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Posts posted by Kolmain

  1. I use this, hopefully it helps!

    In a MPRespawn eventHandler:

    [color="#FF8040"][color="#1874CD"]_index[/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]=[/b][/color] [color="#000000"]player[/color] [color="#191970"][b]addMPEventHandler[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b][[/b][/color][color="#7A7A7A"]"MPRespawn"[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b],[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]{[/b][/color]
    	[color="#1874CD"]_newPlayer[/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]=[/b][/color] [color="#000000"]_this[/color] [color="#191970"][b]select[/b][/color] [color="#FF0000"]0[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
    	[color="#1874CD"]_oldPlayer[/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]=[/b][/color] [color="#000000"]_this[/color] [color="#191970"][b]select[/b][/color] [color="#FF0000"]1[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
    	[color="#1874CD"]_newPlayer[/color] [color="#191970"][b]setVariable[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b][[/b][/color][color="#7A7A7A"]"EVOrank"[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b],[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]([/b][/color][color="#1874CD"]_oldPlayer[/color] [color="#191970"][b]getVariable[/b][/color] [color="#7A7A7A"]"EVOrank"[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b])[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b],[/b][/color] [color="#000000"]true[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]][/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
    	[color="#1874CD"]_newPlayer[/color] [color="#191970"][b]setUnitRank[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]([/b][/color][color="#1874CD"]_oldPlayer[/color] [color="#191970"][b]getVariable[/b][/color] [color="#7A7A7A"]"EVOrank"[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b])[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
    	[color="#1874CD"]_nil[/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]=[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b][[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]][/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]spawn[/b][/color] EVO_fnc_pinit[color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
    	[color="#191970"][b]if[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]([/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]![/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]([/b][/color][color="#1874CD"]_newPlayer[/color] [color="#191970"][b]getVariable[/b][/color] [color="#7A7A7A"]"BIS_revive_incapacitated"[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b])[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b])[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]then[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]{[/b][/color]
    		handle [color="#8B3E2F"][b]=[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b][[/b][/color][color="#000000"]player[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b],[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]([/b][/color][color="#191970"][b]profileNamespace[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]getVariable[/b][/color] [color="#7A7A7A"]"EVO_loadout"[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b])[/b][/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b]][/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]execVM[/b][/color] [color="#7A7A7A"]"scripts\setloadout.sqf"[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
    	[color="#8B3E2F"][b]}[/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]else[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b]{[/b][/color]
    	    [color="#1874CD"]_newPlayer[/color] [color="#191970"][b]setDamage[/b][/color] [color="#FF0000"]0.5[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
    		handle [color="#8B3E2F"][b]=[/b][/color] [color="#8B3E2F"][b][[/b][/color][color="#000000"]player[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b],[/b][/color] deadloadout[color="#8B3E2F"][b]][/b][/color] [color="#191970"][b]execVM[/b][/color] [color="#7A7A7A"]"scripts\setloadout.sqf"[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]
    		[color="#191970"][b]removeBackpack[/b][/color] [color="#000000"]player[/color][color="#8B3E2F"][b];[/b][/color]

    Made with KK's SQF to BBCode Converter

  2. I think somewhere i was falling an died an when I respawned inside the bunker at base it glitched me somehow an up I went, maybe a PhysX issue hard to say. Having some wierd issue with fog that comes an regardless of my view distance settings the world becomes foggy say maybe 300m view distance an on the second town I notice a greenish haze, have never seen it b4 but reminded thats what it looked like gas hovering just above ground.

    here's another pic of it...



    Unpbo'd the mission an took a look at the files, at this point i'd probably do more harm than good :D Would probably have to switch the target towns around to so(but thats over my head). Maybe take another look tomorrow. Will try an catch yal on TG server.

    Interesting, is that an EVO bug? I haven't come across anything like that?...

