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Everything posted by lone.wolf

  1. House Raid Rooftop Overwatch Patrol Addons: RHS, Direone, SMA, Foxfort
  2. Car Bombing Urban Warfare Ghosts Desert Patrol Addons: TRYK, Direone, SMA, FHQ, VSM
  3. Urban Sniper Winter Ops Project Honor Addons: Isla Abrahima, TRYK, Direone, NIarms, SMA, VSM
  4. Ghost Recon Sniper Training Wolfpack Sniper Team Helicopter Sniping Addons: TRYK, Direone, RHS, KA, 45KO, Bnae, VSM
  5. Morning Rise :) Mountain Sniper Urban Sniper Addons: RHS, KA Hitman
  6. Winter Sniper. Desert Sniper. Addons: FoxFort, 45KO, RHS, Chernobyl Winter
  7. Relaxing. Raid. Addons: AZCS, Tryk, RHS, Direone, FHQ, KA
  8. Morning Execution. Addons: Slaugter, TRYK, Direone, 45KO, MGSR
  9. Addons: Exomod, SMA, Direone, USA megapack, R3F, CUP, Kerama
  10. Bandits on the run Biker car-hijacking Addons: Bnae
  11. Addons: Direone, TRYK, NiArms & Exomod
  12. Addons: Direone Static Anim, Exomod, KA Weapons
  13. lone.wolf


    Better they now focus on giving the community something we have been craving for years a solid 3d editor, and then after its done then throw all their efforts in Apex... And for me the little i got is enough to keeping me guessing and wondering what Tanoa will be like, and when time comes i will have all the info i want.... So patience and then they will deliver something super like always...! Hope there will be some new stuff regarding the underwater possibilities, some new vehicles or a cavesystem.
  14. lone.wolf

    USP Patches & Insignias

    If it was possible to also add the Special Recon Regiment from UK... Link below, it would be very much appreciated... https://www.google.dk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwis9uu__N3KAhVJEywKHUC8CtwQFggdMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FSpecial_Reconnaissance_Regiment&usg=AFQjCNG4HOCiHdN8U6a9ei4_k4JUkxspkA&sig2=sm6fdaZveS12yMSJA9Qotg&bvm=bv.113370389,d.bGg Thanks in advance
  15. lone.wolf


    Funny everytime i see pic or trailer for Tanoa, it get the soundtrack/theme-song from Miami Vice in my head... :627: We need a cool speedboat...
  16. lone.wolf


    I would like to a brand new/old faction in the Apex, like some russians or chinese spec forces...
  17. Morning Patrol for the Diamond Dogs A Diamond Dog Soldier...
  18. lone.wolf

    MGSR Mod

    Hey, Nice mod and good quality and really liking the more unconventionel addons, like eyepatch, prisoner outfits etc. Wanted to listen if you could add the Diamond Beret in red, like seen in this Picture...
  19. lone.wolf

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Mostly to arm my Project Honor troops... I mostly play quickmission made in the editor... And i love to just sit in arsenal and try out different loadouts, and here is the SMA always present...
  20. lone.wolf

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    One of my most used weapons mods, getting an update... perfect..!
  21. lone.wolf

    Prussian Empire Mod

    Really like the camo patterns the look very cool... Especially the one in the second Picture...
  22. lone.wolf

    Prussian Empire Mod

    Okay thanks... Will take a look at the tutorials and see how much skill is needed... Sounds good with the SpecOps, will especially be looking forward to see the Jaegers, but keep it up.
  23. lone.wolf

    Prussian Empire Mod

    Looks very good a very nice touch... Loving this exspanding new World... Wished only i knew how, could add the Andaluzia Kingdom... :) Will there be some spec ops from Prussia too..?
  24. :) A 75th Ranger, out flashing his new Tiger Camo. Delivered by the MOH-Project Honor Program... ;)