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Everything posted by legion7698

  1. legion7698

    Weird proxy issue

    Hey All, Yet anouther day and yet anouther problem. I've created a model, works fine ingame and is everything I expected. However when ever I have it in game all the jeep dirvers appear invisible. The proxy I'm using is the jeepdriver one so this makes some sense. I managed to make the driver proxies reapear by removing the lines from my models config: However this created a problem of then that the proxy will show for all the jeeps but not my model, it would seem that i can only have it one way and not the other. Any idea's. Regards, LEGION7698.
  2. legion7698

    Weird proxy issue

    Hey Macser, I was directed to try that with a previous model but gave up as I'm not really that bright with computers. However it would appear that if i want to progress then I'm going to have to learn it. I will let you know how I do with it and will more than likely take you up on the offer of help. Regards, LEGION7698
  3. legion7698

    Weird proxy issue

    Hey Petar, Thank you for the help. Unfortunatly however it has not worked, would it help to point out that I'm not actually using the proxy as a driver but as a gunner as its close to what I want without having to make an anim or something. Thank you for the response. regards, LEGION7698.
  4. legion7698

    Weapon smoke problems

    Hey Sanctuary, Cheers for the help, I can now see what I'm shooting at, I just need to now larn to aim the thing :). Regards, LEGION7698.
  5. Hey All, Well anouther model and anouther problem. I've made a static GMG but upon firing it creates a lot of smoke at the end of the barrel, this is fine if your shooting one shot at a time but after a while you cant see anything making it hard to aim effectively. I'm not as to the cause of this as I've inherited from the grenade launcher which creates hardly any smoke upon firing. Thanks in advance for any help put forward. Regards, LEGION7698.
  6. Hey All, While trying to sort out the proxy for the gunner (anouther problem being sorted), I've found three new problems with my weapon. The first is it dos'nt want to fire anything for some reason, the second beingfor some reason my veiw while in it is always faceing to the left and I cant change it and the third and final is when i rotate my weapon the parts seem to seperate for some reason unknown to me. Any help would be appreciated (let me know if you want me to post up the config or model and I will do so). Regards, LEGION7698
  7. legion7698

    Static weapon problems.

    Never mind, sorted out the issues (dont know how). Regards, LEGION7698.
  8. legion7698

    gunner proxy issues.

    Hey ProfTournesol, I'll give that a go and let you know how I do. Cheers for the help will post up if I get anymore problems. Regards, LEGION7698.
  9. legion7698

    gunner proxy issues.

    Hey All, I'm having some trouble using a custom proxy for a static weapon I'm making. I modified an existing model so there shouldn't be anything missing from there. The trouble occuring is either cannot load the proxy or the current one is now whenever I try and load the game it just wont start, no error just wont go. Its classed as a running process in windows task manager, processes. Any help would be great. regards, LEGION7698.
  10. legion7698

    gunner proxy issues.

    Hey ProfTournesol, Cheers for the help, but I have an idot question. Whats an rtm file and how do I make one
  11. legion7698


    Hey all, Not sure if this is the right place to put this, so please move it if needed. I'm currently thinking of attempting to create the warfare mission in ArmA for OFP, but I dont have a great deal of abbility in the editor (I can only make basic missions). So the question is what would be the best way of going about this, how much could i cut and paste (with a bit of editing) from ArmA to OFP and is this even possible with the OFP engine. Regards, LEGION7698.
  12. legion7698

    addaction problems

    Hey ProfTournesol, Cheers for the help, it now works perfectly. I can now work on improving the backpack and mortar models to a more exeptable level. Regards, LEGION7698
  13. legion7698

    addaction problems

    Hey All, I'm trying to make and addon that comes in the form of a small mortar (51mm) and a packpack. What I'm currently trying to achieve at the moment is evertime a person has the backpack they recieve an action to place the mortar, and evertime there in the mortar they have the action to pack it back into the backpack. I can achieve this perfectly in the mission editor by adding the script calls into the units, that are using the addons, INIT line but for ease of use I want to have it attached to the config. If anyone can help I would be very thankfull. Regards, LEGION7698. P.S. I have tried searching but could not find anything that works.
  14. legion7698