  3. Couple funny moments playing Evolution :D

    This aint good..(spawned on roof of bunker at base shot me skyward 500ft) :D


    TY Mr-AT soldier...scratch one Ifrit.


    Damn where'd I put my gas mask?


    Keep up the good work Kolmain :D

    On a side note..is the spawn location an target towns final? Have you thought about using the main airbase as a base for Bluefor, or you just getting base gameplay etc down b4? Thought about taking a peek at the mission in the editor.

    Beautiful screenshots :bounce3:

    Why did you spawn so high, what was that?... Also, idk what that gas mask picture is lol.

    As far as the airbase, I have thought about it, but its so big its difficult to design a nice base. If you wanna take a stab at it, be my guest!

  4. You gotta start sometime, innit?

    Lol, looks like todays the day!

    I believe you mean, "You gotta start sometime, init". :D

    On topic,

    is a good intro to dialogs. I suspect the KOTH thing is quite a lot fancier but this might be worth a look.

    Thanks I'll watch this tonight.

    Unfortunately there is no easy way to give you the code that works as it is connected to lots of other stuff, you'll need to do your own implementation, it is just 3 controls - controls group, structured text inside of it and highlight text that is used as solid rectangle for the flash.

    I appreciate your replies, I'll be in touch if I get stuck. :p

  5. Its a Structured Text control inside Controls Group. When new line gets added, colored rectangle appears above it to display a flash. When message times out entire Structured text gets moved down one line and controls group cuts it off.

    I'm an experienced scripter, but never got into dialogs or control groups. Can you give me a code snippet? :(

  6. Kolmain , can you replace the previous BIG roadblock tower with mg pickup , by this last one i quote ?

    keep this one, radio tower. do not use light roadblock yet.

    Done. Try to keep roadblocks thin and close to the road, otherwise its hard to determine where I can put them...

  7. Not 100% sure what you mean by script errors despite my 1000's of hours of arma played i have very limited editing knowledge and most of what i know or display i just looked up and figured out. If its the pop ups during the mission then no i did not have any. I also forgot one thing this happened on the older maps and we have not gotten far enough on the new v1.0 to know if it still happens but after the third or forth city when you kill npc they just vanish instantly. were normal they fall over and become corpses for X amount of time.

    Script errors will show up on your screen if you turn them on in the launcher. If not, you can still find them in your .RPT log file.

    That shouldn't occur on v1.0, I resolved that. Looking into respawn now!

  8. I know this is a little behind and I did not have a chance to read all the new posts today but here is a small right up and response to your v1.0 and your steam msg. Ignore any part others have posted or that you have already fixed.

    Yes we tried it and cleared out the first 2 cities. Before the map started to fall apart, first the re-spawn on the MHQ worked but it stopped functioning as an MHQ and was just another vehicle. Second the script for the re-spawn does not remove the old wreck so if it gets blown up in the base it spawns in the wreck and blows up and you end up with a pile of them witch start to blow up other vehicles and take down buildings. This spawn mess is very typical in maps like this over time and I’m not sure how to fix it. Also the pickup trucks at base had this same issue and we ended up with 50ish wrecks in a pile that flew all over the base when new ones spawned. After that every single chopper re-spawn stopped working and every tank/armored vehicle re-spawn stopped working. Also when I placed a mash on the spawn selector screen the names would swap. My mash would be called a location and the HQ’s name would change to digfig’s mash. I know this is a lot and we did not test to see if it happened again or if it was just that one map that’s broken. I do want to say despite all this we have a blast playing your map and we really do love your evo maps. We have seen a lot of people come and go trying to make one due to the countless endless errors and bugs that come with such a complicated map in Arma. As long as you’re willing to put in the work we will be here to help please keep up the good work and don’t give in.

    Thanks for the feedback Digfig! I'm not going anywhere, and will get to work on fixing these tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to let me know the bugs! Were there any script errors?

