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Everything posted by kocrachon

  1. kocrachon

    MH6 super slow?

    As he said, here are the stats of them both. Blackhawk # Maximum speed: 159 kt (183 mph, 295 km/h) # Cruise speed: 150 kt (173 mph, 278 km/h) Littlebird # Maximum speed: 152 knots (175 mph, 282 km/h) # Cruise speed: 135 knots (155 mph, 250 km/h) As it shows here, telling my littlebird to go full speed should match up with the black hawk at least some what closely. It seems like the little bird is only going about 3/5 the speed of the Blackhawk.
  2. kocrachon

    MH6 super slow?

    But now it seems even more odd... The MH-6 has a top speed of 150 where as the UH-60 has a top of 159 in real life. So whuy such a great difference in arma
  3. kocrachon

    No Army?

    Really? More games these days focus around Mariens now, the only legendary games out there that focus on Army anymore is Americas Army (made by the army) the Ghost Recon Franchise, and then ArmA 1. Which is sad, because the Army has the largest Special Operation Forces units, perform more SF missions, has the largest ground force, the most modern ground force (uses newer tanks and IFV/APCs.) Then again what should I expect, after all my time in the Army I still see how the media makes the Marines seem like they do all the work, and the Marines believe it themselves. First to the fight? Tell that to teh 82nd Airborne that droped in behind enemy lines before the marines touched the shores in Iraq. ANYWAYS back on topic. ArmA 1 was a joint ops game. It had Marines AND Airforce AND Army. I don't see why ArmA 2 had to go so heavy into Marines. Even ArmA 1 had moments in it where the Army soldiers were getting help from marines (such as the cobras saving the shores). I am just kind of tired of games putting Forces in the site, and not making it more of a joint forces, especially with the way the military is gearing up to unifying all of the units better.
  4. kocrachon

    Player looking for Squad/Clan

    Hello, I am an amateur mission maker, I like to make missions that are for 4-8-12 people. I am a medically discharged Advanceds Marksman from a mobilized infantry unit for Army. I am all about Coop, I dont do competitive. I am looking for a team that likes to do smaller scale realistic games and likes to do actual military tactics. My maps arent the best but I would like some people to try them out iwth and of course to play theirs as well.
  5. kocrachon

    No Army?

    In place of the strikers you have the lav25 and the m4a1s you have... m4a1s. But what about the AH-1 and MH-1 little birds? I heard the game is suppose to be forward compatible, but how is that so if they take away my AH6 and MH6, because there is no way the UH-1 Huey compares to the H-6 series.
  6. kocrachon

    Just some people.

    So for the last 6 years I have been in a Retired Military clan, about 10 of us. We played ArmA, Americas Army, IL-2 1946, and a bunch of other sims. We recently disbanded when 2 of the founders got sucked into MMOs and lost a few to console games. So now I am looking for a bunch of similar people who are willing to employ realisim in ArmA and Arma 2(when it comes out) I have made multiple, multiple campaigns (Nothing of the professional quality alot of these people here make, just a bunch of missions I just like to make to have a good challenging time) So are there any groups out there who would like to have a amature missions maker with them? And I prefer it not be some huge clan, I prefer coop maps. I make my missions to accomodate 2-4-8 people. I have SF campaigns restricted to 4 people and full out missions that can have anywhere from 8-12 people. So I don't want to be running into a clan of 50 people or more. It gets very busy and it seems hard to organise a team to play with. It seems when ever I get into a big clan when ever we want to play a game of coop arma, it turns into something else because people get left out, and large missions are just to hard to script for.
  7. kocrachon

    Just some people.

    Looks cool, the only problem though is I am based in US on the pacific time zone. Normally not on till about 7pm my time. So I am not sure how much game time I would manage to get in with you guys. Because I believe its around 3am your time when I finally get on.
  8. kocrachon

    Just some people.

    Also a little background on me I guess. Medically Dischargerd Army from the 1st Cavalry. I was mobile Infantry Advanced Marksman Qualified (AKA, A Sniper put in a larger unit instead of that whole Hollywood version in a ghillie suit lone wolf stuff).
  9. kocrachon

    No Army?

    There were marines in a sense, the only thing that made them NOT be marines were the uniform, however, there were Marine Aircraft and guns in it. The M1A1 in the game is Marine, all Army uses the M1A2, the AH-1, Marines. I would like a better joint op in these games.
  10. So despite making missions for over a year, I just finish the campaign, and I am confused. So the US helps the RACS who we thought was the good guy, and we push the SLA back, but then the RACS kills a bunch of innocents and americans, and yet there is no after story about how the US should retalliate against the RACS? What is this?
  11. I have been going over the screen shots for the last few days and I am starting to get worried. Did they completely take out the UH-60 and make this game entirely marine only based?
  12. kocrachon

    Please tell me it still exists..

