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Posts posted by LeftSkidLow

  1. Not really, to date most pilot flight suits are olive drab, some in the desert theatre wear tan but digital camo is extremely rare, reason being is that there is no need to give the pilots camoflauge like soldiers on the ground.

    Seem to be going a bit overboard about the Apache pilots I think. Sure I would like to see them in a semi realistic loadout, but there are so many more important things they can be focusing on that will be seen a lot more than the pilots. My opinion is to build up reasonably realistic ground units and add on from there (ie. tank crew, helicopter pilots, special forces can come later). BTW flight suits in theater are desert tan, not olive drab. Not ACU because they don't have it in nomex yet.

  2. I think its an MH-6J because of the T-tail, 5 bladed main rotor, and fast roping insertion shit. I think the MH-6 in arma has the mount for FLIR but the actual lens isn't installed. There are so many Littlebird variants and they seem to upgrade the old ones I think only a member of the 160th could tell us which littlebirds they are for sure.

    I fly Hughes 500D's and MD 520N's so I can get you pics if needed, but I know our instrument panels are way different than the littlebirds. From the outside the 500'Ds look basically the same though.

  3. Quote[/b] ]

    I agree, the heli's wont be to everyones liking, but to some it will, I didt want to leave in too much the whine of the engines because that is not what you'd hear from far away, yet, I wanted to let some of it bleed in, the best of both worlds. Apparently a chap by the name of brentzig dislikes the whole mod all about, he claims none of it is real at all and that I didnt do enough research, its too bad for him, and he has to live 24 hours a day with himself. Nothing will come close to real life but the "idea" and "effect" is the key, but because I know and have a very very close recognition of the sound I have replicated them the closest as possible.

    Well I have no idea what the Russian helicopters sound like irl, but I thought those sounds were fine, so if someone has never heard the real helicopter for the other sounds I doubt they will have anything to complain about. The only one that I felt was really out of place is the AH-1Z sounding like a huey.

    Yeah, you can kinda do separate inside/outside sounds but will still hear both. For example, in the cockpit you will hear a turbine sound louder than rotors, in the outside view you will hear rotors louder than the turbine. That and I couldn't figure out how to do it without sounding buggy during startup and shutdown.

  4. Cool good sounds, I didn't really like the helicopter sounds because they didn't sound like the real deal but oh well, if most of the people like them then its all good.

    I can tell the AH-6 sounds is from a Notar, the high pitch whine is the tailboom fan, but screw it, Notars sound cool anyway.

    The Cobra sound is from a variant before the Zulu, you can tell the sound is from a 2 bladed variant, probably AH-1W bla bla bla I don't want to make it take you any longer so I'll shutup.

  5. More realistic? If they wanted realistic then when in foward flight at a decent airspeed then slightly pulling black on the stick would result in the chopper gaining altitude. as it is now its seems to be hard to gain any altitude while moving forward.

    I wouldnt be worried about the terrain following if it wasnt so difficult to gain altitude. modern choppers as I said when in forward flight fly and react like a fixed wing aircraft, gaining and losing altitude with the use of the cyclic control. ie. raising and lowering the nose.

    Edit: in OFP they did do just that, if you tilted the nose down and didnt watch you would fly straight into the ground, and when you tilted it up you would gain altitude.

    I said more realistic not 'totally realistic'. Thanks for the tirade, though. I don't know what to tell you, man. The flight model is what it is. It's not OFP. I enjoy flying the helicopters, and for the record, I notice the helicopters gaining a great deal of altitude when you're raising the nose at high speed, even with the collective control buried.

    I'm with Plaintiff, if I had a dime for every time they told me know a lot about helicopters because they used to see them all the time, or they rode in the back in the military everday, they talked to a pilot for 10 min, played MSFS, have an airplane PPL, I can go on and on. They are more realistic in ArmA... GET OVER IT!

    If it makes you feel better I can make a video of an ag turn in arma and trade off airspeed for altitude, heres a tip: don't overcontrol.

  6. Correct Plaintiff, I wish I could say that was my reason but it mostly came down to that a lot of 4 bladed helicopters sound the same. With the 407 sound I used, you cant even hear the engine really so that wasn't a concern. There is no good audio out there of the AH-1Z or UH-1Y, and the 412 is not as similar as you think, although they look very similar on the outside. Though a 412 might sound more like the AH-1Z, I really couldn't say because I've yet to hear one in real life. I should also mention that if I come across a more fitting sound, I have no problem using that instead.