  9. <img elements />

    _index = player createDiarySubject ["OPREP","OPREP"];
    player createDiaryRecord ["OPREP", ["Situation", "CSAT forces have established a foothold in Altis alongside the AAF. Fighting has erupted all over the island. NATO expeditionary forces have established a staging area on the southeast corner of the island."]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["OPREP", ["Enemy Forces", "OPFOR infantry companies have secured the villages and cities of Altis, and are dug in expecting assault. Additional OPFOR support assets have been spotted throughout the island. Expect OPFOR CAS and indirect fire support. Forward recon elements also discovered a significant AAA network covering the island, and have marked the known air coverage locations."]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["OPREP", ["Friendly Forces", "NATO has deployed an expeditionary platoon and established a staging base on the southeast corner of the island. While primarily an infantry fighting unit, the force will have auxiliary support assets available. Prioritization will be to the highest ranking requestors."]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["OPREP", ["Mission", "Eradicated CSAT prescence on the island of Altis and systematically secure each village and city throughout the island."]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["OPREP", ["Execution", "NATO high command has issued orders to retake the island via a systematic approach. We will be receiving intel from our forward recon teams and leaders will be receiving new orders as we receive them. Infantry movement will be supported by light armor and air cover as we move towards the island."]];
    _index = player createDiarySubject ["Gamemode","Gamemode"];
    _rankString = "You are awarded field promotions based on your score:";
    _rankString = _rankString + format ["<br/><img image='img\pvt.paa' width='32' height='32'/> %1 points   = PRIVATE<br/>
    <img image='img\corp.paa' width='32' height='32'/> %2 points  = CORPORAL<br/>
    <img image='img\sgt.paa' width='32' height='32'/> %3 points  = SERGEANT<br/>
    <img image='img\ltn.paa' width='32' height='32'/> %4 points  = LIEUTENANT<br/>
    <img image='img\cpt.paa' width='32' height='32'/> %5 points = CAPTAIN<br/>
    <img image='img\mjr.paa' width='32' height='32'/> %6 points = MAJOR<br/>
    <img image='img\col.paa' width='32' height='32'/> %7 points = COLONEL<br/><br/>", 0, rank1, rank2, rank3, rank4, rank5, rank6];
    player createDiaryRecord ["Gamemode", ["Player Ranks", _rankString]];
    _assetString = "Each rank unlocks new vehicles for you to utilize:";
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\pvt.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> PRIVATE <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank1vehicles;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\corp.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> CORPORAL <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank2vehicles;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\sgt.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> SERGEANT <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank3vehicles;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\ltn.paa' width='32' height='32'><br/> LIEUTENANT <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank4vehicles;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\cpt.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> CAPTAIN <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank5vehicles;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\mjr.paa' width='32' height='32'><br/> MAJOR <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank6vehicles;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\col.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> COLONEL <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank7vehicles;
    player createDiaryRecord ["Gamemode", ["Assets", _assetString]];
    _assetString = "Each rank unlocks new weapons for you to use:";
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\pvt.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> PRIVATE <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank1weapons;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\corp.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> CORPORAL <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank2weapons;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\sgt.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> SERGEANT <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank3weapons;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\ltn.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> LIEUTENANT <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank4weapons;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\cpt.paa' width='32' height='32'><br/> CAPTAIN <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank5weapons;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\mjr.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> MAJOR <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank6weapons;
    _assetString = _assetString + "<br/><img image='img\col.paa' width='32' height='32'/><br/> COLONEL <br/><br/>";
       _displayName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "displayName");
       _assetString = _assetString + _displayName + "<br/>";
    } forEach rank7weapons;
    player createDiaryRecord ["Gamemode", ["Weapons", _assetString]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["Gamemode", ["Hints", "You can Request a HALO drop from the staging base spawn area. It's free until you are a Corporal, after which will cost you 3 points.
    The Radio Towers can only be destroyed with explosives set by infantry.
    If you kill an unarmed enemy you will be fined 8 points.
    You can join or create squads at the spawn area in the staging base, or by pressing 'U' at anytime.
    As a commander you have many support assets available to you.
    You can recruit AI squadmates at the staging base spawn area, or in the field via the communication menu.
    You can choose a side mission for your platoon to take on at the spawn area in the staging base. Only one sidemission is active at a time.
    If you disconnect and reconnect your score and rank will be retained, and you will be moved to the last location with the loadout you had at the time.
    You can earn points by transporting friendly players.
    If you are in command of a vehicle, stop at the airbase, a FARP or a dock to be fully serviced.
    If you are a medic you can set up a MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital). When players heal (enemy inflicted wounds) you get points. As a medic your priority must be healing.
    If you are an engineer you can set up a FARP (Forward Arming and Refueling Point) when you are near a repair vehicle. If you fully repair a marked vehicle at your farp you will earn points, As an engineer your priority must be repairing damaged vehicles.
    You can set your terrain detail (grass), View distance and Air view distance (How far you see in a plane or chopper) in the spawn area at the staging base.
    Each town contains a radio tower, If you destroy it you will receive 10 points, It also stops any further reinforcements being sent to the town under siege. Careful, there may be some on the way already.
    When each town falls, remaining troops drop their guns and can be captured and returned to base for 5 points. Never shoot unarmed soldiers as they may be someones prisoner.
    In each town is an officer, If you capture him and return him to base it is worth 20 points, To capture him you must first identify him (default right click) then choose the option capture. Never shoot the officer, he is always unarmed."]];

