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Everything posted by Lt_Damage

  1. Lt_Damage

    "don't disconnect during game or get banned"

    Hi guys, Don't take that sort of thing too seriously, only amatuer servers would even consider such foolish policy. Do not fear that you will find this on many servers, it will never be on any server I run and the other admins I know like on Stoners, etc know the drill too well to implement silly policies like that,.
  2. Lt_Damage

    Delete groups

    Suma can help me out here, you USED to be able to name the units you create, because I had a mission that relied on it, was played many times, and now doesn't work. Yes you definately need to test in a dedicated server environment, I have made many missions that work nicely on my system but once on the dedicated server it just goes mental.
  3. Lt_Damage

    Spectating script v1.2

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Feb. 24 2003,10:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ Feb. 24 2003,00:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and when I insert my RscText it just won't wor<span id='postcolor'> rename the class to something else like RscText2 or something and use it.<span id='postcolor'> I have already, I have two classes, TextE5, and TextE6, I will try and work it out, I just need to work out why it does not recognise the classes I add.
  4. Lt_Damage

    Spectating script v1.2

    I'm just using the Notepad font, which I want to be red, and in the bottom right corner, just for intro's. Only problem with this is you already have definitions all over the place, and when I insert my RscText it just won't work, I have literally tried everything I could. I don't know where I can put what I have in my other description.ext So as it stands, I can either have nice intro text, or the spectator script. :/
  5. Lt_Damage

    Airstrike question

    Hmm, managing aircraft in OFP is always tricky. For making sure the A10 reaches it's target without engaging, and also saving the A10 from existing before its needed (saves scripting refueling), you are best to create it when it's called by radio. I am at work so this will be a script based on theory: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _A10 = "A10" createVehicle getmarkerpos "StartPoint"<span id='postcolor'> Creates the A10 at marker "StartPoint" </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_A10 setpos [getpos _A10 select 0, getpos _A10 select 1, (getpos _A10 select 2) +400]<span id='postcolor'> this sets the newly created A10 400m up in the air, probably starts to freefall right about now Now you need to create a pilot : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _pilot = "SoldierWCrew" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", groupAlpha,"_pilot MoveinDriver _A10;_pilot action ["engine ON", _A10]", 0.5, "MAJOR"]<span id='postcolor'> You'll need a marker called "barracks" Edit: I forgot you might want to get the pilot to turn the engine on once he is in the A10, have modified the init. Now for telling the pilot what to do once he finds himself in the world and in an A10: Create a unit, pilot, whatever, give him a waypoint to your bombing destination, basically give him the info you want the A10 pilot to do. Now in the init put: groupAlpha = group this;deleteVehicle this Now this will mean he won't physically exist when the mission starts but his waypoint info and grouping will still remaining, so when the pilot is created into groupAlpha the pilot will follow the waypoint. Now the problems I forsee for this are going to be in the naming of the A10 and the pilot, whether a script can be made so that the A10 is given a proper name after it's created so that in the pilot's INIT it can MoveInDriver NAME, that part is the flaky part. I'm sure someone can give tips on that.
  6. Lt_Damage

    Change of clothes?

    The only way you *might* be able to do it is group the player with a unit of another type, for example, if you want to respawn as a civ, group them with a civ, then set the respawn as "group" Without the player dying there is no way.
  7. Lt_Damage

    Specifying vechile positions

    If they are not going to be seen by the players getting into the chopper use UnitName MoveInDriver Heli1;UnitName MoveinGunner Heli1
  8. Lt_Damage

    Spectating script v1.2

    Great work as always Kegetys. One thing though, can you specify in your description.ext where mission designers can place their stuff like ConfigSound and ConfigMusic and respawn and also certain fonts aswell. I know you have made a brief statement at the top saying "Place all your stuff at the bottom" But it doesn't work for me at all, I can't use the font I like to use and use your script at the same time which is causing dramas, if you could put a few more hints in, even just in a sample decription.ext it would be very helpful to me and others.
  9. Lt_Damage

    Chopper pickup

    Download the "Fast helicopter landing" scripts from www.ofpec.com They work a treat.
  10. Hmmmmmm, without some pretty funky scripting, no. Because when you set respawnmode to "group" it'll obviously give you a maximum of 11 AI units you can spawn into. Ummmmmmm, I can't see any way to do it unless you had a script or trigger that detects if there are no more AI in your group, and joins you into another group. So basically when you are on your own it will automatically join you into another group, thus allowing you to continue to respawn. A little help from some scripting wizards might help
  11. Lt_Damage

    Delete groups

    This is from the comref: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> type createUnit unitInfo Operand types: type: String unitInfo: Array Compatibility: Version 1.34 required. Type of returned value: Nothing Description: Create unit of given type . Format of unitInfo is: [pos (Position),group (Group), init (String), skill (Number), rank (String)] Note: init, skill, and rank are optional, default values are "", 0.5, "PRIVATE". Example: "SoldierWB" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", groupAlpha] <span id='postcolor'> Now as you can see you can specify all sorts of settings for the unit you create, so this would optimally be done in a script. Problem is I swear you used to be able to name them too.., This would be handy for spawning a named tank, and using a spawned unit's init to MoveInDriver TankName.. so an all in one spawning system basically.
  12. Lt_Damage

