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Everything posted by Kenbow

  1. Kenbow

    Realistic Tracers

    <edited> feature added
  2. Kenbow

    Realistic Tracers

    <edited> bug fixed
  3. Kenbow

    Realistic Tracers

    <edited> fixed
  4. Kenbow

    Realistic Tracers

    Additional Info about Centipede Realism Tracers (NEW)... In the "[_x,5,0,1,2]" part of the command line, here are what the # values mean.... 1st # value (set as "5" above)[set as 1 thru 10]= this will determine which round is the tracer round inbetween regular rounds. Â For example, the value above it set to "5", so every 5th round will be a tracer round. 2nd # value (set as "0" above)[***ALWAYS SET AT 0]= Â ***Edited***- this vaule is for ricochet ON/OFF effects in an older version. Â For this current version, you should ALWAYS have this set to "0". Â And, the ricochet effects will still work. 3rd # value (set as "1" above)[either set as 1 or 0]= 1- means all weapons (rifes and machineguns) will fire the tracers; 0- means only machineguns fire tracers (infantry MGs and vehicle MGs), but rifles (i.e. M-4, M-16, M107) will NOT fire the tracer rounds. 4th # value (set as "2" above)[set as 1,2,3,4,5]= This is the actual size of the tracer orb. Â Size "1" seems to be the most realistic, but you may change it to fit your preference (1=smallest, 5=largest)
  5. Kenbow

    Realistic Tracers

    The... {d=[_x, 5,0,1,2] execVM "\cent_tracer\cent_tracer.sqf"} ForEach thislist command line goes into a TRIGGER that is placed via the mission editor. Â The above exec line goes into the "On ACt." field of the trigger. Â Also, make sure the trigger a,b range extends over all the units, and have the activation option set to "anybody." The mod removes the vanilla tracers and replaces them with centipede's orb tracers (assuming the mission you play has the above mentioned trigger in it). <edited: There are new ways to implement the tracers also; read Sickboy's post below>
  6. Kenbow


    I plan on using Centipede's "tracer" Add-on, with the Predator "no-vanilla tracers" Add-on (once released) in conjunction with each other. You still would have to edit the original mission file to insert the cent_tracer trigger, but maybe we can ask Sickboy if he likes these tracers and ask him to include them in his SixthSense mod and SixthSense MP misisons. Also, I noticed that if you don't have the Centipede tracer add-on, but you try to join a MP server that uses the add-on with a trigger, I learned that the most it does is give you a script error but still allows you to join and server and play. In other words, eventhough a mission users Cent's tracer trigger, any player that does not have the Cent tracer add-on can still play on the server.
  7. Kenbow

    FDF sound pack v1.0

    Mandrake, I just inserted the 2 FDF_Sound PBO files directly into the /Arma/beta/Addons folder. THen use the BETA shortcut to launch. It seems to work fine for me that way. I was also getting CTD when I tryed to use it like a regular mod, but it works great for me now.
  8. Kenbow

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Nah, I'll go ahead and release a replacement pack for what's currently done, then just add to it or update it or whatever when other versions, like the digital camo, come around. Â It would be done by now, except that I just haven't gotten around to making the time to do it. Â I will sometime in the next few days though. Thank you, sir.
  9. There is already a really good HIND mod in the "Addons & Mods: Complete" forum for download.
  10. Kenbow

    Config soldier

    There has to be an init line somewhere, because when you are in the mission editor, you can click on a unit and enter a exec command into the init field that way. So it is obviously saved somehow. Perhaps you can make your own misison; then, place an obvious command in the init field from the editor; then save it; then, examine the config file outside the game and see how it records the info.
  11. Kenbow