    Thanks I'll try it later tonight.

  10. stable linux binary works. no crash so far.

    kolmain , wait a little bit until i solve the problem of composition orientation; I will recapture carefully what i already did.

    What do you need to align correctly my composition with road, in this case ? is that even possible ?

    Yep, that's possible. I can get the direction of the road, and place it by that, so just make sure that 0° is the road. If it's off I can tweak it, ie: _dir = _roadDir - 90;

  11. nope. i have access to all arsenal , and vehicle, but i can only recruit 2 AI , and basic soldier, only .

    Thanks, I fixed it in the dev branch.

    ---------- Post added at 10:24 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ----------

    For future reference everyone, when making a bug report on here/github/PM/anywhere, please submit it using this format:

    What you did:

    What you expected to happen:

    What actually happened:

    Any errors/logs to help:

    ---------- Post added at 10:41 ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 ----------

    EDIT: made a mistake on these 3 roadblock . it's not exactly asphalt road sized ... will correct it

    BIG roadblock bunker and MG pickup.

























    Radio Tower











































































    Added to master branch for 1.1.

  12. congratz !

    1.44 PERF linux server crash with segfault (mission ran with debug enabled). it ... usually, doesnt happens. it's late here , i will test tomorow with stable binary.

    Not sure what this means... can you post a RPT? Hopefully it's not Evo crashing it...

    Awsome will Host on my new server, finally got finished.
    Back to my ArmA1 roots :yay: My server "Call911's ArmA Xtreme" is up an hosting this now. Hopin to give the mission a good hard run thru between now an the end of the weekend :D

    Awesome, thank you! We're testing it with as many people as we can this Saturday, June 6th @ TacticalGamer (thread here). Please join us!

    i bookmark your server

    doesnt work, and i can't recruit more than 2 minions

    you probably need to add a "EVOrank setVariable "COLONEL" in the place the RankedWeapons is checked. something like that (syntax is probably not exact).

    in this case, you could rename the label in mission.ext , "Global rank system". as it will unlocked everything... but the score check in fn_rank.sqf will be the problem. if you didn't already change it .

    in any case, if i'm ranked "PRIVATE" , i can't have access to everything.

    as we spawn with score = 0 , our rank is downgraded to "PRIVATE".

    ps: it was probably an anticheat stuff

    Wait, I'm confused. You're saying that you disabled rank requirements for weapons/vehicles? If you do this it doesn't run the checks and the max AI stay at 12 and you should have access to all units. Is this not happening?

