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Everything posted by Koolkid101

  1. Koolkid101

    New wa2000 and barrett m99

  2. Koolkid101

    New wa2000 and barrett m99

    I'm not sure what you mean but I'll post a pic on angelfire.
  3. Koolkid101

    New wa2000 and barrett m99

    Nope if u want i'll e-mail u a pic. You want one?
  4. Koolkid101

    New wa2000 and barrett m99

    How come its has 500shots and 9 magazines the m-99? Its like a total machine gun! The other guns fine!
  5. Koolkid101

    New wa2000 and barrett m99

    Wow i'm downloading now!
  6. Koolkid101

    Somalian soldiers?

    The inquirer? Isn't that a tabloid?
  7. Koolkid101

    Star gate sg-1

    I can't get it to work it says that its missing soemthing like sblast!
  8. Koolkid101

    Helicopter aiming

    Its cause this is ment to be an infantry sim, and those fighters are too fast for the small islands.
  9. Koolkid101

    Mt-lb relise #2 pack

    That gives me an error message just go to http://www.planetrainbowsix.com/atwar/OFP/scrntable_OFP.asp?type=AW then go down and to the search and type MT-LB you'll find 1.0 and 2.1.
  10. Koolkid101

    Mt-lb relise #2 pack

    Damn! Here another link http://www.planetrainbowsix.com/atwar....t=MT-LB &sField=* Don't use this one it gives an error, just go down and do wat i say.
  11. Koolkid101

    Mt-lb relise #2 pack

    Heres Desert OFP site, scroll down to the middle http://www.volny.cz/marfy_maac/index_download.htm MT-LB Pack Release 2.1 MT-LB, MT-LBV, Sa-13 Gopher, ZU-23-2 (Soviet, CSLA, Resistance) author/Sebastian Muller & Marfy addon version/Pack Release 2.1 DOWNLOAD FOR RESISTANCE (required vers. 1.75) DOWNLOAD LIGHT VERSION (ONLY MT-LB) (required vers. 1.75)
  12. Koolkid101


  13. Koolkid101


    The best site by far, its alot more organized and has the same spot, my favorite place!
  14. Koolkid101

    Mi-2 beta release...

    That was pretty mean! I thought it was fine, I liked the black one! Can't you stop critzing other peoples work?
  15. Koolkid101

    East cargo planes

    Those look huge to me, i thought he asked for regular.
  16. Koolkid101


    Go ask suma he helps alot I had a horible problem and he gave me the advice to fix it and it worked! My problem was like torture! Remeber Ask Suma!
  17. Koolkid101

    Repairing a cd

    My Operaton Flashpoint Resistance C.D is scracthed really badly so I want to repair it with one of those pastes, is it legal to do that, and will it still work?
  18. Koolkid101

    Repairing a cd

    Hey Suma telling me to lower the resolutiong fixed the problem completly thank you SOOOOO much!
  19. Koolkid101

    Repairing a cd

    U see he always knows what to do! Suma said it could be direct x or a broken driver how do you repair those?
  20. Koolkid101

    Repairing a cd

    K i reinstalled it didn't help, now I have to download 1.91 patch again. I think its the C.D
  21. Koolkid101

    Repairing a cd

    When I get in operation flashpoint resistance all the lines on the map, the screen and the lines on the menu all turn green, then if I alt tab the screen is all messed up like the pics back one page. Is there a way to reture operation flashpoint to the default settings? Can soemone tell me the 2 files from Jungle everon? I found out that the je files aren't messing it up. So someone please help me!!!
  22. Koolkid101

    Repairing a cd

    I'm back and takin suggestons
  23. Yugoslav special anti terrorist forces Addon 25. 2. 2003, 23:495 Cervo Igor sent us his Yugoslav special anti terrorist forces Addon equipped with a new weapon M91 (licenced built Dragunov). Look at the readme because you'll need some others addon to make it works. Add new soldiers(East\Man): -Yugoslav Sokolovi Soldier(AK101) -Yugoslav Sokolovi Soldier2(UCE_M70b1); -Yugoslav Sokolovi Saboteur(HK); -Yugoslav Sokolovi MachineGunner(PK); -Yugoslav Sokolovi Grenadier(M79); -Yugoslav Sokolovi Soldier(Remmington 870); -Yugoslav Sokolovi Sniper(M91). As you can see i copied and pasted http://ofp.gamezone.cz/ writing, I haven't tested yet.
  24. Koolkid101

    Repairing a cd

    I'm pretty sure its the newest I had to upgrade for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 I started getting problems when I downlaoded jungle everon, and winter nogova it gave me No error message like the other one but now it says cannot create 3d device Adaptor 0 (Rage 128) fullscreen\ Resolution 1024x768, format x8r8g8b8/d24s8/,refresh 75hz Error d3derr_out of video memory. I delted winter nogava, and kept jungle everon, and the mesage went away. Ever since I've been getting problems. I have to go to violin leasons so when I come back should i delte jungle everon?
  25. Koolkid101

    Repairing a cd

    I'm gonna have to go in a few minutes to violin leasons, but thanks to you everythings fixed except these weird green lines that take the place of the map lines, and messes up all the lines where u underline things. If you want I'll e-mail you a pic. I sent you a picture of the map messed up.