    addaction problems

    Ok So here is my script so far for the backpack and here is the script i want attached to the mortar Now this works if i put it into the units INIT field, but what i want is to add this to the config for the backpack and mortar, so i then dont have to put these scripts into every mission. (obviously when i attach these to the configs I'll be changing it slightly). Here is also the two configs i need the scripts attached to. Regards, LEGION7698.
  15. legion7698

    addaction problems

    Hey ProfTournesol, It unfortunatly creates an error upon trying to start up OFP with those lines, I think this could be as the lines are for a soldier config where as this a secondary weapon config. Also, from my little amount of understanding, dosn't putting that type of EH make it run straight away? The effect I'm after should be activated by the action menu. I do apoligise, my understanding of configs is null and void and thank you for the help so far. Regards, LEGION7698.
  16. legion7698

    6 wheel's

    Hello All, I've tried a quick search but could'nt find anything to help. I'm trying to make a model that has 6 wheels but can only get the back and front to spin, what do i have to name the selections for the middle two? Thanks in advance, Legion7698
  17. legion7698

    6 wheel's

    Hey All, I now have anouther problem, I've got it nearly finished and am testing it with my friends, it works fine other than i need to reajust the centre of gravity, however when we played a mission afterwards that dos'nt have the addon in it we now take it in turns to CTD, the only work around that works is to delete the addon from the addons directory. I'm completly stumped as to what could be doing this becouse as i say, when the addon is actually in the mission then it works fine. Any clues? Regards, LEGION7698
  18. legion7698

    6 wheel's

    Thanks for that, found a couple of bits that will help so now just have to sit down and figure it out. You've all been of great help and my addon is now nearing completion. Regards, LEGION7698 *EDIT* HA HA! right, next question. When testing my addon i found its armour to be to weak, so i pop into the addons config and change the armour value to something higher, then i test it a second time but the armour has'nt changed. This has me completly stumped, anyone got any idea's? *EDITmkII* Never mind, i found a work around, although its a bit scewif it works.
  19. legion7698

    6 wheel's

    Hey All, Got the scale right, am now doing a few little bits before i start the texturing. You've all been great in helping. Regards, Legion7698 *EDIT* It seems there's just going to be a long list of questions from me, does anyone know of a tutorial for UV mapping?
  20. legion7698

    6 wheel's

    Got it to work, it was the geometry, forgot to add any wieght to it, the wheels also work brilliantly so now i just need to finish getting the scale right (by the way what is the scale, is it in metres?). Thanks for all the help guys your brilliant. Regards, LEGION7698. P.S. Macser, this is my first model (that I'm actually getting anywhere with) outside of the tutorials so i dont have much experiance :).
  21. legion7698

    6 wheel's

    Cheers mate, I've put it in and it has'nt generated any errors in game, but as to the point of it makes the wheels turn round i can't confirm as for some reason the vehicle will not move forward, it just sits there. All i can do is get out and in and turn the wheels, this is very strange and i've not a clue as to why it is doing this. Will try and fix it if for any other reason as to confirm what you say. Regards, Dave.
  22. legion7698

    Saving in the mission editor

    No, he's using XP.
  23. legion7698

    Saving in the mission editor

    Hey all, had a quick look but could'nt find anything on this, my freind has recently started to play OFP online with me and has decided to try and make some missions however for some reason it just wont save anything he does. To make sure its not some characters in the save game title i even tryed naming it "a" but even that didnt work so i'm wondering what the problem is. Any help would be greatly received. Regards, LEGION7698
  24. legion7698

    OFP hosting trouble =(

    Hello All, I'm also experiancing such a problem, i have tried using the remote function but with no success. I have tried everything i can think of but including completly turning off my firewall and my frind i'm trying to play with has tried it all as well. Any help would be greatfully recevied. Regards, LEGION7698
  25. Tried it without ACE, but it works fine (like i say its only when my freind is playing, without him its fine), as a bench mark i've tried playing ArmA deffault mission "Urban raid (coop 6)". More than likely its something wrong with my freinds side as we get other problems with him (any Ai squad over 4 men wont follow him or his commands, for instance). Just thought i'd check with you guys first to see if it was something known to you. Regards, LEGION7698