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Everything posted by kocrachon

  1. It is currently hte unit. Why would I want to give the vehicle the addaction? wouldn't that prevent the unit from being able to get it? Right now the only thing that doesn't work is the "get out" command. When my guy walks up, I press "get in" and the script moves him directly into the commander spot, but doesn't add the "get out" command. So the only part of the script thats not going is the get out portion.
  2. this is what I have in the triggers "on activation" line. _uavin = RESCUE2 addAction ["Get In", "getin.sqf"] I noticed you have double quotes... does that make a difference in the sqf script itself?
  3. Yes... still nothing... could this be an issue with mando missile getting in the way? Because when I enter the UAV MHQ it adds the "UAV Camera" Action.
  4. unfortunatly, the "Get Out" action is still not showing up, even with those changes. _host = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _caller moveincommander UAVMHQ; _caller removeAction _uavin; _uavout = _caller addAction ["Get Out", "getout.sqf"];
  5. So I am making a mission where I have 30 players and I want to make it so that ONLY one player can use this one specific vehicle. Ive read about crew checks and all of that but I dont want to prevent people form using ANY vehicle, just this one specific vehicle. So how would I make a check to where only the one specific player can get into this one specific APC? Also I want him to be able to ONLY get into the gunner seat and NO other seat.
  6. My only problem with that, is it prevents everyone. I want to make it to where this one specific guy can only get into the gunner seat of an MHQ. I also want to make it to where HE is the only one allowed in it.
  7. You can always try to use the Crew Check feature on the FSM. http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=utilities&id=66
  8. So I am trying to make a UAV stay at an altitude of 700, and to do so, I am trying to make a trigger that activates when ever the UAV flys below 700 (to give it some room for terrain and such). right now here is what I have... UAV1 unitsBelowHeight 500 UAV1 setpos [ getPos UAV1 select 0, getPos UAV1 select 1, 700] However, this is not working, it never sets it to the right heights, anyone able to help?
  9. So my clan runs a server that plays capture the island for the better portion of a day. Its a dedicated server. And some times we want to use the server to run missions. So my question is, is it possible to "save" on a dedicated server, so I can load the CTI again and have it resume the progress where it was?
  10. So I downloaded an add-on that adds the PMC MGS4 infantry. The only issue I have is they are on the independent side, which makes them speak russian. I un-pboed the files, and now I am trying to make it to where they are on the bluefor side so they speak english, however, I have no idea where to go to change what side they are on. I have the config.bin opened but I have no idea what item to change to make it work, anyone able to help? I have tried adding them to a bluefor unit group, but for some reason they still speak Russian.
  11. So I downloaded an add-on that adds the PMC infantry. The only issue I have is they are on the independent side, which makes them speak russian. I un-pboed the files, and now I am trying to make it to where they are on the bluefor side so they speak english, however, I have no idea where to go to change what side they are on. I have the config.bin opened but I have no idea what item to change to make it work, anyone able to help?
  12. Yeah, the main issue is the language they speak... plus for quicker and smoother mission editing i would like them on bluefor as well.
  13. Hello, my name is HavocDemon from the squad =STUF= Strategic and Tactical United Forces We are a US based clan. Around since 2004. www.stsquad.com I am gonna be honest and blunt. We are a VERY casual squad. We play realism when we play together, using communication and tactics. However, we as a squad are on mainly on the weekends. I am an amateur mission maker who makes missions based on my former military experience as an 11B Advanced Marksman (also referred to these days as a Squad Designated Marksman). We also have a retired Air Force colonel and a few Active Army people in our squad as well who pitch in with mission ideas. While we have people on almost every day, we generally do the missions on the weekend when we have enough people to do them, because we do our missions with NO extra lives, and NO AI assistance. Its players vs AI with no respawn. So if theres only 4 people on, you only have 4 people for the mission. We are also a multi game squad, we play the following. IL-1946 (our second most played game) Americas Army 3 Silent Hunter 4 Team Fortress 2 Day of Defeat Source Company of Heroes series Battlegrounds 2 (free source mod) Insurgency (free source mod) FSX LOMAC and Fighter Ops when it releases. if you are interested, check out our website and put in an application. We run an ArmA 2 server and a ventrilo server as well. EDIT: Note, we don't rank structures, we are all equal, people with good ideas are given equal opprotunity. During missions admins/squad leaders will designate a leader in the mission, or you can vote on it. We generally let everybody lead.
  14. So right now I borrowed a script to repeat a playmove so that a guy repeats a playmove forever, here is the script I am using so far.. _unit = _this select 0; _animation = _this select 1; _noWeapons = _this select 2; _unit setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]; if (_noWeapons) then {removeAllWeapons _unit}; while {true} do { _unit switchMove _animation; waitUntil {!(animationState _unit == _animation)}; }; and in the init of that guy I have this [this,"ActsPercSnonWnonDnon_carFixing2",true] execVM "animationLoop.sqf"; The problem is he stands there and the animation never starts. Any tips?
  15. kocrachon

