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Everything posted by legion7698

  1. Hello all, Had a flick through these pages but could'nt find anything mentioning it (after reading a few pages of something my mind goes blank). I make missions for me and my freind to play online, so as usual i test the respawn like i test every aspect of my missions to check thier working and it worked fine. However when i play online with my freind suddenly it dos'nt work. So we tried it with only the ACE mod 1.06 and ArmA patch 1.14 but still the problem persisted, we then moved on to default ArmA missions with just the ACE mod but still it dos'nt work. So to put it simple, why dosnt the respawn work when both me and my freind play when using the ACE mod. Please could someone help. Regards, LEGION7698
  2. legion7698


    Hello all Does anyone know how to stop my squad i'm leading from moving to far away, as even though the tactics they use are good i'd rather they only do it on my own orders (perhaps putting it into the command menu or something for the future versions, i dont know, good idea anyone) as otherwise i find myself with my squad all over the place, and find that as leader in a built up area i'm actually doing more Rambo stlye play. Regards. LEGION7698