    God I hope so, the blackhawk was my favorite bird when I was in the military, I would be so depressed to see it go. Plus if the back is to be backward compatible with my old missions, I dont see how my 12 guys would fit into a UH-1...
  13. kocrachon

    Place a satchel please...

    wasnt gonna set a time actually, was gonna set a trigger that was gonna use the action command to touch off, but hey thanks alot =)
  14. I used the search function, and when I searched for place and satchel, it took me to just the add on thread, so I couldn't find what i was looking for. Anyways heres the quesiton.. So I am trying to find a command where the AI places a satchel when he reaches a locations, I know to use the touchoff action, but whats the action to place the satchel?
  15. kocrachon

    This game  borders on being a farce.Need AI mod.

    Stealth works fine for me... watching 2 enemy BMPs and a couple of URALs filled with troops stroll right by. They dont see me or my 2nd guy. During daytime as well. Just about keeping a low profile. Picture 1 Picture 2
  16. kocrachon

    Question About Cold War

    So I got a quick question about the ArmA : Cold War Rearmed Demo. My question is, does it add all of the Russian Infantry, and if so, can I add them to my current ArmA missions? I have been looking to add a Russian mod but they either make them reskins, or they make me add a weapon mod that greatly changes the russian based weapons, and id rather not go off and have a bunch of the weapons made un-balanced.
  17. kocrachon

    Question About Cold War

    ah ok, thanks =) I was really hoping for a mod where I could find a way to make it the US and Russia vs SLA and RACS =/
  18. kocrachon


    Ok, Watch Black Hawk Down and you will see how not only is the AH-6 a great attack helicopter for infantry support, but it works VERY well in urban envoirments. infact its a great street sweaper. It can go down a street or alley way and gun out anyone in an easy flight path because of the fast rate of fire and its fast speed. The little bird is a great urban helicopter. Does a better job in urban anti infantry then the UH-60 and AH-64... UH-60 is an overly large profile that is easy to hit while looking for targets in the city, and the AH-64 has an even more limited ammo on its machine gun and is slower and again has a larger profile. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AH-6 They see alot of action, and they do a great job at anti infantry and light vehicles.
  19. kocrachon

    Kind of disappointed with a 4870x2

    Dont instantly think its JUST the video card though, again I run ArmA with a ATi Sapphire 4870 with an average of about 53 FPS in combat. Theres more to it then JUST the video card. There is also his quad core, which there are ALOT of known issues with ArmA and quad cores. Its probably multiple conflicts combing into one. I run arma with this specs Q9450 2.66 GHz quad core 8 gigs of ram disabled down to 3 when I play arma Sapphire 4870 Creative Xtreme Gamer I get 53 frames and I can play the game at max detail with a max draw distance. Its NOT just the video cards, there is other hardware issues to take into consideration. It may be an ATi issues but again, the 4870 and 4870X2 dont even have mature drivers yet give them a little while before bashing them. If you are having major issues, reduce your memory to 203 gigs and I bet you arma will work alot better.
  20. kocrachon

    Kind of disappointed with a 4870x2

    Ok, here is the problem with the 4870X2. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/4870-x2-amd,1992-4.html As youw ill see, the 4870 does not work well on lower end resolutions or smaller monitors. While you are running very high it could still be a slight issue. Also, ArmA has alot of issues with higher end equipment. I know my 8 gigs of ram had to be disabled down to 3 gigs to work, and it is buggy as heck with my quad core also. You also need to keep in mind that the drivers for the 4800 series is still very new and immature, they are basically modified 3800 drivers. Give the drivers time to mature and games will work better on it. I run the standards 4870 right now on all max details at 1680 x1050 right now and I averaged 60 FPS, at least thats what fraps told me.
  21. kocrachon

    Parachute BUg

    So I have an online mission I am running right now and when me and another person eject from the Plane, it spawns like 50 parachutes when my friend ejects out, but not me. I am hosting, anyone have any info?
  22. kocrachon

    Parachute BUg

    Well its not a missions, its any mission I create and anywhere.. Pretty much this is the gist of what happens. ANY time I am playing online and I am hosting a game it does it, and here is what happen. Any other player who is in my server, jumps from the airaircraft, a bunch of empty parachutes litter the sky. anywhere from 3-60 parachutes will be in the sky with no person in them, and they will fall to the ground.
  23. Ok, so I am trying to creat a game mode for all of my buddys called nuke war. Pretty much I am going to use the nuke scud and I need a little help setting it up. First off, the plan is we fight over the scud and the team that can get it and launch it at the enemy base wins. So the help I need comes here. I need some help on ideas on how to keep the scud alive, and if I cant make it invicibile, how to make an empty vehicle respawn. I need to find out how to make it respawn either way simply because I will need to be able to respawn it if the player driving it gets killed taking it there... So are you guys able to help me out figure out how to respawn empty vehicles and maybe make it invicible when un-occupied?
  24. kocrachon

    Parachute BUg

    Sorry my bad. They arent the AI, they are empty parachutes. And it only does it during online play. when I am playing it offline in SP, and I tell the AI ejects, he ejects and its all fine. But when my best friend ejects online in a coop game, it ejects a bunch of empty parachutes with him.
  25. So I am using the RC BE32k mod and the aircraft has an option called "EJECT CARGO". And I was wondering if there is a way to make it work with the AI? I tried the action command like this. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Plane1 action ["EJECT CARGO", vehicle Plane1] But that of course it doesnt work.. so is there any tips on how to make this work, or will the AI not be able to do it at all?