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Posts posted by Kode

  1. When I think 20 km x 20 km I try to picture in my head the old OFP map sizes. I think they were 10 km x 10 km. It's not a huge leap as a HMMWV could drive about 4 laps around the Sahari island before needing gas but it's certainly welcome. ^^

    Nogova was indeed 100kmË›. The other islands were much smaller. You can adjust the fuel a vehicle has in the editor, so you run out of fuel faster wink_o.gif.

    I ran out of fuel quite a lot with jeeps, playing a CTI game on nogova. I think it depends on your survival skills.

  2. It's good to see they have found a publisher that obviously has the desired profile for BIS. I think that because the big publishers don't allow much, BIS is just not interest in them, as they probably want some kind of freedom, which would be nice for Arma.

    About the pricetag, It has been said quite often in the past that the game would sell for +-30 euros. Which I think is a very good move, as it's more reachable for more people(These days they even start asking 69,99 euros for a game, completely crazy, as games have been sold for 25-40 euros at the beginning)

    The pricetag is perhaps again a requirement to find a publisher for ArMa. I think BIS is trying to find publishers that actually do everything they want.

    Also, BIS is doing a great job having Armed assault in magazines, interviews ,etc.... in media in general. (ok, not tv, but I really didn't see any game-commercial for PC games,except for call of duty 2 which was for xbox and PC.)

  3. Bayonets are a welcome addition to the everyday life of a soldier, cutting ropes, wasting time playing with it, preparing food, a knife is very usefull(espcially when you need to survive, killing and unskinning rabits and other animals.

    And yes, if you're out of ammo, it can be used aswell (that is if you cannot pick up another gun or ammo...which normally are everywhere after a while... goodnight.gif )

    Anyway, I don't see any of those features being added to the game, so it's not worth the programming time, I prefer they release the game a couple of houres/days/weeks earlier smile_o.gif

  4. Actually I'm looking forward to game 2, but I think that Arma will influence game 2 in a lot of ways, as BIS will probably receive a lot of feedback from this game which they can use in game2.

    But also I think that I look most forward to Arma, because OFP is getting really old, and with that I mean especially the multiplayer aspect. Better netcode would be awesome(especially for servers), and JIP is a nice addition. I think it's also because I want to discover something new, with a lot of other people. The islands of OFP and other famous MOD's like FDF are getting too familiar (I think that if you know the time you need to get from point A to point B at 30 seconds precise, it's getting bad tounge2.gif) Soldiers don't stay always at the same place either wink_o.gif

  5. It's always a possibility that IDEA games can publish their game. The intention of it is not exactly that, but as those developers are working with eachother, and if they don't find a publisher, why wouldnt they publish it by themself, if they publish 3 games at the same time, using IDEA games as their publisher, having to do all the work just once, dividing it over multiple developers...Everything is possible smile_o.gif

    It's true, nothing much new in all those previews, but, it's nice to see lot's of positive points, and only 1 bad point(the graphics, which indeed look a bit old for the moment on the screenshots, but that still can change, and probably depends on system specs)

  6. It's nice for a small number of addons. No more addon chasing etc...

    But imagine the time you need to download them, for example a missions with some nice addons, for a total of 50Mb. Not to mention when 10 people are connecting at the same time. The server will have a hard time. Anyway, I think they'll come up with a good solution.

  7. It really is a great article. I especially liked the examples of movement wth a gun and firing at the same time interesting. It's nice to see some real movies. Many people haven't seen these things before. Experiencing is of course always the best, but a movie is already showing much more.

    Also something that I found really interesting was the supersonic bullets. I didn't knew that at all. But of course, I never shot with a rifle with real ammo, so I don't know anything about it :s.

  8. It really is a great article. I especially liked the examples of movement wth a gun and firing at the same time interesting. It's nice to see some real movies. Many people haven't seen these things before. Experiencing is of course always the best, but a movie is already showing much more.

    Also something that I found really interesting was the supersonic bullets. I didn't knew that at all. But of course, I never shot with a rifle with real ammo, so I don't know anything about it :s.

  9. I loved H+D2 personally, it's one of my all time favourites. The expansion was ok too; especially the co-op element. I played this with friends at my house like we do every Friday and this is a great way to do so, if you can.

    Currently we are playing through GRAW and loving that, but we were always waiting for Arma, and now it might only have TWO slots and there are six of us!!! I guess we're gonna have to wait for Illusion's 'Enemy in Sight' for some real...co-operization!

    It's only the campaign that has probably only 2 slots(they can always surprise us). They never said it was otherwise, so why were you hoping on Arma to have that?

    The normal co-op mode still has a lot to offer, and much more people then 6 can join in;).

  10. What is the use for starting marketing when the game isn't even finished and either hasn't got a publisher. Marketing is all for the publisher and not for BIS to do. BIS is only giving us, the community, stuff to see how far it is in development.

    Once BIS is signed to a publisher, they'll do everything for marketing, show recent pictures, as it is in the publishers interest.

  11. half german, half english site, wrong place to post this, and you didn't need to use a poll... you should try reading the forum rules first...

    The video doesn't even have to do anything with Arma...waste of bandwidth banghead.gif

    .... band.gif

  12. the comparison is still about OFP vs battlefield, as people don't know what Arma will be like, except for BIS, and some people that were allowed to play it...(lucky bastards nener.gif ) Still, it's just better to wait till after the game is released.

    About visual: you cannot compare it either, as Arma is not released yet, and you cannot see enough in the screenshots.

  13. Well OFP had one, but there was a problem with it, and unused after a while, I think it had to do somethig with directplay and sockets, worked in one, and not the other. Anyway, I think they will implement it again in Arma, I even think I read it somewhere.

  14. Both games have very similar setups. Large terrain, variety of vehicles, etc.

    Basically this is what it is:

    Armed Assault focuses on realism and strategy for the most part.

    Battlefield focuses on crazy fun and excitement.

    Well just wanted to say that the differences are much bigger then you think:

    -Arma has a huge terrain, not like BF. the maps of BF still end Arma has an entire island of 400kmË›...

    This difference is just a key to a big difference between the 2 games as it gives you the option to play more different types of missions, and makes it more real aswell, as you can go to some place, and afterwards return to a base.

    Also you can have crazy fun and excitement in OFP aswell, why would that only be in BF...

    I would describe BF as arcade and OFP as simulation(with option to do arcade-stuff).
