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Everything posted by Kenbow

  1. Link:  Download HERE Also available at ArmedAssault.info: DOWNLOAD SLA Desert Uniform Replacement Pack  Thank you for the mirror. Also available at ArmedAssault.de: SLA Desert Uniforms AND Vehicles in one zip file  Thank you for the mirror. Are you tired of looking at the green SLA camo?  Do you play misions that are in the desert part of the island, or play on a modfied desert island? This replacement pack changes the default SLA uniforms to the SLA Desert Uniforms created by Rellikki.  This works in Single Player and Multi-Player.  It is client side only, and visually changes the uniforms to the player with the addon.  This addon is not required on the server you are playing to work. You also need Rellikki's Addon to get this addon to work. Link:  SLA Desert Troops by Rellikki **Rellikki's NEW VERSION 1.2 RELEASED, 24-7-07** Here are some pics of the uniforms (from Rellikki's post): Link:  PIC 1 PIC 2 PIC 3 The "SLA_DESERT_INF_REPLACE" file replaces the infantry units.  The "SLA_DESERT_SPECOPS_REPLACE" file changes the SF units. Installation: 1) Just add Rellikki's Addon and these replacement pack addons to your Addons folder. OR 2) create a mod folder, place all files in folder, and then activate folder in target line of Arma.exe Credit:  This Replacement Pack option was possible because of Colonel SandersLite previous replacement packs.  This replacement pack would not be possible were it not for him.
  2. *** UNAVAILABLE PENDING TEXTURE CHANGE *** **edited: Aug 8, 07
  3. Kenbow

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    I found a couple of typo's in Evolution Red... 1) In the Hints, it describes the SLA officer uniform when it shoud describe the BLUFOR officer's uniform. 2) If you play in the 500 men mode and lose, it says that US forces had to leave the island, when it should say that SLA had to leave the island.
  4. Kenbow

    Sahraniville Thread: UPDATED 04/09/07

    I would like to say that I just learned about this mission today, and I cant believe more people haven't caught on to this great rp map. I read some of the posts about the Admin issues and that the police choose what your fines will be. I wanted to throw out the idea, for RP and gameplay, if the Admin was actually titled "Judge" and would be the one who actually determines what amount the citizen should pay for his fine, if any fine at all (not guilty verdict). The "Judge" would be voted into office and would make all rulings as Admin and amount of fines. The Judge's term only last so long, and you could have an auto-revote say every 15 minutes (or whatever is reasonable) to RP when a Judge's term is over. The presiding Judge can run for second term, but if he was an a$$ to the community, he probably won't get re-elected by player votes. This would encourage the player who is "Judge" to be fair, so that he will get re-elected when the auto-vote comes at the end of his term. On the side, players could try to "bribe" the judge to get favorable rulings, or players could donate to the judge's campaign fund to help him get re-elected. Well, I think you see where I am going with this. A Judge could not be a police officer at the same time. So for RP purposes alteast, maybe it would be better to call the Admin-by-vote the "Judge" instead. When a Judge kicks you from the server, he is exiling you from the island for a crime you commited. When an officer charges someone, a display screen would appear on the Judge's screen with options of what penalty range he can give for the violation that occurred, or the Judge can rule "not guilty" for no fine or jail time at all. He can listen to both players sides and make a ruling. If you want to make the role playing even a step further, designate the Server Admin as a Federal Court Judge who is appointed for life and whoo's district covers the island. Anything the Local Judge rules on can be overturned by the "Federal Judge". When the Judge chooses the penalty for the citizen, he can hit the "appeal" button, which creates a pop-up screen for the Server Admin/Federal Judge to either "affirm" the ruling or "overrule" it. Anyways, again, I think you see where I am going with this. Just throwing my 2 cents in to help with the roleplaying aspect of the game. Its late at night and I'm tired, so I hope this post makes sense to more people than just me. PS: Look at my above post about the police car addon. It has a working red/blue lightbar and siren, that supposedly works in MP. There is a demo video of the car in game on the link, which looks really good IMO (especially at night). Could definately be a good addon for this map.
  5. Kenbow

    Sahraniville Thread: UPDATED 04/09/07

    Here is a police car Addon with working lights and siren. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1230 Would something like this, or something equivalent, be good for the map?
  6. Kenbow

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Excellent news! 40 side missions, wow! Very nice.
  7. Kenbow