    The config file you need to edit is in your weapons.pbo file.  Here are the steps you take to remove the arma vanilla tracers.... 1) create a folder "Arma Weapons.pbo holder" on desktop 2) find the Arma/Addons/weapons.pbo file.  NOTE: If you are using a BETA patch for Arma, then use the Arma/beta/Addons/weapons.pbo file. 3) drag the weapons.pbo to desktop. 4) un-pbo the file (this will leave the orginal PBO file intact, but will also create a "weapons.pbo" folder, which contains numerous files inside. 5) Now, take the original weapons.pbo file and place it in the "Arma Weapons.pbo holder" folder you created.  This is to keep your original file in a safe place in case you ever want to revert back to the vanilla tracers. 6) Open the "weapons.pbo" folder. 7) you will see a config file inside it. 8) Use "UnRap" program to decode the config file. 9) It will ask you a yes or no question upon unrapping, just select NO. 10) You should now be able to view the config file using a viewing program. I believed I used "ULtraEdit-32" to read the file. 11)  Find any Tracer entries that look somelthing like "Tracer=[2,.2,5,.4]".  Some people say replacing the last value (the alpha value) to 0 makes them invisible, but I just deleted the whole line and it worked for me.  If I saw a "Tracer=" line that had a 0,0,0,0 value already, i just left it alone.  Same goes for the "Tracer[R]=" lines.  the regular "Tracer=" line is for the regular setting, and the "Tracer[R]=" line is for the realistic settings.  (Or a may have it backwards).  If you leave one of the options, then you can actually "turn on-off" your arma vanilla tracers by changing the difficulty.  NOTE: If you play MP missions, you will use the servers difficulty settings regardless of your settings.  That is why I just deleted both the Tracer and Tracer[R] lines. 12) Once all the "tracer=" and "tracer[r]=" lines are deleted, then create-pbo on the "weapons.pbo" folder.  NOTE: you dont need to re-rap the config file once you made your edits. 13) Place the edited weapons.pbo file back into your /Arma/Addons directory (or Arma/beta/Addons directory if you are using  BETA patch like 1.07 beta). 14) After you have placed the actual edited "weapons" PBO FILE back in the add-on folder, then you may delete the left over "weapons.pbo" folder that is still on your desktop. 15) DONE!!! This edit works in all single player and MP missions, and it does not kick you out of servers for having altered files.  NOTE:  This "tracer fix" is only client side only, meaning if you play MP, then other players can still you your tracers and their tracers.  This "edit" is nothing more then a visual client side effect for players.  I do realize that this puts one at a tactical disadvantage, but if you play COOP the AI is going to see you just as easily either way, and I personally feel like its more "realistic" to not have EVERYONE shooting tracers for EVERY round. **** ON A SIDE NOTE, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make this edited "weapons.pbo" to work as a Add-On mod, so that no one has to edit their original files. IF someone could make a Add-on mod called "NoTracers" folder, then have some type of config file in it that tells Arma to use the weapons.pbo in the mod folder instead of the default weapons.pbo file that has the tracers. Just like FDF sound mod tells Arma to use the FDF sounds instead of the default sounds. Then turning Arma tracers on and off will be as simple as turning the mod on and off.
  12. Kenbow


    You DONT have to write text for every unit. Just open the misison in the mission editor. Â Then, place a TRIGGER on the map in the center of all the units. Â Type in the diameter of the trigger (it has to cover all units on the map). Â Next, select activated by "anyone." Â Then in the "On Act" line you type the following: {[_x, 5,1,0,2] exec "\cent_tracer\cent_tracer.sqs"} ForEach thislist *** This will give centipede's tracers to every unit (good guys and bad) within the trigger effect. Â *** The [_x, 5,1,0,2] breaks down this way (you can change the numbers to fit your preference... Value 1(number "5")=this will fire a cent_tracer every 5th round. Value 2(number 1)= [1=this turns tracer "ric-o-shay" (misspelled) ON]. Â [ place a "0" here to turn of the "ric-o-shay" effects]. Value 3(number 0)= Turns ALL weapon tracers on OR just machine gun tracers and larger caliber weapons on. Â [0=only machine guns (SAW and bigger) will have tracer effects, but NOT rifles]. [1=machine guns AND rifles will have tracer effects]. Â Note: Pistols never have tracer effects regardless of this setting. Value 4(number 2)= Size of the tracer orb. Â [1=smallest, 5=larger] Â I have mine set for "2", since that seems to be a good balance. *** It takes me about 3 minutes to un-pbo a misison, launcher mission editor, enter the trigger, then create-pbo, and place back in my MPmissions folder.
  13. Kenbow


    Mr Centipede, BUG REPORT: The Cent_tracers do not work with the mini-guns on the Blackhawk or AH-6. When I try to use them I get a script error, but I can still fire the gun (without the tracer effects). I have tryed both the trigger exec option and placing the exec directly in the unit's init line, but you get the script error either way. This error appears in both versions 1.13 and 1.14. I am running Arma version 1.07beta.
  14. Kenbow

    FDF sound pack v1.0

    How is the revised FDF Sounds mod coming along? Is there an expected release date yet? I have been trying over sound mods that are compatible with 1.07b, but I still hoping for the new FDF version. Sorry if asking about a release date is taboo.
  15. Kenbow