  13. EDIT: made a mistake on these 3 roadblock . it's not exactly asphalt road sized ... will correct it

    BIG roadblock-HMG-AT-AMMO














































    BIG roadblock -noAT-truck
















































    BIG roadblock-GMG-tower-nogate















































    these are quite big fortification. probably used for main cities.

    radio tower











































































    Thanks for your help! I'll start on them tomorrow. For now, drumroll please!...........

    Get 1.0 Stable @ Github!

    • [NEW] Added Debug Mode parameter for bug hunting.
    • [bUGFIX] MHQ now respawns properly
    • [bUGFIX] PRIVATE weapon items are now available.
    • [bUGFIX] RandomWeather error fixed.
    • [bUGFIX] Players no longer receive double points.
    • [bUGFIX] Players no longer get stuck in negative points.
    • [CHANGE] CHHQ removed and swapped to rudimentary EVO MHQ.
    • [CHANGE] New loading screen added.
    • [CHANGE] More OPFOR infantry by default.

  14. I probably explained it too complicatedly. :D

    What I meant is making sure that the availableWeapons variable always contains the right data when it is called.

    As availableWeapons is a global variable, it is not stored on the server. This causes it to reset every time the player reconnects. Should be easily fixed by just fixing the inconsistency with the rankweapons. What I was trying to say is that the way availableweapons variable is initialized causes this to happen:

    For example if a player with score 210 decides to reconnect availableWeapons variable resets. Once he is back in the server buildammocrate is called and since he has 210 pts it means that he is rank COLONEL. So once the buildammocrate initializes, it looks for case COLONEL which sets the available weapons to

    availableWeapons = availableWeapons + rank1weapons + rank2weapons + rank3weapons + rank4weapons + rank7weapons

    Since case COLONEL currently doesn't include rank5weapons and rank6weapons it causes that the player is missing those weapons from the crate, as his availableWeapons has directly changed from default (PRIVATE) to COLONEL thus availableweapons does not contain anything cases CORPORAL-MAJOR add to it.

    So make sure it is defined right every time it initializes

    i.e. just add rank1items, rank5weapons and rank6weapons :p

    switch (_EVOrank) do {
       case "PRIVATE": {
              availableWeapons = availableWeapons + rank1weapons;
           availableMagazines = availableWeapons call EVO_fnc_buildMagazineArray;
           availableItems = availableItems + rank1items;
       case "CORPORAL": {
               availableWeapons = availableWeapons + rank1weapons + rank2weapons;
           availableItems = availableItems +[b] rank1items[/b] + rank2items;
           availableMagazines = availableWeapons call EVO_fnc_buildMagazineArray;
       case "SERGEANT": {
           availableWeapons = availableWeapons + rank1weapons + rank2weapons + rank3weapons;
           availableItems = availableItems + [b]rank1items[/b] + rank2items + rank3items;
           availableMagazines = availableWeapons call EVO_fnc_buildMagazineArray;
       case "LIEUTENANT": {
               availableWeapons = availableWeapons + rank1weapons + rank2weapons + rank3weapons + rank4weapons;
               availableItems = availableItems +[b] rank1items[/b] + rank2items + rank3items + rank4items;
           availableMagazines = availableWeapons call EVO_fnc_buildMagazineArray;
       case "CAPTAIN": {
               availableWeapons = availableWeapons + rank1weapons + rank2weapons + rank3weapons + rank4weapons + rank5weapons;
           availableItems = availableItems + [b]rank1items[/b] + rank2items + rank3items + rank4items + rank5items;
           availableMagazines = availableWeapons call EVO_fnc_buildMagazineArray;
       case "MAJOR": {
               availableWeapons = availableWeapons + rank1weapons + rank2weapons + rank3weapons + rank4weapons + [b]rank5weapons[/b] + rank6weapons;
           availableItems = availableItems + [b]rank1items[/b] + rank2items + rank3items + rank4items + rank5items + rank6items;
           availableMagazines = availableWeapons call EVO_fnc_buildMagazineArray;
       case "COLONEL": {
               availableWeapons = availableWeapons + rank1weapons + rank2weapons + rank3weapons + rank4weapons + [b]rank5weapons + rank6weapons[/b] + rank7weapons;
           availableItems = availableItems + [b]rank1items[/b] + rank2items + rank3items + rank4items + rank5items + rank6items;
           availableMagazines = availableWeapons call EVO_fnc_buildMagazineArray;