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Hey Xeno, This is a really great map. My Arma unit has been trying it out and we really like the features in it. Question... How does the HALO script work? I read that you have it in the mission, but I can't seem to figure out how to active the HALO jump while I'm playing the mission. And, It would be really nice if you could update the US & RACS JOINT COOP version from 2.04 to your most recent version.
  8. Kenbow

    Realistic co-op missions

    I have to correct this: I mean not the "intel initialising.. " but the "Syp sattelite initialising"-information. What is this good for? There is a satelite script that gives you a live video feed in a downward view from the sky of any part of the map (from the satelite). You can scan over the map, zoom, and use nightvision to spot enemy movement. Some missions limit it to certain units, usually officers, and some missions limit it to being in a building or tent for use. If you are getting that message at the begining of the mission, it probably has this satelite script in it.
  9. Kenbow

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Kiljoy, Been testing your mission, and it is excellent. I got a script error during a HALO jump, but everything continued to work fine. Also, if you didnt already know, the Mercenaries (6 of them I think) in Queen's Gambit are actually under the BLUFOR soldiers list. This means that you could easily change out some of the US soldiers for the mercs, if you wanted too. Wasnt sure if you were aware of that, so I just wanted to throw that fact out there. Overall, very nice mission.
  10. Kenbow

    Evolution V3.0

    Kiljoy's newest version of Evolution is out !!! Evolution Blue & Red
  11. Kenbow

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    EvolutionB.Sara = you playing as US forces EvolutionR.Sara = you playing as SLA forces (start in Pita) EvolutionB.Sara_dbe1 = Queen's Gambit version for US forces EvolutionR.Sara_dbe1 = Queen's Gambit version for SLA forces The Queen's Gambit version is on the new Sara map. You have to switch to that map first to see those missions if you are looking to load the QG missions on your own server.
  12. Kenbow

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    YES!!!!! Finally, I can't wait to try these out!!! Congrats Kiljoy on your great missions!
  13. Kenbow

    Has Anyone Got Queens Gambit?

    When is this coming out in the U.S.? Went to Best Buy today, and it wasn't in. I guess the release date of Sept 28 was for the EU and other countries, not US. Anyone have a US release date?
  14. Kenbow

    Evolution V3.0

    Kiljoy, How is Evolution 4.0 coming along?
  15. Kenbow

    Evolution V3.0

    Kiljoy@ Have you considered at alll putting Especas troops in the cities? One thing I noticed with Evo 3.0 is that there are no Especas troops at all in the mission. I was thinking you could add a variable that spawned 1-3 teams of Especas troops in addition to the regular troops. Was there a particular reason they are not in the 3.0 version?
  16. Kenbow

    XAM 1.3 Released

    Any word on English launguage Manual for this mod yet?
  17. This was posted in the sticky post. Does anyone know how to get this to work?
  18. Kenbow

    LSD Coopmappacket v2.4

    i went to the "more details" link, but all it did was bring me to this page... Can you possibly give some more info on the missions?
  19. When you click on the plane in the editor, can't you just move the "ammo" slider all the way to left (0). Then, I would imagine that the plane will respawn back with the same ammo setting. I havent tested it, but on respawn, all the other vehicle options stay the same, such as name & direction.
  20. Kenbow

    Editor Database

    So does this "uniform-switching" work in MP games? I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds very interesting. What would a basic script to run something like this look like? Anyone have an example script?
  21. This post was created for Arma players to vote for and explain why they like one sound pack over the others. PURPOSE: The purpose of this post is to let newer players read the votes and posts and make an educated decision on which Sound Pack is best for them and their personal taste. Please do not "flame" Sound Mods in this post. Replies are allowed for intelligent comments, constructive criticism, and fair comparisions between the sound mods. If you are the creator of a Sound Mod, or on the team, please refrain from "advertising" your Sound Mod here. If I overlooked any Sound Mod that is currently in use, please PM me and I will add it to the voter list asap.
  22. Kenbow

    Vote for BEST Sound Pack

    There hasn't been one recently. You can't really go with an old vote post, if there is one, because just about every Sound Mod has come out with a more recent version of their mod.
  23. Kenbow

    What's my bottle-neck?

    I think the extra 1 gig of ram may make a decent difference. I wouldnt dismiss that possibility to easily. Also, have you tryed launching Arma with the -maxmem command? for 1 gig ram, I would say try setting it at 128 or 256. I definately notice a difference in performance with the maxmem command in my exe line.
  24. Thats because tracers ignite as they are fired, and dont become fully visible until they are about 50m away from the barrel. Its not a bug, its working as intended.