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Well, I thought about it and if he's already working on something it would be best for me not to start soemthing. This is because, no matter what, I'm going to have to change filenames otherwise it will just overwrite the desert uniforms. All Colonel Sanders pack does is tell Arma to use your add-on pack for the BIS defaults. Â Without your pack, it wont work. Â Just put the soldier filenames to whatever you want, because Sanders will use his add-on to morf them to the BIS default without actually changing the original Arma files. Â If you just make this add-on (with digital camo) like your first 3rd Inf add-on, thenSanders' add-on will do the rest of the work. I know how it works, but if he is writing for something called: "3rdinfdesert.pbo" It's only going to work for that file. I'm not going to create a pack that overwrites that filename, hence, the filename would be different. Understand what I mean? *edit* I can't do it right now, anyways, I have something going on. Yes, I see what you mean. You bring up a good point. I am of the understanding that ColonelSanders is in "stand-by" mode to create the Replacement Add-On until you complete the digital camo version of the 3rd Infantry units. Thats why I was trying to explain that you could name it anything you wanted. He (Colonel Sanders) isnt going to start his add-on until you are done with yours. Of course I could be misunderstanding Colonel Sanders, and if so, I do apologize. Again, I would like to thank you and Colonel Sanders for your excellent work on these add-ons.
  16. Hi Sickboy, Excellent work on this 6thSense mod. The fact that you keep it current and up-to-date is a big plus. I would like to post a suggestion to your already excellent mod... impliment Mr_Centipedes Tracer Mod Add-on, while at the same time disabling the original "Vanilla" Arma tracers. You can find his add-on in the "Add-On Dicussion" forum, titled "Tracer." He activates the tracer effects by using a trigger over the entire map. It has various setting options, such as a:(for all weapons OR just machine guns or above but not rifles), b:(number of regular rounds between the tracer round), c:(size of the tracer). IMO, these Centipede tracers are not a perfect respesentation of real life tracers, however, they look 100x better than the Arma default tracers. What are your thoughts on this idea, Sickboy?
  17. REMOVE TRACERS ADD-ON Can anyone create an Add-On that removes the "vanilla" default tracers in Arma? I can remove tracers by altering the original files (config file in weapons.pbo), but I prefer not to do so. An Add-on obviously won't edit the original files and they (tracers) can be turned off and on by disabling the add-on mod. Can anyone make this "Remove Tracers" Add-on?
  18. Kenbow


    Mr_ Centipede or anyone, Is it possible to also make a "weapons.pbo" add-on that removes the original tracers from the game. I don't particularly like editing my original files to delete the tracers. It would basically consist of an add-on that replaces the config file in the weapons.pbo file (with the tracers taken out). Then we can use Mr Centipede's tracer add-on with the "remove vanilla tracers" add-on together at the same time. Both types of tracers active at the same time just doesn't look good.
  19. Kenbow

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Well, I thought about it and if he's already working on something it would be best for me not to start soemthing. This is because, no matter what, I'm going to have to change filenames otherwise it will just overwrite the desert uniforms. All Colonel Sanders pack does is tell Arma to use your add-on pack for the BIS defaults. Â Without your pack, it wont work. Â Just put the soldier filenames to whatever you want, because Sanders will use his add-on to morf them to the BIS default without actually changing the original Arma files. If you just make this add-on (with digital camo) like your first 3rd Inf add-on, thenSanders' add-on will do the rest of the work.
  20. Kenbow

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Ok, i see what you mean now. I plan on using a Colonel SandersLite replacement pack with what you create. So, I am thinking the default soldiers would work best, that way Sanders can easily replace the old BIS units with the 3rd Inf units from your new Add-On (3rd with digital camo).
  21. Kenbow

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    More detailed as in what way? But my default answer would be: Yes- more detailed, because being more detailed it usually always better in my book.
  22. Kenbow

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Clavicula_nox4817 said I can, so I'll be working on this soon. Thanks ColonelSandersLite. Clavicula has actually agreed to make a digital camo version which is what I am really looking to get the replacement pack for. I am not sure if he will name them the same, so you may want to hold off on the replacement pack until he has the digital camo version out (which he said would possibly be this friday, May 25). Unless of course you dont mind making a replacement pack for both.
  23. Kenbow

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Hey Clavicula, These mods you made are great. I wanted to ask you... Can you use the camo pattern (the desert digital camo) from your 4th Psy Ops (Airborne) Add-on, but place the 3rd Inf Div patches on it. It would basically be the 3rd Infantry's MilSpec digital camo uniform, which is the most current uniform for them. That would be great if you could impliment that.
  24. Kenbow

    Replacement Pack -Jonny´s Marines

    Colonel Sanders, Could you possibly make a Replacement pack Add-On for the 3rd Infantry desert uniforms? I would be very thankful if you have the time to do so. Here is the link... http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=57612
  25. Kenbow

    3rd Infantry Division DCU

    Colonel SandersLite, Can you possibly make a replacement pack addon for this 3rd Inf desert uniform Add-On? I would be forever grateful if you could.