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Everything posted by Lustypooh

  1. Lustypooh


    Tobruk, the cash flow scenario makes a lot of sense since BIS is a small development house. I too hope they can get the resources needed to make somethnig as revolutionary as OFP was in 2001. IMHO ArmA unfortunately is not that game and won't see the sales of OFP (especially if there are US publisher issues) but it should tide over the OFP enthusiasts (like myself) and attract some new blood. Crapmasters? I havent heard that in awhile.
  2. Lustypooh

    SBCT Infantry Rifle Platoon COOP Missions

    Igor, very nice scripting here. I was actually thinking last night whether someone could do this in ArmA and was pointed to this thread. I agree with previous poster that confirmation via radio from squad leaders would be good feedback. If in earshot hearing them yell out to their squad commands would be pretty immersive. Do you know if there is a way to bind keys to scripts in ArmA? Would be nice to just tap a key to bring up/remove the platoon commands window instead of using the radio menu.
  3. I seem to recall someone did a platoon level command menu in OFP but it was eons ago so I might be mistaken and ofpec.com is down right now to do a forum search. Anyone know if such a beast exists? Was thinking about this last night after playing AA. Idea would be you would command a platoon (3 squads and a platoon HQ section). Some ideas tossing around in my head (lots of room in there) - You would give orders to the individual squad leaders - You would give orders at the platoon level (platoon formations etc). - You would only hear radio chatter from your squad leaders/radio men but you would hear anyone around youin hearing distance. - You would also be linked into the company net to receive orders/request support/etc. Would like to hear other folks ideas. thx
  4. Lustypooh

    Platoon Commands?

    Thanks Hund! Not sure why I didnt see that in my search.
  5. The next game has got to have foxholes and trenches. IMHO an infantry combat simulator is not realistic if the troops can't protect themselves. Was hoping AA had this but unfortunately it's landscape engine has same limitation as OFP.
  6. Lustypooh

    Please fix the AI

    Interesting thread guys. My favorite AI is the civilian AI. Stand up...lie down..run around...do the hokey pokey Did anyone ever do suppression/morale scripts in OFP? For example, the morale of a soldier will decrease under fire especially under fire from multiple directions?
  7. Lustypooh


    I just want a Rabbit model and an Elmer Fudd skin for my Huntin Rabbits Mod
  8. Lustypooh

    I'm sick of listening to people

    The funniest thing I heard was some guy's wife screaming in the background telling him to get the "f" off of the computer since he spends all day on it and him cussing back at her. Then the connection was lost..... Now THAT is quality entertainment you don't get on TV
  9. Lustypooh

    OFP Vs Arma SP Campaign

    I agree. AA SP campaign (and included missions) are plain awful. Some of the missions rank lower than the cheesiest fan missions. Gee, how many times do I need to be a truck driver?? BORING At least in OFP we had some good SP missions to play through before fans came out with some quality missions. AA kinda feels like my PS3. Great system but I got to wait months before I can play anything that really shows off the system