    Now I understand, sorry about that! :o

    Thanks for catching that, I'll commit it now! Also, I found and fixed the random weather error. It was a parameter bug.

    ---------- Post added at 15:05 ---------- Previous post was at 15:05 ----------


  15. kolmain , can you describe how i can get back my composition , using my previous copy past ? i'm looking for tutorial , i found this one but it implies to create an addon.

    Is there any simpler way to exploit my previous stuff ?

    Sure. You're going to use BIS_fnc_objectMapper. Paste this code in your debug and hit execute locally:

    nul = [(getPos player), (getDir player), >>PASTE OBJECT ARRAY HERE<<] call BIS_fnc_objectMapper;

    Example with your mortar:

    nul = [(getPos player), (getDir player), [
    ]] call BIS_fnc_objectMapper;

  16. Not sure, may have missed it, the town went clear about the same time as the officer disappeared after joining the squad so. Maybe another squad or two might be about right. Was'nt sure if there was infantry reinforcments or not so but a cpl more squads may not be too bad. That an hoping with WinX maybe we'll get a boost an can make it more like ArmA1-2 #'s wise. Seems like back than there were choppers constantly droppin paras an trucks bringing some in too, plus the armor so, seems close now from what I can remember. Theres a cpl servers still hosting it on ArmA1 I play from time to time(for nostalgia purposes) so may take a look an maybe see if theres anything were missing from the original. your still plannig on doing more support options once 1.0 is done right.

    Yep, support will be after 1.0. Sounds good, if you want points for capturing the officer you have to bring him back to HQ.

    I think you'll also need to add rank1items to all cases, just like every other rankitems is done. There's also inconsistency in availableWeapons as for every case previous case's rankweapons are added except Major is missing rank5weapons and Colonel is missing rank5weapons and rank6weapons.

    This inconsistency causes problems with rejoiners as Major can't access rank 5 weapons and Colonel can't access rank 5 and rank 6 weapons. Because if I understood it right EVO_fnc_buildammocrate is called every time a player gets rank, and rank is straight based on score, which rejoiners get to keep thus not "reaching" ranks 5 and 6 which update the availableWeapons with those rank weapons.

    Weathersystem is giving me an error in .rpt

    12:13:41 Error in expression <erUpdateArray = weatherTemplates select rw2_Current_Weather;
    12:13:41   Error position: <rw2_Current_Weather;
    12:13:41   Error Undefined variable in expression: rw2_current_weather
    12:13:41 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\scripts\randomWeather2.sqf, line 141

    Thanks for the tips. I'm aware about the weather error, but not sure what it is. Did an update break it?

    As for the buildAmmoCrate, it's also called in the init.sqf. is that what you mean? I'm confused as to why it would be an issue for rejoiners...

  17. Played last nite for better part of 4-5 hrs on my host an on a server that was hosting that had a cpl playing it. It's definatly come along way since when you first started ::D Love the new sling load reinforcemnts, not so much so when I get tagged by an Ifrit gunner in a GMG an MG, guess I'll know better next time, an here I though only us players could do that, ArmA sure has come a long way :D Cleared the first town on my own an also when in a differnt server. Guys were laughing me run around an chase the officer on foot an try an use action menu :D Did'nt seem to get any points like in original Evo that I noticed (though I was in a squad) maybe the leader got the points. looks like your gettin close to final RC.

