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Everything posted by Luciano

  1. Luciano

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    Nope, I'm not Iralian. I have to agree that the reason I feel the way I do for ARMA is because I had such an awesome experience with OFP. I can see how new players will love ARMA right on spot, but after playing OFP, its just different..... Well, I'm off. Have a good day all
  2. Luciano

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    I don't attack anyone for praising BIS. I don't really care, I talked about it but at the end of the day what you do is up to you. I attacked them for complaining about my way of talking about the game. So what I don't praise BIS, but that doesn't make me wrong or gives anyone the right to bitch about it. I used to respect BIS a lot, and I still do in some ways. Of course I'll never see them the way I used to. I believe that if people praise BIS, its logical to do the opposite (especially when you have valid points), yet once you do that, everybody attacks you. I've heard examples of "unfinished games". Well you have a point about Soldner, but Soldner died months after its released. Look at Soldner now, nobody plays it. Great concept, but they screwed up at the beginning. I don't think you guys want ARMA to have the fate of Soldner. Gothic, your wrong about that. I played Gothic pretty much to the end, without any patches. I can say the game was pretty much finished. Some bugs here and there, but nothing like in ARMA. There were some performance bugs in Gothic, but I was able to fix them easily since for me it was a PC problem. Just because some dev says ARMA is an ongoing project doesn't make it so. Clearly you guys think of something else. He meant something totally different. Being ongoing means somebody will support it with new content all the time to make the game better. Patches aren't really new content, and mods don't count or you can say that for any game out there. And if you continue talking about this, show me a direct quote so I can prove to you how wrong you are. Oh, and I can assure you that I played OFP to hell and back. I've been involved with certain mods and was pretty active with the online community for quite a few years. There are lots of things I enjoy in OFP that I don't see how anyone can enjoy in ARMA. -Player vs Player (Because of the soldier movements) -Vehicle driving (Because of the fixed camera) -Air combat (This includes both chopper and planes. Not fun to fly at all, either dogfights vs player or AI) -Tank combat (With Red orchestra, I don't know how anyone can enjoy ARMA tank combat) For everything else, OFP does a better job. I don't really care about a super huge island or fancy graphics.
  3. Luciano

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    So people are allowed to praise in this thread by not the opposite? Hypocrits or what?
  4. Luciano

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    A I'm typing this, 195 players play ARMA. As a comparison, 491 players play Red Orchesta, aslo a sim. ARMA has been released in CZ Republic, Germany, Poland, Russia, and on sprocket, plus most of the fans got the game already. Red Orchestra was released like that too, Russia just got a publisher recently. The only difference is that they released internationally via steam which got them the most players before it was even on the shelves. Some people say they don't care and it doesn't matter if 10 people play it on 1000. Actually it does. Unless you like playing multiplayer with yourself, it matters a lot. Not to mention that no people kills CTF, and CTI. I used to be like you guys and say "Well ARMA is screwed up, but its all good, at least it has a great campaign, and patches/mods can fix everything else" Now after trying the campaign, I take that out. The quality of the campaign gives me all the indications in the world that BIS doesn't really care about "quality" which is what made OFP what it was. Nothing bothers me more than the campaign because that can't be fixed. Sure modders can make good campaigns, but thats not the point. What all of you gave to BIS is basically "It doesn't matter how bad the quality of your product is, we will still support you blindly and loyaly" If the campaign was good, we could at least say: "At least they tried" But the truth is they didn't try, and I'm sorry to say that. ARMA is like HL without Gordon Freeman. Something's just not right about it.
  5. Luciano

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    Well sickboy, that sure explains the troubleshooting forum full of people with problems. It also explains this forum how much activity it gets. But above all, it explains why you can't find more than 500 online on any given day. And no matter how much you argue, it doesn't matter if they game will be fixed in years from now. Nobody cares, the point is the game was released unfinished and a good part of the community was screwed. A lot of people that share my opinion just left, but I'm the majority here. Don't believe me, check other forums regarding ARMA. Where did you get that from? First of all, your wrong, and second, where did you get it from? Just because a game is modable (like all games) doesn't mean its an ongoing project. Just because there are patches for a game doesn't mean that either. No there are not "few" bugs, there are a heck of a lot of bugs. You ever check the bug list? You think SP is great? You ever played any missions for OFP or you never even played OFP? Yeah, its surprising how it has some of the same bugs as OFP that were fixed in OFP patches. Few bugs compared to BF2 too? You kidding right.... I'm don't here, you guys believe whatever. But if this game ever reaches the number of 1000 people online on a day playing, I'll be very surprised. I'll just let the press speak from now on, as well as the troubleshooting forum, and above all, the number of players online. You guys get ready for the troubleshooting forum, it will get full in a couple of weeks. Have a nice day
  6. Luciano

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    I can't belive you guys, praising BIS for their incompetence. They released a beta and now their struggling to get it into a playable stage (Most people still have problems playing. Ask how many on the forums aren't playing and waiting for patches). And you guys are praising BIS for that. All your doing is encourage them to make low quality games. Same with the demo. I haven't seen a demo for any game having 2 patches. Geez, get it right the first time. Look at medieval total war 2. It only had 1 patch!. Thats because they don't need to release every 2 weeks a 10 mb patch that fixes close to nothing. ARMA is obviously unfinished and they should have postponed the release instead of trying to fix that with patches. -The multiplayer is unfinished. (CTI bugs, crashes, boat bug, interface that looks like crap, text bugs.) -SP is definately unfinished. (Campaign that you need to cheat to finish it, buged to hell and back, pure random crap. At least they should have made a few good missions in the end and beginning to mask the quality.... but no.) -Flight dynamics (Lots of bugs with that too, unfinished) -Bullet penetration (Definately unfinished, or really bugged) So thats what I meant. BIS is only trying to finish the game and make it playable to the masses, and you guys are acting as if OMG look at the support!
  7. Luciano

    Will my computer play AA?

