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About Lamont

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Lamont

    RIP Greg "Hooahman"

    This morning I managed to wake to some tragic news a friend, and a previous member of this community, had suffered from a fatal overdose and passed away late tuesday evening. Greg "Hooahman" was a active member of the BIS forums, prehaps a little too energetic for his own good as his run in with Placebo ended with him being banned and outcast from this community which he loved so dearly. With the recent death of his grandmother and his preformance at school spiralling down, this forum provided a real sense of community and belonging for him, a stability that you can only find with a group of people. Unknown to his friends at the time he was taking heavy doses of medication which compounded his already shakey mentality and with the loss of his outlet, these forums, he only sunk deeper into depression. No one could of known such a seemingly trivial action would lead to this tragic event unfolding and I am not attempted to direct any blame at Placebo, it is completly uncalled for, but I hope we can hang our heads as we remeber the good times with Greg "Hooahman"
  2. Lamont

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    If Mccain wins, the conclusion is: 1. Election is rigged 2. Americans are the dumbest people on this planet., and the easiest to screw around with. How will it be possible for them to elect a president that supported 90% of the Bush policies is beyond me. There are a few good reasons to vote for Mccain and that involves you being very rich, very stupid, or just a blind loyal, uneducated mofo. I don't support Obama, but If Mccain wins, the US as you all know it will change forever, for the worst. 4 more years of this shit, and you need a century to recover, and that is IF.
  3. Lamont

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    It is beyond mental retardation for anyone to think that the "discussion" between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden was a debate. It goes against the whole point of a debate because Palin did not answer questions she was uncomfortable with (which were most of them). Instead she was going off topic and talking about senseless crap that her script writers made her memorize. Thats not a debate, thats just ranting. And thats what she did.
  4. Lamont

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Having 20 million quid in the bank is rarer. Yea. Look at how awesome Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six turned out when they made use of Ubisoft's big budget By bye realism Well hopefully Codemasters doesn't do the same, but be prepared... But even if it does suck, we'll still have ArmA 2 Look at how BI ruined ArmA - even though they DO have the talent. They didn't ruin anything. ArmA is still fun as hell and I would play it over any other 1st person shooter, tactical game or simulation anyday. Sales, and the fact that it was impossibly hard to find the title in many parts of the world, including the US paint a different picture, buddy. Even user activity online says something else. So nice try.
  5. Lamont

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    So why are you guys comparing the best pics our there of ARMAII with mediocre pics of OFP2? Why not compare the best with the best?
  6. Lamont

    Built in Revives in ArmA 2!?

    I don't know if any of you know, but in OFP, many custom made coop missions had revive scripted in them. Those missions were fun and very long. But for the average coop, think what such a feature will do.... So I'm a troll because I criticize? You guys ever wonder what happened to half the community? You ever think about why the only people left on this board are people who never criticize, never question, and are loyal no matter what? Back in the day, you guys made a huge fuss about ARMA being on steam. Anyone that dared to mention steam was flamed and called a troll. A year later what happens? Arma goes on steam. The good thing about OFP coops is that when you died, you stayed dead. Now they want to hard code a feature in that basically gives you unlimited respawn. You will end up seeing coops full of Rambo's because they never die. I have to agree now that I think about it, that teamswitch was a really good feature that saved BIS from investing in a good campaign. Teamswitch was the perfect excuse for a poor story, no character building, no atmosphere, nothing that will make you remember anything from the campaign a month after you play it. And now they are focusing on ubber medics that will revive a dead soldier in a matter of second. I see they learned a lot from quake wars. Good for them!
  7. Lamont

    Built in Revives in ArmA 2!?

    Are you a complete idiot? First of all they have nothing to show. And they also promised similar features If you're such a fan of a game that you haven't even seen a real screenshot of, then go to the correct forum and post your useless crap there. You obviously don't have a clue how it works. How can you, it hasn't been publicly demonstrated? Back on topic... IMO as long as this is implemented well, then it could be a great change to gameplay. I don't agree with the comments about it making the game more arcadish. It adds another element to gameplay. As long as all units, including AI, have the same features then it will not give players an unfair advantage. Shooting an enemy AI and seeing him fall to the ground will no longer necessarily mean he's dead, he may have just collapsed (speaking from experience in ArmA mods here, but hopefully ArmA 2 aims for that kind of realism too) Mods like SLX (and the unreleased ACE mod) try to do something similar, where you can drag your wounded men to safety to try to rescue them. Don't be so afraid of gameplay changes. Face it, the gameplay needs an overhaul to prevent people getting tired of it. Yes. In ArmA the way it is used is up to the mission creator. Not all missions even use those features. Then start a new thread to share your brilliant ideas on how to improve gameplay. Do you even have any? I was going to write a whole rebuttal on why such feature will not add anything positive to game play, and how it will ruin aspects of the gameplay. But forget it.... I'll just end my argument with a simple statement: Putting all of the bugs and flaws that ARMA had aside, it "offered" awesome graphics, fancy features, and realism second to none, but that didn't stop it from having a singleplayer experience as fun as staring at a wall.
  8. Lamont

