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Everything posted by LordNeuro*Serbia*

  1. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Map WIP: Savine Vode

    Fantastic work. I hope u will relise it soon. Great loking map. Keep up the great work.
  2. LordNeuro*Serbia*


    Fantastic work peapol. U r making a great mod and same fantastic units. Thx for u hard and dediceded work too make a fantastic mod so we all cann enjoy. I hope u will make the mod finish soon, those pic is make woter on our mouths. Keep up the fantastic work. P.S. Vilas i hope whean u finis work on thise mod and the rest of the time there is going too be same WW2 stuf. (Tanks,cars and rest of hardver).
  3. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Great work. Thx for the map. It will shore cam in handy for europien betelfilds as WW2 and athers. Gret work. Keep up the great work.
  4. LordNeuro*Serbia*


    Looks wery good. Is it possibel too make the crew on the BTR like in the movie 9 rota. Seating in front of the BTR and holding too the gun. If u saw the movie u will now what i m tolking. If now nerev maynd it look cool like it is. I hope u will relise it soon. Keep up the great work.
  5. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    SA-5 Gammon

    Abot lonching the missile u cann make it away from the lonch site. It is usily like theat. In all of the russian made AA misile they r lonchead from a radar, but can be lonch and at sam baterys. And maybe u cann make a SA 6. It is my favorit 1. And here is a nice and usful link http://www.google.com/imgres?....rl=http Little contribution. Sorry for not heving modding skills too help.
  6. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    SA-5 Gammon

    SA-6 is not a site it is a mobile AA batery. It have 4 veicals with rockets and 1 radar in batery. But hey any sam to the army is cool. Just make theam more.
  7. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Lithuania peackeeping in the 200X..

    And u think theat the mask would help in the nuck situacion. I think u will day any way
  8. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Great map. How about making 1 wite old rouds so it cann be use for WW2 theater of operation. Just the thoat.
  9. LordNeuro*Serbia*


    Plz plz make a room for SA6 or kub-m aa sistem. Those were the pick of his karier. And nedles too say u gays r making great job. Keep up the good work.
  10. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Vilas' addons

    Wooow. Great news. So will have thise gr8 addon roling on our comps wery soon. Fantastic. Only the best words 4 u guys. U diong hell of a good job. All the best 4 all on thise project.
  11. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Burning Sands: Africa '42

    Happy birthday Burning Sands, and all compliments for persistens to u MehMan. The spirit is 1 thing u cann broke. Only those sock on the part were boots r i dont like. Ader then theat u r making the hell of the good job. Too bed there is nobady helping u too speed up the thing. Keep up the great work.
  12. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Hardened Aircraft Shelters

    Great work like allweys. Keep up the good work.
  13. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Vilas' addons

    Yap it a mean truck. Shore would bee nice too se thiein arma. Just like the Sa 6 or KUB aa system. Well 1 kann only hope. U guys just keep up the great work. And the pic r gr8. Hope u relise soon. It allredy starting too heart loking at pic and not heving them on comp.
  14. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Render Map

    A noob question about ICP anims. Where i can get them and how about using them. Pic u gays r making r gr8. Sorry for teribol english.
  15. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Vilas' addons

    And just maybe u cann make the side cortens bent or iven missing - broken. Thets wahte is usuly broken or broken on tenks in real war use. Maybe if is not a big problem make same white broken side skerts and aders withe them. I will tray too find same referent pic. And just too note u guys r makeing hell of a job. Keep up the good work.I cann hardly weit the addon.
  16. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Anybody working on a panzer iii?

    Yap i fogot about theat. I m sorry and my apology too addon makers of burning sand. Well maybe u cand help them too make 1. There is mehaman doing a great job but is is working alone so i think the help will came a handy. Maybe contact him and give him a help. It will be a good thing for all imho.
  17. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Anybody working on a panzer iii?

    I hope u will make 1. There is no armor out yet for ww2 period. There r same in progres but I think nobady is making Panzer III.
  18. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Vilas' addons

    Vilas what about the WW2 german tanks and cars. Will u make same for u ww2 addon. There is sertenly a lack of armor and staff like theat in arma. Affcorse if u hew the time will u make same. I love ww2 era and it will shore be a gret too see same more staff then the solo infantry. Keep up the good work.
  19. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Vilas' addons

    Vilas make a tiger too go with u ww2 mod plz. We need same ww2 armor and cars. I hope u vill have the time too make same. If u have a red orchestra game u new what i m tolkimg about. Keep up the great work.
  20. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Pingu's claymores

    Post same other place for donwload plz. Rapidshare or somting. I will love to give it a tray. Keep up the good work.
  21. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    Vilas' addons

    Hepy new year to u Vilas and all the comunity memebers from Serbia. All the best in a new year. And about the lest pic of u Vilas maybe if is not a big problem u kann make a helmet over a heat like the Soviet were wering in the movie 9 rota. If u were loking the movie then u will probebly now what i ment. Keep up the great work. p.s. Here is the link for the movie http://www.9rota.ru/html/trailer.html
  22. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    Grat work as allways Vilas. I hope when u finis 1985 era u will have same tame too make same ww2 addons, tanks and cars and more staff. Just like i sead gr8 work. All u guys heppy new year from Serbia. All the best. And lets bee lutts of addons in a 2008. Keep up the good work.
  23. LordNeuro*Serbia*


    The kingtiger is so good that heving mg or noth is no mether. I just love thise tank and i hope it will be relisead soon. And i hope u will keep on doing ww2 addons. Keep up the wery good work. And just too say the mg is looking exelent just like the tank. I hope u will relise the mg for solders too if te=heat is not a big problem. Texture r loking just like the real thing. Exelent work. Whean matrix go online i wont u brein plugin.
  24. LordNeuro*Serbia*


    Maybe I m wrong but i think the kingtiger dont have mounted mg. But with mg or not i think this is maybe the best addon too arma. And IT is for ww2 era make it iiven beter. I like ww2 era the most. I hope it will be relisead soon. All the best and i hope u will make same other ww2 addons. Maybe radith IW2_tiger from ofp. Keep up the good work.
  25. LordNeuro*Serbia*

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/1342/zacombatfz6.jpg http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zakombat1pi7.jpg Addons: Great Vilas ww2 addon and great ofp tiger tank (not working 1) just for photo.