    With that graphic card your gonna run this game like crap. Also for anyone posting their specs. Geez, must you include your foppy too? Specs should follow this format (see below), not have useless specs like a monitor and mouse. WTF CPU GPU-AGP/PCI (SLI or not), speed of APG and full GPU specs. PSU if needed to determing GPU overheating. System Ram Thats all you basically need. Nobody cares about your CD/DVD-rom, and floppy.
  8. Luciano

    ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

    People, people, calm down.... What he means is simple. The UK version had to be shipped and there was little time to fix all the bugs, so it will be shipped with 1.04 (Which isn't really a patch, but the default version the UK version comes in.) And 1.05 being the patch that fixes bugs for both versions, as both will feature a lot of bugs. Thats what I think he means. There's no point in making a 1.04 patch if 1.05 gets released 2 weeks later. For you guys it makes sense, but BIS sure won't waste their time doing that. But seriously they should make a serious patch and call it 1.25 Even if it takes 5 months. Im sick of this little unprofessional patches. It makes BIS look so amateur. In 5 years from now, ARMA will have 45 patches. Each patch fixing few bugs. Its like they get paid by fixing few bugs every weeks lol. Kind of funny too.
  9. Luciano

    Arma Fan Day Paris

    Well If I was a super hardcore fan, I would definately take a flight to Paris just for the honor to ask Marek how in the hell was it possible to screw ARMA so bad as they initially did. Thats a million $ question right there. Too bad, nobody will ask that.
  10. Luciano

    Will my computer play AA?

    Get a card from a better company. PNY sucks when it comes to graphic cards. The last card I got from them (Geforce 4 Ti) stoped working after about 5 months of usage. And wtf's with the PSU requirements? On my Geforce 6800 Ultra box, it says that they recomended is 450 W. On Geforce 7600, 300 is recomended? WTF Buy from sparkle, they make quality cards. http://www.sparkle.com.tw/
  11. Luciano


    Really, who in his right mind would spend 200+ euro to get the imported version of ARMA? Especially from a site that has pretty much 0 actual credibility. The guy took your money, all he has to do is not answer your email and boom he dissapeared. What can you do? Nothing. And nobody buys something valuable with paypal because the chance you ever get your money back is 0. Just because he actually kept his words to some people doesn't mean he will do it to all. Corruption happens over time.
  12. Luciano


    Sounds like a ripoff. Welcome to the internet, next time be more careful.
  13. Luciano

    Whats up with the sound?

    Common bug with the retail too. Just adapt and get used to it, or hope BIS fix it in a patch. On the bug wiki, sound bugs got 1st priority. The best way to fix it is to pretend your soldier doesn't hear too well and has hearing problems. It simulates the potential of a hearing problem
  14. Luciano

    BF2 - Realitymod v 0.5

    At least my comment will be proven right. And I'm sorry If my comment was disrespecting anyone, I was just pissed at the blind asskissing of ARMA and BIS.
  15. Luciano

    Has 505 games announced yet?

    In other word's, ARMA is meh........?
  16. Luciano

    BF2 - Realitymod v 0.5

    I bet that this mod being a mod will have twice as many players as ARMA even when ARMA hits the UK market. Oh, and I also bet they know how to simulate hariers better than what you see in ARMA.
  17. Luciano

    Version compatability

    Just order the UK version Problem solved. It doesn't cost that much anyway.
  18. Luciano

    Demo Worse than Real game?

    Most likely it will run worse or the same. Mine runs about the same. In the demo, the map is a different version which is way smaller than the regular map. Sahrnali Lite. Performace is better. Also the built is 1.03. If the demo runs horrible, then the retail will most likely run the same or even worse.
  19. Luciano

    official complaint to BIS

    Dude, cut it out already with the "documentations" Bis is a company, and as a company its their job to do anything to make a profit. Makng documentations for "you" won't bring them any money in. Don't you know how things work? This is a thread for people to talk about "REAL" issues, not "documentations". What your asking for won't happen because it won't bring BIS any money. So you might aswell forget about it starting....... now. BIS didn't have time to beta test, you think they have time to make you a "documentation"?
  20. Luciano

    Game 2* - What name should it be?

    -ARMA 2 -Game 2 Forever -BIS (Bilateral Inteligence and Security) Anyway, is game2 still being worked on? No words about it for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. My only real suggestions is that they don't make the movements like ARMA, or I won't even bother with it.
  21. It's bragging. The negative posts are well documented with pics and videos. This is not documented at all.
  22. Your system has one of the best video card out there and one of the best CPU. Maybe thats why you don't have problems, ever thought of that?
  23. Luciano

    official complaint to BIS

    Well, what can I say. Thanks for making people aware of the quality of the SP part of the game. Hopefully the 505 version make things better.
  24. Luciano

    official complaint to BIS

    Well your english patch enabled people to play the missions and campaign. And that made them realize how poor the missions are. So...............
  25. Luciano

    official complaint to BIS

    Why did you bother to make an english patch? I mean the game is out only in Czech/Germany (Russia and Poland which you forgot), and it comes with that language, which people there speak. So why did you make an english patch?