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About Koxe

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  1. Koxe

    This is pissing me off

    i fixed my cannot memory map/res/addon/o_pbo problem differently, and i dont have any problems with the amount of add on´s i have on or even have no problems with crashing ofp. I found out if you, after u installed everything, leave the res add on folder like it is, so put no further add on´s in it, copy your load of add on´s in your normal add on folder, restart your baby, restart ofp, receive the charming message cannot map, then quit ofp( it does on it´s own) then cut out the o_pbo of res add on folder and transfer it into normal add on folder, and the problem is gone. No other hacking, programming what so ever needed.
  2. Koxe

    Can't instal resistance! (o.pbo)

    I had this problem too, after i installeld Resistance. I even had to install Cold War then Gold Upgrade and then Resistance, without the Gold upgrade the Resistance installation would not work. Had to buy a new Resistance CD, two pal´s of mine also had the same problem. In addition the problem of cannot memory map/res/o_pbo came up, but i solved that. So, i guess your res cd maybe also has an error.
  3. Koxe

    Lan party

    What about a LAN PARTY? To all the OFP Players/CLANS/SQUADS/EFL-MEMBERS Would it not be nice if the whole OFP Community would gather on a Hughes Lan Party? If HALFLIFE, Unreal, Quake and on and on Community´s can manage something like that, why dont we? Talking about 2 or 3 Days of gaming/Pizza and milk and the chance to finally meet all the freaks and Clans/Squads Maybe a Big European Championship (this is to EFL)? This question is to all the people who might be interested in such a thing. Lets stick out heads together a build something
  4. Koxe

    Lan party

    What about a LAN PARTY? To all the OFP Players/CLANS/SQUADS/EFL-MEMBERS Would it not be nice if the whole OFP Community would gather on a Hughes Lan Party? If HALFLIFE, Unreal, Quake and on and on Community´s can manage something like that, why dont we? Talking about 2 or 3 Days of gaming/Pizza and milk and the chance to finally meet all the freaks and Clans/Squads Maybe a Big European Championship (this is to EFL)? This question is to all the people who might be interested in such a thing. Lets stick out heads together a build something
  5. Koxe

    Can not memory map/res/addon/o_pbo

    I left the original Add ons from res still in res, the add ons i downloaded, i put into OFP/Add on (not into res/add on)
  6. Koxe

    Can not memory map/res/addon/o_pbo

    I just can talk about my case, it worked and i am glad it did, cause i had so much trouble with that o_pbo thing that i almost gave up on OFP. And this is not easy, cause i met a lot of good friends at Zeus the SHoP Euro Squad. So i am thankfull that this idea came upon me. And it works just fine. I even add some more files (almost 1 gig more) to it and it still works, with no upcoming reports, or anything else.
  7. Talking about that nasty ... ... "cannot memory map/res/o_pbo..... I had this problem so many times, evrybody was asking me "do you have enough Ram" Yeah i have, 1gig DDR 2700 Anyway, i tryed to delete files (reinstall OFP) tryed to put less add ons in OFP (reinstall) anyway i took me about 10 reinstalling nights till i just thought, hey fu.. that res/o_pbo and i deleted it, all of a suuden it started again, but with some reports, this is missing, that is missing. So i just did cut out the so called o_pbo from the res/add on folder (of course after a reinstall) and add it into my OFP/add on folder, since that day it runs smooth as ever. And the thing is, i have more than 2 gig of add ons. Try this when this "cannot memory map/res/o_pbo" comes up
  8. Koxe

    Memory-map error with radeon 9700

    Talking about that nasty ... ... "cannot memory map/res/o_pbo..... I had this problem so many times, evrybody was asking me "do you have enough Ram" Yeah i have, 1gig DDR 2700 Anyway, i tryed to delete files (reinstall OFP) tryed to put less add ons in OFP (reinstall) anyway i took me about 10 reinstalling nights till i just thought, hey fu.. that res/o_pbo and i deleted it, all of a suuden it started again, but with some reports, this is missing, that is missing. So i just did cut out the so called o_pbo from the res/add on folder (of course after a reinstall) and add it into my OFP/add on folder, since that day it runs smooth as ever. And the thing is, i have more than 2 gig of add ons. Try this when this "cannot memory map/res/o_pbo" comes up