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Everything posted by Kjelle

  1. Hi, I wonder how to make a helicopter, a squad or a armored unit to advance on a radio call (or any other trigger). Now I put a pilot outside the heli, give him a Get In waypoint on the heli a with a condition (gogogo=1). I get two problems: 1. The heli allready has a pilot when the mission begins. 2. The variabel (gogogo) seems to be "on" before I have turned it on. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Kjelle
  2. Kjelle

    Helicopters on request

    Many thanks1!!!
  3. Hi! I have dePBOed the missons from the campaign in order to play the campaign co-op in multiplayer. Can anyone tell me where I can find the order of the mission. Even better would be to have a missionmap. Any ideas (beside playing the campaign in singel)? Kjelle
  4. I have extracted all missions from the campaign and moved them to my user MPMissions folder. But only abourt 1/3 of the 66 mission av visible when I try to edit them in the game. Strange? How do I rename all the missions so that I can see them in the list and edit/play then in the right order? Looking forward to play the campaing in coop MP...