    Delete groups

    Hey Doolittle why do you put the units on an island? They may aswell serve some purpose beyond stopping the delay caused by spawning, put them amongst the spawned troops in the area, there is really no reason they need to be seperate. Also I use a trigger/script combo that creates a group of east soldiers and they will follow a waypoint very easily. You can tell spawned units to get into vehicles easy too, I had a mission where I created a unit and his init can be specified as part of the CreateUnit script, and I put MoveInDriver in here. I *think* this has been changed sincee 1.85 though, you used to be able to create a unit with a name however I have noticed the last time I tried this it was generating an error. I really hope it hasn't been changed because it was very handy. I had a Tank platoon builder made totally with triggers that would build an M1A1, build it's crew, and move the crew into it, and then send it off on a waypoint, it could roll them out as long as you had spare groups. I'll check with BIS whether the naming thing has changed for create unit.. Oh, i've found the code I used: Two triggers, one activates after the other: First build M1A1: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> tanky = "M1Abrams" createVehicle getmarkerpos "tankFactory" Builds the M1A1 at that marker "tankFactory"<span id='postcolor'> Second, build the crew and insert into tank: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "tankdriver = "SoldierWCrew" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", groupAlpha,"this MoveinDriver tanky", 0.5, "MAJOR"];tankcommander = "SoldierWCrew" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", groupAlpha,"this MoveinCommander tanky", 0.5, "CAPTAIN"];tankgunner = "SoldierWCrew" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", groupAlpha,"this MoveinGunner tanky", 0.5, "MAJOR"] <span id='postcolor'> This used to work, I watched the tanks roll out with crew, but I can an error now since 1.85 I'm pretty sure thats when it stopped working
  13. Lt_Damage

    Radio, start & stop, move & halt ?

    Since there are some good answers for him can I hijack this a little? How do you have radio commands abvailable for only 1 player, the leader for example?
  14. Lt_Damage

    Shilka broke

    Tanks "should" work best with a full crew, but I think Doolittle is like myself in the way that I don't put my life in other people's hands, and if you rely on a driver, that is what you are doing. 90% of players do not know how to drive a tank. They do not know that when you are being fired at, you must MOVE They do not know when to stop and give you a clear target, They do not know NOT to park on a hill so your turret can't lower to target. They don't know that you must circle enemy tanks so that you take hits evenly on your armor and not just one side, thus increasing your chances of survival. Usually letting someone in my tank is an exercise in cruel and unusual punishment.
  15. Lt_Damage

    Co 14 fourshilkas eden

    Doolittle, I know how you feel man, I was just testing my latest mission Reapers, and the guys had to download it about 5 times after edit's, and it still isn't finished! I suggest jumping on Gameplanet tonight, and you can do some proper testing, the best way to test a multiplayer mission is to do it online and the GP crew are getting pretty experienced at testing now
  16. Lt_Damage

    Linux server

    This is getting rediculous.. I can't find a host in Australia that doesn't want to charge me $4166AU a month just for 1mbps bandwidth. That does not include the hardware, hardware rental, anything, that is just bandwidth!
  17. Lt_Damage

    All-time best missions list

    Yes Drymouth is ok, and One Road is a bloody good mission. I also like Highlands C&H, that is better than both of those in my opinion.
  18. Lt_Damage

    Co 14 fourshilkas eden

    I love the idea too but I never got to use it because we never came close to getting injured. I suppose we could shoot each other to test it until Doolittle sends us another version
  19. Lt_Damage

    Winter 1985

    In any case if you don't like it play steal the car 500 more times until you have some skills to tackle the compaign
  20. Lt_Damage

    Co 14 fourshilkas eden

    Well we played it but we were all a little mystified.. We cruised around in some bmp's we stole from what we thought were some individually stupid AI crew, standing on top of their bmps.. Then as we progressed through the mission, we were kind of confused as there was noone around at all, no enemy, we cruised past shilka with more crew standing on top of it rather than in it and killed them, moved on.. We finished the mission without really being indanger even slightly.. I am not even sure how I would get AI to stand on top of their tank like that if I wanted to, without using SetPos, so I don't know what sort of bug poor Doolittle has run into. But we'll need a new version to host on GP if he can fix it. Cheers,
  21. Lt_Damage

    All-time best missions list

    I hope PRiME never reads this but my favourite is a coop at the moment that he made. It's called "The Sniper" and it's made for Kegetys' Winter Nogojev. Its bloody hard, well impossibly hard, we've played it a zillion times and never come close to finishing it.
  22. Lt_Damage

    Operation flashpoint deadzone stats page

    Suchey, any chance of us using this php system aswell? I am in talks with a company that will start doing tournaments for cash, where players win cash prizes, this system could come in handy.
  23. Lt_Damage

    Operation flashpoint deadzone stats page

    How are the stats collected from the game after the match finishes?
  24. Lt_Damage

    Linux server

    Thanks for the info. How much bandwidth is sufficient to run 20+ ?
  25. Lt_Damage

    Linux server

    Do you have any information on traffic used approximately? I am trying to organise new hosting and I need to know average data usage to calculate costing.