    Built in Revives in ArmA 2!?

    This is hilariously wrong on so many levels. If it weren't so blatantly obvious that you're hanging around the forums to be a troll, I (and others) might be inclined to inform you of why. How about you disprove anything that I said instead of putting the wise guy card up. Am I wrong that stuff like reviving and character switching will ruing the atmosphere and single player experience? Heck no, look at ARMA for a very good example. Being revived in seconds/minutes and getting back to the fight is different than grabbing a medkit HOW? Is there even a point in playing if your team mate can revive you when you die? No matter how realistic they make it appear, players will abuse it to hell and back and it will turn into a very lame experience. ARMA might as well come with a shock glove that will send an electric shock to the players when they get injured. That will sure add more to the simulation element I don't understand why BIS doesn't learn from their mistakes. ARMA was a failure when it came to single player experience and they are doing the same thing again. Thats a bad idea, and it doesn't take a genius to see that.
  9. Lamont

    Built in Revives in ArmA 2!?

    People, people, calm down please! There is something that will make us all happy. Its called "Operation Flashpoint 2" and its coming out in 09. No revives, no teamswitch, quality campaign, you know, the things that made the original OFP good! Just as fun as turning godmode on. This whole system works in real life but is useless in a game. Why? Because a wounded soldier in real life will most likely not see combat for a while and spent some days in a hospital. In a game, you can't simulate that and being able to revive a soldier and see that soldier back on the front line in a matter of minutes is stupid. They might as well add a bunch of med kits around, it will achieve the same thing.
  10. Lamont

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    OFP2 looks promising. If they deliver half the things they promised, the fans will be happy. BIS has a hard time competing if there even will be a competition. OFP was the best game I ever played and ARMA was the most disappointed game I ever played! It was worst in everything. -Worst single player experience (Ironic, since OFP had the best single player atmosphere of any game I played) -Buggiest game out of the box -Buggiest multiplayer game out of the box -The game with the choppiest movements. Basically everything that makes a game frustrating, ARMA had it. People shouldn't have to wait for years of patching and mods to enjoy a game that was suppose to be enjoyable out of the box. Thats what BIS did wrong, and if Codies gets it right, everybody will be happy. And playing their past games, I'm pretty sure they will get it right. Also that presentation makes me think that Codies has been listening to what fans wanted for ARMA and decided to implement them into OFP2. As for ARMA2, I have yet to see anything promising about it.
  11. Lamont

    ArmA 2

    Game 2 is Operation Flashpoint 2 dragon rising. Just announced by Codemasters. Check the offtopic forum! Sounds good.... Finally a sequel worth buying and playing
  12. Lamont

    Another "FRIENDLY" fire incident

    Friendly fire? Or getting a taste of their own medicine? You decide!
  13. Lamont

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    I might actually upgrade for this game. It looks awesome Notice the animations and sounds. Pretty well done. I don't care about graphics that much.
  14. Lamont

    Bioshock demo coming this week!

    Yeah, that's PSU failure. Or lightning strike on the PC. I had a PSU failure once, it fried by hard drive and screwed my video card. Screwed as in it was still working but had many errors. And I'm not sure, but also a memory stick got corrupted and had to change it. Not sure if the PSU failure caused that. Lesson learned: Never buy a cheap PSU. I had the cheapest one available. The one that came with the tower. I learned my lesson so I bought a quality Antec PSU for 150$ I'll be getting this game in about 5 hours or so, but I won't be able to play it till at least Friday..... Moving to University tomorrow and I'll be too busy to game. Why did it have to come out at the end of august ((
  15. Lamont

    Bioshock demo coming this week!

    I was surprised it worked so well on my system. Pretty good game, I might get it. The beginning was really good. The effects, the sounds, the crash, everything. The weapons have iron sight, the effects are pretty well done too. The story is probably good.