  7. Steve, I may be wrong but you are probably thinking of the Mi-26 addon for ofp, which was as excellent as possible for OFP. I have no idea how they did it. For me, I just deal with the stuttering sound in startup and shutdown and it doesn't bother me much. Its not like the startup sequence or time is anywhere near realistic anyway. I think if you are considering downloading this mod, you need to ask yourself how important the startup sound is to you.

  8. @Law-giver, the stuttering is a known issue in the readme (edit: it looks like I forget to add known issues in the readme, it was in the other thread) and as far as I have been able to figure out its a problem with the ArmA engine that I have no control over. Maybe I'm wrong though, I'm really new to this stuff so if anyone has got around this problem I'd love to hear it.

    @VictorFarbau, thats all I my sounds do, they are mixed, I don't think you can hear one or the other with ArmA. Just make one slightly louder or quieter. I'm no config guru either but I think setting the soundenviron db to a lower figure might help, I don't know for sure, I just did what FDF did.

    Quote[/b] ] soundEngine[] = {"\lslhelisounds\bell407.wss", db+25, 1};

    soundEnviron[] = {"\lslhelisounds\ah1inside", db-10, 1};

  9. Quote[/b] ]LeftSkidLow Helicopter Sounds Release 1


    This mod will replace and add some sounds for US helicopters:




    AH-1Z-External sound Derived from a Bell 407 and edited, interal sound derived from UH-60 and edited

    H-60-derived from UH60 audio

    H-6's-Derived from Hughes 500 audio

    Couple known issues:

    -When starting or shutting down the engines in the cockpit view, the sound will skip and stutter, I don't know how to fix that sorry.

    -Sometimes the internal sounds are very quiet, especially when you are stationary, no idea why.

    -Internal sounds do weird things when switching views, its all part of ArmA I think.

    -----------Just put the .pbo file into your addons folder ie: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\AddOns"--------------

    This addon was tested with 1.08 and no other sound mods, I'm not sure what how it will interact with other soundmods or 1.09.

    If it doesn't work with the mod you like to use, I don't care if you depbo my addon and do what you have to do to make it work. Just dont distribute anything without permission/credit.

    Thanks to Sakura-chan for giving me the base of my config.cpp file


    If you are interested in using these sounds for a mod, PM me for permission on the BIS forums username: LeftSkidLow

    If its something like 2 years from now and you want to use the sounds but can't get a hold of me, do it anyway, I might have been hit by a bus or maybe I became famous.

    You aren't permitted to sell them and all that legal mumbo jumbo shit.





    Armaholic.com mirror: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2654





  10. Thanks a bunch Sakura-Chan, I got it too work thanks to your config.

    Here is the first release, I fully suspect people to bitch about volume and stuff so there will probably be more.

    Couple known issues:

    -When starting or shutting down the engines in the cockpit view, the sound will skip and stutter, I don't know how to fix that sorry.

    -Sometimes the internal sounds are very quiet, especially when you are stationary, no idea why.

    -Internal sounds do weird things when switching views, its all part of ArmA I think.

    I guess this is when you make a new thread in the complete forum?


  11. W0lle, I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this stuff, the config you posted, what do I do with it.

    Can I just copy and paste it into a config.cpp?

    Someone mentioned a model.cfg, I've never heard of that, do you just rename it as model.cfg?

    Edit: I made a model.cfg and pasted your stuff into it, I only changed the part that said MH60K


  12. OK I tried changed the rotordive config values and it seems to only change the angle of the rotor as far as animation is concerned, it doesn't have any influence on where the thrust is vectored or how the attitude of the fuselage in a hover.

    I did finally get my edited model to fly somewhat, I guess I needed to add weight to the geometry LOD, as everything there said 0. Now I have to figure out how to make animations and textures work, these configs are so freaking confusing, I don't know how people do this. I copy and paste stuff but It always gives me errors and won't load

  13. If you provide a download link (be it alpha, beta or v1) it is still considered a 'complete' addon. Will test it out shortly.

    Dude........... the links are just the videos, all I could possibly release right now are wss files and I'm not gonna do that, I need someone to create a config so I this can be a standalone pbo. I'll put the wss files in the zip when I have a config, but if force people to pbo/depbo nobody is gonna bother. Thats one of the main reasons I put this thread in here, and asked for help in the first post.

    The H60 sounds are unmodified audio from a Blackhawk hovering, I could reduce the bass in another release if everyone hates it, but I'm gonna keep it as is for this one. Part of the problem is filefront or my fraps, give them a try when I have something to release, the AH6 sounds the most off in the video, but sounds much better ingame.