    Cheapest Servers?

    THanks for the help everyone... I like the look of League Servers so I am gonna give them a chance. Thanks for the info!
  16. kocrachon

    Cheapest Servers?

    I just cancelled having them... to be honest I had a LOT of issues with them in the past. As for the jestsservers... they are good and cheap but have a slot requirement that is out of my range.
  17. While I don't like feeding trolls and I also don't like pulling the "I was in the military and thus have a slightly more valid point" im gonna pull both. The AH-1z can and will use Aim 9s as a form of self defense weapon when running into enemy air assets. The reason TODAY we don't equip them with AA is because, what air are we gonna run into in todays current conflicts? Thats the whole reason they are NOT on them right now, because they would serve no purpose. But if tomorrow we went to war with Iran who has air craft, we would damn well be putting those Aim 9s on the cobras because they might run into Iran's AH-1s and we would want to shoot them down before they got a chance to attack. Its all about equipping for your current situation. They don't have them now because they don't need to. But depending on who we are at war with tomorrow, we may just start slapping them on.
  18. Thanks a lot sir, that works like a charm.
  19. So right now I am trying to use a trigger to set the init of a vehicle, but I am getting an error when I set it, and here is what I am trying to write.. ch1 setVehicleInit "this addEventHandler ["GETIN",{if ((_this select 1) == "driver") then {[_this select 0] execVM "FastRope\scripts\fast_rope_player_pilot.sqf"}}]" however, I get an error, it tells me I need to ad a ; right here [";GETIN", Anyone able to help me out?
  20. So I am making a mission and I wanted to set a trigger to where when a tank has used a percentage of his ammo, the trigger tells him to go to a new waypoint. But I cannot seem to figure out how to find out when he is down to 25% ammo. The only script commands I can think of are someammo and need reload.
  21. kocrachon

    Ammo check?

    umm... thats kind of confusing... so the trigger would be "condition" player sidechat format [%1, M2 ammo "100_rnd_m2"] on actication M2 setvehicleammo 1 ?
  22. So right now I am trying to write a script that checks every M2 static defense on the map, and with that I want to make a script that also checks its ammo, and if its low on ammo, automatically reloads it with ammo. Giving me a base defense with unlimited ammo (these are manned by AI of course) Anyone able to help me out as to how to make this work? I never made a script that checked all of a single type of object before... I know how to do the ammo check.. and how to refil the ammo. I guess the real question is, how do I set it up to check every M2 for said ammo?
  23. kocrachon

    Check all M2s.

    does anyone know how to write if ammo is < .5 or something a long those lines ot initiate a script? such as M2 ammo < .5?
  24. kocrachon

    Check all M2s.

    Ok I am slightly confused, I have a script writen for the most part but the part I am failing at is the actual "check ammo" count. How do I script "If ammo is at .5 then". Because right now I cant seem to get an ammo check to work.
  25. Ok, so I have an AC-130 script I got from Armaholic. I am having a little trouble using it because its so difficult to find the right spot to where you can man the guns. So I was hoping to write a script that does this "If soldier (any soldier near by) is distance 2 away, then add action Get In Gunner" and when clicking "Get In Gunner" it moves you to the appropriate gunner seat". But I am gonna be honest, I do not know how to do scripting outside of the basic stuff like putting something in the init field. But as for an actualy SQS file or SQF file I am completly lost Would anyone be able to show me and explain to me how something like this would work? I look at the SQFs and I get confused when I see stuff like _vec and so forth.