.rvmat"}; class Eventhandlers { Init = " _this exec ""\Cobra_FLIR\Data\Scripts\ah64_flir_init.sqs""; "; getin = " _this exec ""\Cobra_FLIR\Data\Scripts\ah64_flir_init.sqs""; "; }; }; class RscObject; class RscTitles { class MAP_AH64_FLIR_Optics { idd = -1; movingEnable = 0; duration = 1000; name = "MAP_AH64_FLIR_Optics"; class objects { class MAP_AH64_FLIR_Optics : RscObject { model = "\Cobra_FLIR\optika_ah64_2.p3d"; idc = -1; position[] = {0.00025,0.00039,0.0675}; direction[] = {"sin 0","sin 180 * cos 0","cos 180 * cos 0"}; up[] = {0,"cos 180","-sin 180"}; }; class MAP_RSC_EMPTY { idd = -1; movingEnable = 0; duration = 0.1; name = "MAP_RSC_EMPTY"; class objects { class MAP_RSC_EMPTY : RscObject { model = "\Cobra_FLIR\map_rsc_empty.p3d"; idc = -1; position[] = {0,0,0.0675}; direction[] = {"sin 0","sin 180 * cos 0","cos 180 * cos 0"}; up[] = {0,"cos 180","-sin 180"}; }; }; }; }; Data\Scripts: map_flirOn.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">MAP_FLIROn = true; Cobra_FLIR = _this select 0; _m = 0; _a = 0; _monat = date select 1; ? _monat == 1 : _m = 7; _a = 17; ? _monat == 2 : _m = 7; _a = 17.75; ? _monat == 3 : _m = 6; _a = 18; ? _monat == 4 : _m = 5.75; _a = 18.75; ? _monat == 5 : _m = 5.25; _a = 19; ? _monat == 6 : _m = 5; _a = 20.5; ? _monat == 7 : _m = 4.25; _a = 20.5; ? _monat == 8 : _m = 4.5; _a = 20; ? _monat == 9 : _m = 5; _a = 19.75; ? _monat == 10 : _m = 5.5; _a = 19; ? _monat == 11 : _m = 6; _a = 18; ? _monat == 12 : _m = 6.5; _a = 17.5; if((daytime <_m)||(daytime >_a))then{goto "nacht"}else{goto "tag"}; #nacht Cobra_FLIR switchCamera "Gunner"; cutRsc ["MAP_AH64_FLIR_Optics","PLAIN"]; setAperture 0.03; #nacht2 ?(daytime >_m)&&(daytime <_a): goto "tag"; ?(!(alive PLAYER)): goto "ende"; ?(!(gunner Cobra_FLIR == Player)): goto "ende"; ?(!(MAP_FLIROn)): goto "ende"; Cobra_FLIR switchCamera "Gunner"; ~0.2 goto "nacht2"; #tag Cobra_FLIR switchCamera "Gunner"; cutRsc ["MAP_RSC_EMPTY","PLAIN"]; setAperture -1; #tag2 ?(daytime <_m)||(daytime >_a): goto "nacht"; ?(!(alive PLAYER)): goto "ende"; ?(!(gunner Cobra_FLIR == Player)): goto "ende"; ?(!(MAP_FLIROn)): goto "ende"; Cobra_FLIR switchCamera "Gunner"; ~0.2 goto "tag2"; #ende Player removeAction MAP_FlirViewOn; Player removeAction MAP_FlirViewOff; setAperture -1; cutRsc ["MAP_RSC_EMPTY","PLAIN"]; exit; map_flirOff.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Cobra_FLIR = _this select 0; setAperture -1; MAP_FLIROn = false; Cobra_FLIR switchCamera "INTERNAL"; cutRsc ["MAP_RSC_EMPTY","PLAIN"]; exit; ah64_flir_init.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Cobra_FLIR = _this select 0; _Gunner = gunner Cobra_FLIR; ?(!(_Gunner == PLAYER)): exit; MAP_FLIROn = False; _flirOn = false; _flirOff = false; #CheckFlir Cobra_FLIR removeAction MAP_FlirViewOn; Cobra_FLIR removeAction MAP_FlirViewOff; _flirOn = false; _flirOff = false; #loop ?(_Gunner == PLAYER)&&(!(MAP_FLIROn)): goto "FLIRON"; ?(_Gunner == PLAYER)&&(MAP_FLIROn): goto "FLIROFF"; ?(!(alive PLAYER)): goto "dead"; ?(!(gunner Cobra_FLIR == Player)): goto "Ausstieg"; ~0.2 goto "loop"; #FLIRON ?(_Gunner == PLAYER)&&(MAP_FLIROn): goto "CheckFlir"; ?((getpos Cobra_FLIR select 2) < 2): goto "FLIRON"; ?(_Gunner == PLAYER)&&(!(MAP_FLIROn))&&(!(_flirOn))&&((getpos Cobra_FLIR select 2) > 2): MAP_FlirViewOn = Cobra_FLIR addAction["FLIR ON","\map_air\data\scripts\map_flirOn.sqs","",1,false,true,"buldSelect"]; _flirOn = true; ?(!(alive PLAYER)): goto "dead"; ?(!(gunner Cobra_FLIR == Player)): goto "Ausstieg"; ~0.2 goto "FLIRON"; #FLIROFF ?(_Gunner == PLAYER)&&(!(MAP_FLIROn)): goto "CheckFlir"; ?(_Gunner == PLAYER)&&(MAP_FLIROn)&&(!(_flirOff)): MAP_FlirViewOff = Cobra_FLIR addAction["FLIR OFF","\map_air\data\scripts\map_flirOff.sqs","",1,false,true,"buldSelect"]; _flirOff = true; ?(!(alive PLAYER)): goto "dead"; ?(!(gunner Cobra_FLIR == Player)): goto "Ausstieg"; ~0.2 goto "FLIROFF"; #dead Player removeAction MAP_FlirViewOn; Player removeAction MAP_FlirViewOff; setAperture -1; exit; #Ausstieg Cobra_FLIR removeAction MAP_FlirViewOn; Cobra_FLIR removeAction MAP_FlirViewOff; setAperture -1; exit;
  17. LBpilot1

    ArmA Effects

    are you going to add m136 cobra 20mm hit effects?
  18. LBpilot1

    Sahrani Life

    This is not a fun mission being a cop. i'm getting a little tired of all the civs playing this law and order BS how they claim there not doing anything wrong but they clearly are. They ruin the game. I just had the admin mayor kick me because I shot him when I was being shot at by him.
  19. LBpilot1

    Getting flir to work

    at night with an altitude of 15
  20. LBpilot1

    Scars09 sign pack

    Cool, this should add a little spice to a mission.
  21. LBpilot1

    Jonny´s Marines

    Yea, I tried that out and it didn't work for me. as in the replacement pack didn't work, it was only showing the defualt BIS skins.