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Posts posted by kingnl

  1. Hey Potatomasher.

    I wanted to thank you for making this great campaign!

    I just finished it. The last mission was a bit overwhelming ;)

    I really enjoyed your campaign.

    The variety of missions keeps the player from getting bored. Each mission offers something different. I especially liked the flying missions and the black woods mission where had to hunt those AA down.

    The sniper mission had way too many enemy insurgents in the forest where you had to take the shot. You could try reducing them, and place them somewhere else. For example on the road north or east of the objective. Then after the player has taken the shot, you can order them (the enemy insurgents) to start searching for the player on the spot where he took the shot. But now that ring of like 100 soldiers around the objective is a bit crazy. I was able to only take out the officer and sneak my was past the enemy soldiers, but that was more luck.

  2. I really like your campaign. It has a nice atmosphere.

    There is only on large problem with it. Each time when you fail a mission it restarts completely! It doesnt revert to the latest autosave or manual save. The option to load your manual save is also gone. This a big showstopper for me. It isn't fun to be forced to completely redo the mission after you spend 30 minuts on it and failed. When this is fixed I might try the campaign again. For now it's to boring to redo missions, after a failure.

  3. They could at least adapt the sound system like it is handled in the ace mod now. That you cannot hear anything else when you are standing next to a 50 cal that's firing, what a noise. In stock Arma 2 it sounds like a toy gun, no loudness at all. You can still hear other things really well, while a 50 cal is firing right next to you. That is stupid.

  4. I cannnot finish the first mission of the OA campaign.

    I started playing on VET. Diff of friendly 1.0 and enemy 0.9

    It looks like the ai has become worse. They storm the front like rambos and get killed because of it, resulting in a mission failure due to too many casulties.

    Since im not the leader I cannot force them to stop rambo. Each time I restart the mission they just RUN right into the arms of the enemy. Why not move carefully since you are in hostile territory?

    Even when the difficulty is set to 1.0 for friendly and 0.0 for enemy. The enemy massacres my AI teammates who keep running into their arms.

    I cannot counter this, I cannot kill all the enemies before my AI teammates suicide. This should also not be desirable, because that means I would also rambo what is against the games philosophy.

    Does anyone have good tips to finish this mission? How can I counter the dumb friendly ai?

  5. I've installed YAS and downloaded all files. I've also downloaded the aceip pack. The only problem I have now, is that the campaigns do not show up in the campaigns screen!

    My arma.exe parameters are:

    arma.exe -mod=x\oac\oac_optional_cwc_res_music;@aceip;x\oac\oac_core

    I havent installed OFP CWC and Resistance. Must those games be installed for this OAC to work?

  6. What are you guys doing about the better AI in ARMA?

    For example missions in ofp where you could go within 100 meters of the enemy before you start engaging, now start at 400 meters away, because the ai can spot you further away. And the deadliness of the enemy also has increased for that distance.

    In the mission pathfinder (if I remember the mission name correctly. It is included in the CWR demo) where you start near a small town, where you have to take out the shilka, before moving to another town, you get killed brutally by the shilka before you can even approach it. But in OFP you could come as close as you wanted to (figure of speech) before the shilka spotted you.

    Are you leaving the missions untouched regarding this issue? or are you going to implement something to counter this effect?

  7. Just go to the official site download section:

    website update downloads

    Boxed DVD ArmA: Armed Assault by 505 Games

    Version 1.04

    Download and install Euro 1.05 update

    When updated to version 1.05

    Download and install International 1.08 update

    When updated to version 1.08

    Download and install International 1.14 update

    so im D/Ling in that order..?

    thanks for the reply by the way dude

    np mate, but don't forget the 1.15 beta patch. It fixes alot!

    beta patch

  8. The same goes for me.

    I also just bought a new computer.

    Core i7 920 processor

    6 gigabyte triplechannel ram

    Nvidia GTX280

    All ingame settings are set to maximum (very high) and the game works like a charm. Very fluent transitions between all viewmodes. I can turn around like crazy and the game won't slow down!

  9. Has anyone got this (pilfius) program to work in vista?

    I cannot get it working here. On my XP pc it works fine though.

    So if anyone could give step-by-step instructions to get this great program working on vista, I'll be really thankful.
