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Everything posted by Lolsav

  1. Will do. Saw the reply late in the evening, was playing Arma A tought crossed my mind. Some know developers, such as Kegetys, has alredy messed around with those elements you asked for. Wouldnt be easyer to ask him? i mean, is it the same thing? i can try to contact him if thats the case...
  2. Got to that part... ugh. @Col Sanders. I agree with you when u say its easyer to write a dialog than scripting. The thing is, it consumes too much time to tweak and setup what should be easyer and "on the fly". Arma deserves a better tool, with all the new commands and stuff. Just my toughts... Hence i still maintain the "request", i made earlier.
  3. Going there to check if i can work with it. If i can i will post result here.
  4. Lolsav

    the reverse of in

    I might be wrong but wouldnt that give him as result all east units not in that trigger area?
  5. I got to that conclusion aswell, but hey, who am i to criticize, i can only edit pre made parameters of dialogs, cant make my own, cuz i get lost in the process. Now thats bad news
  6. Lolsav

    the reverse of in

    Seems like u need an array subtraction. Something like [_allunits in that trigger] - [_alleastunits in that trigger] = Should give you what u want.
  7. Lolsav


    Situation from briefing: Your primary mission is to free and establish contact with Maria´s Cameraman, a reporter kidnaped. He must know where the enemy is holding Maria, the reporter, as prisioner. Take the opportunity to destroy the Radio Tower hurting enemy comunications. Have fun, any issues please report. Download and unzip Armaholic Mirror Edit: Current version = 3
  8. The issue he is addressing has been something to understand to new comers (im assuming thats the case) to Editor´s side. I recommend reading about locality in multiplayer on wiki, but even so its not clear enough, at least and if that is the case, for a new multiplayer mission designer. In short to solve your problem you just have to do this: If you are using a trigger (Needs a gamelogic named Server): On condition field: local Server AND etc etc etc (your condition) On a SQS script: At start put --> ?!(local Server) : exit On a SQF script: If not (local Server) exitWith {};
  9. Lolsav

    Spectating Script v1.01

    Thanks a lot Kegetys. Awsome work, as usual
  10. Lolsav

    On His Majesty's Service

    Err Blake, it had a tiny "bug" in 1.02 also. If you droped your weapon AI wouldnt shoot you anyway, because you would be a "civie". I tought you were aware of that so i never mentioned...
  11. Lolsav

    init.sqf or init.sqs?

    No, there isnt a easy solution. To learn you must make an effort. And that depends on you only. Start with simple things. Learn from others scripts and try to understand how they work. Thats the best advice i can give you.
  12. Not true if you type it correctly in the trigger Condition: Player in thislist Activation: Player sidechat "blablabla"; The result will be true only to player in the list of the trigger. He just has to make a trigger small enough to fit 1 player . A 2x2 trigger size is enough. For more information check the list command
  13. A long time ago i asked Daddl to help me getting into the "Scripting thing", as i called it back then. Because of my request (and others) he wrote a guide that help me in the early days. That guide still exists in PDF format, and its content its still valid for ARMA, althought it was written for Operation Flashpoint. Keep in mind the guide its only intended for beginners and for those who want to understand what the heck is this "scripting" thing. It might be usefull for others as it was for me. Finally keep in mind also the guide was made with the SQS scripting synthax in mind, althought there is some hints valid for functions, that use the SQF synthax. All credits go for Daddl, aka as Joltan. His main site is still up and i suspect it will have more good things for ARMA in the future, the link is http://daddl.net/
  14. This is the way i do it, might be anothers. If a player arrives late in the mission or reconnects, if the Intro was "ON" he shouldnt be forced to watch it all over again. So the way to do this is to tell ARMA that guy has arrived late. On init.sqs file place the following code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if !(local Server) then {exit} onPlayerConnected " publicVariable ""missionstarted"""; And in intro, where you set the parameters, have something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(param1) == 1 AND missionstarted = false : goto "start" else goto "end" ?(param1) == 0: goto "end"; Where #start is where camera coding begins and #end where it ends... obviously. In the mission place a trigger set condition to "TRUE" with a countdown of 10 seconds or more, depends of your choice. In trigger, on activation, set the condition "missionstarted" to true, like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">missionstarted = true; PublicVariable "missionstarted"; and the player wont see the intro after 10 seconds in the mission. The onplayerconnected is very usefull to publicize the state of the variables to the late commers players. It really helps on intros, and i believe it has much more utility on other type of missions. Hope this is helpfull
  15. Lolsav

    Fierce Dogs

    Have a upgraded to 1.1 version for a multiplayer mission called "Fierce Dogs", a coop mission for 10 players. Has been tested on 3 servers and apparently its working properly Download link (right click save as) Armaholic Mirror Added Screenshots by request: Briefing: Intro Leave comments and suggestions pls. Have fun  EDIT: Updated mission. New spectate script + Map ends if no players alive + working outro
  16. Lolsav

    Fierce Dogs

    Ugh... i tought i was done with that mission. Oh well will wait for the patch for further updates. As long as i recall, from experience in ofp, when a big patch comes out a bunch of things in missions wont work properly anymore, and they have to be adjusted. So.. might as well wait for it. Thx for the input anyway.
  17. Lolsav


    Use the SetCaptive command. When you want the AI to attack them just use a trigger to turn the condition to false.
  18. give the trigger a name when u want to delete it just type on script or another trigger: deletevehicle triggernameyougave;
  19. Lolsav

    ArmA Co-Op Missions 3pack

    Uploading to SES server. Will feedback later.
  20. Lolsav

    Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP)

    Alredy @ SES server Thx for that Karr
  21. Why not using one of the options of the trigger itself, "Detected by EASt/WEST" whatever you want
  22. Remember sqf is picky, it needs something else: null = [this,["marker1","marker2","marker3"]] execVM "randompos.sqf"; All sqf scripts need to be alike, ie, null = [] execVM "script.sqf";
  23. Well.. what can i say, my way it does, because triggers are only activated after mission started, even if that "after" is only 0.5 seconds, the default trigger checking time. I have currently 2 multiplayer missions that use the method i described and it does work.