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Everything posted by Kolmain

  1. Is there anyway that I can alternate between the day and night movie effects modules depending on the time?
  2. Im waiting on this too, any ideas?
  3. so using this _sunangle = [] call X_fnc_SunElev; will return _sunangle as the angle, pos day negative night? so jsut check if and then? EDIT: Goona try this X_fnc_SunElev = { [size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]private[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] ["_lat", "_day", "_hour", "_angle", "_isday"]; [/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_lat[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] = -1 * getNumber([/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]configFile[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] >> "CfgWorlds" >> [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]worldName[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] >> "latitude"); [/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_day[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] = 360 * ([/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]dateToNumber[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]date[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]); [/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_hour[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] = ([/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]daytime[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] / 24) * 360; [/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_angle[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] = ((12 * [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]cos[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]([/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_day[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]) - 78) * [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]cos[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]([/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_lat[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]) * [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]cos[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]([/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_hour[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2])) - (24 * [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]sin[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]([/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_lat[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]) * [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]cos[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]([/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_day[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2])); [/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_angle [/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]}; [/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_sunangle[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] = [] [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]call[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] X_fnc_SunElev;     [/size][size=2][color=#0000ff][size=2][color=#0000ff]if[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] {[/size][size=2][color=#808080][size=2][color=#808080]_sunangle[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] > 0} [/size][size=2][color=#0000ff][size=2][color=#0000ff]then[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] { "colorCorrections" [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]ppEffectAdjust[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] [1, 1.02, -0.005, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.65], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]]; "colorCorrections" [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]ppEffectCommit[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] 0; "colorCorrections" [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]ppEffectEnable[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] [/size][size=2][color=#0000ff][size=2][color=#0000ff]true[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]; } [/size][size=2][color=#0000ff][size=2][color=#0000ff]else[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] { "colorCorrections" [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]ppEffectAdjust[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] [1, 1.15, 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.8, 1, 0.5], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0]]; "colorCorrections" [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]ppEffectCommit[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] 0; "colorCorrections" [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]ppEffectEnable[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] [/size][size=2][color=#0000ff][size=2][color=#0000ff]true[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]; }; [/size]
  4. so heres the code X_fnc_SunElev = { /* Author: CarlGustaffa Description: Returns the suns altitude for current day and hour of the year on any island (whos latitude may differ). Parameters: None needed. Returns: Suns altitude in degrees, positive values after sunrise, negative values before sunrise. */ private ["_lat", "_day", "_hour", "_angle", "_isday"]; _lat = -1 * getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude"); _day = 360 * (dateToNumber date); _hour = (daytime / 24) * 360; _angle = ((12 * cos(_day) - 78) * cos(_lat) * cos(_hour)) - (24 * sin(_lat) * cos(_day)); _angle }; but im nto sure how to implement it? how do i get the return?
  5. Kolmain

    97thRR Opens Doors!

    Along with out new dedicated server, we've got some awesome new stuff up! Tired of Domi? Well we've created a dynamically filled mission called The Battle for Zargabad desgined for up to 45 players! This mission features intense insurgency and an unstable major city! Available only on the 97thRR server! Next up we've created a custom version of the MSO mission, which enables us to have a persistent (never ending or never turned off) Takistan filled with insurgents and custom objectives! The most realistic war experience to date! Hop in and see what you can learn!
  6. No multiplayer scripters? =/
  7. So i've got a system that runs every 10 minutes that either execVM's a side mission, nothing, or a new vehicle (each different scripts). The nothing script works, but the others dont. Any ideas?
  8. [str ("Mission Name Here") , str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 2) + "." + str(date select 0), str("Mission Location Here")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; How would I use this code to display to a player when he enteres a trigger, but only display it to that player? EDIT: What about in the condition: this and Player in thisList ? Testing isnt working out so well for me =/
  9. You cant call this in a trigger onact? giving me an error? [[size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]str[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] ("Outpost Rascal") , [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]str[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]([/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]date[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]select[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] 1) + "." + [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]str[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]([/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]date[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]select[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] 2) + "." + [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]str[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]([/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]date[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]select[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] 0), [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]str[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2]("Southern Zargabad Valley")] [/size][size=2][color=#ff0000][size=2][color=#ff0000]spawn[/color][/size][/color][/size][size=2] BIS_fnc_infoText;[/size] [size=2] [/size]
  10. So thats working but I need to fix the server side issues. Anything on the others?
  11. So I've got ambient mortar fire across zargabad via script. My question is how i can play this mortar whistle sound (identified as "PMC_Incoming" from the mission description) while its randomly generating it around the city, and if you're not close enough, you cant hear it. If you're at base way down south of zargabad city, you should hear the whistle of a mortar shell hitting the center :p So heres my code snipet on the arty. maybe we could use a publicvariable to store the location of the shell, check to see if the player is x meters from the variable, or maybe theres a play 3d sound command im not aware of? Thanks for the help! //arty.sqf //origional created by I44 team if(!isServer) exitWith{}; private ["_trg", "_round", "_alpha", "_bravo", "_loc", "_delay"]; _trg = mortar1; _round = "ARTY_Sh_81_HE"; _alpha = ((triggerArea _trg) select 0); _bravo = ((triggerArea _trg) select 1); _loc = getPos _trg; while {true} do { _round createVehicle [(_loc select 0) + _alpha - random (_alpha * 2),(_loc select 1) + _bravo - random (_bravo * 2), 600]; _delay = 25 - random 5; sleep _delay; };
  12. Right here: You can find the sound in in <GAME FOLDER>\Common\mission_pmc_data.pbo\sounds\
  13. I just bought a dedicated and was wondering if anyone was looking for a server? Contact me via PM or www.97thrr.org
  14. Kolmain

    Looking for a server?

    im looking to rent it out :P
  15. //arty.sqf //origional created by I44 team if(!isServer) exitWith{}; private ["_trg", "_round", "_alpha", "_bravo", "_loc", "_delay"]; _trg = mortar1; _round = "ARTY_Sh_81_HE"; _alpha = ((triggerArea _trg) select 0); _bravo = ((triggerArea _trg) select 1); _loc = getPos _trg; while {true} do { _round createVehicle [(_loc select 0) + _alpha - random (_alpha * 2),(_loc select 1) + _bravo - random (_bravo * 2), 600]; [color=#000000][font=Courier New][color=#0000bb]_round say [/color][color=#dd0000]"PMC_Incoming"[/color][/font][color=#007700][font=Courier New]; [/font] [/color][/color] _delay = 25 - random 5; sleep _delay; }; now theres no mortars at all :(
  16. Thats odd, didnt catch that... I took it out and will test asap! Thanks!
  17. Will try it when I get home, any other clues? Although, the scripts dont work if I run them by themselves either :/
  18. Bumping an old thread :D Is there any way to add to this the ability to start/stop the new fnc sandstorm clientside? that would be great :D
  19. Broken link points here :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=69538
  20. Is there a way to only have the selected units see the device? All units playing seem to detect IEDs.
  21. Alright, VERY nice job with this script, I've been following it closley but was unable to post until now, great job! Only question is with respawn/Norrin's revive. Im using Norrin's revive script and wonder how I can readd the detect to only engieneers? Any ideas? And for anyone trying to get this to work with james' ied script i believe its on page 5 :) Keep up the great work! Let me know if you need anything!
  22. is there anyway to run a random number through every civ that ALICE2 spawns and if it is 1/10 it executes a script on it? maybe a floor random? if it returns 1 then execute?