    Glad to hear people are playing! Thanks, it's great to hear you're enjoying it. I tried to code in as much variety as I could so you never truly know what the OPFOR is doing. Vehicles are a pain in the arse but you can deal with them ;) I think I'm going to increase the default infantry values for 1.0, seems a bit easy no? As for the officer, I'll change it so that all players get the points, not just the leader. But the group that turns him in will get extra points (in v1.0).

    We're close! Stay tuned for 1.0 this week :cool:

    new roadblock. do you like it ?




    i did not find the vodka though ...


    Grab data:

    Mission: roqdblock

    World: Altis

    Anchor position: [20528.1, 8696.94]

    Area size: 100

    Using orientation of objects: yes















































    Love it! Keep up the good work and try and make varieties of the same prefab. Like, this roadblock can be recreated without any statics, with some, different, auto... etc.

    Thanks for the help!

    ---------- Post added at 11:27 ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 ----------

    EDIT: The officer capture already gives all players 5 points?...

  18. Noticed a small mistake in RC10 in fn_buildAmmoCrate.sqf. Case Private is missing availableItems, and "rank1items" don't get used anywhere. I doubt this is intentional as you have defined acc_flashlight and ACO sights as rank1items in init.sqf. Also "optic_Hamr" is defined twice in rank2items.

    Wouldn't mind some AI AA-defences around the base, as enemy air support tends to follow sometimes back into the base causing havoc there. Automatic repairing/refueling/rearming in the base area like in the original Armed Assault EVO would be nice, as it's pain in the arse to start individually repairing/refueling the vehicles in the base that have been damaged thanks to those enemy air support vehicles.

    Also if you are planning on making a RHS version, you might have to redo the way you check vehicle ranks in fn_vehicleCheck.sqf as vehicles in RHS are under different factions. (e.g. A-10 is under USAF, M1A2SEP1TUSK1 is under US Army 2014 etc.)

    Thanks for catching that! I've commited a fix. Sounds like you know your stuff, if you're interested in helping you can add fixes to GitHub!

    Thanks for the heads up on vehicle checks, I'll keep that in mind!

  19. The following is an example:


    [_player] execVM "BBR_Mission\bbrDiary.sqf";


    //Most recent entries show up at top of chosen section
    //Diary denotes that entries will show in "briefing section"
    //To create a new subject ie initial selection like "Briefing"
    //player creatediarysubject ["weather","Weather"]; //name in commands, name displayed
    //create subject before record..
    //player createDiaryRecord["weather", ["info", "the weather is nice."]];
    waitUntil {time > 2};
    _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Join Us", " Website: http://blackburns-raiders.enjin.com/recruitment "]];
    _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Server Side Scripts",     "A list of scripts on the server and how to use them: ...."]];
    _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Secondary Objective",     " There are various secondary objectives...."]];
    _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Main Objective",     " The Main Objective... blah blah.<br/><br/>The previous makes new lines with extra space"]];
    _player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Server Rules",         " Disciplinary Policy - The 1st Blackburn Raiders reserves the right........"]];


    The most likely reason that the names arent showing is that the variables that contain the foreach arrays, ie rank1vehicles, are not defined for the connecting client.Since creatediaryRecord needs to run locally, I am assuming the variables are not defined. You can send the contents dyanmically using publicvariable/publicvariableClient or include the definitions in the init, since that runs before things like initplayerLocal

    Hope this helps

    The variables are each defined on the client before calling briefing.sqf.

  20. okay.

    do i need any addons , to reveal hidden object in editor ? i dont find the main thing : radio tower

    I couldn't find the radio tower in the editor either, but everything is in Zeus. Start with a sandbag or cone or something for that one.
