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Everything posted by Koolkid101

  2. Koolkid101

    New swedish radio coming.. eh. soon.

    What will the radios do? Are they just objects?
  3. Koolkid101

    Fa-18 pack version 1.0 completed

    Hey I got the F-18 to lift off of Too Talls makeshift carrier!
  4. Koolkid101

    Fa-18 pack version 1.0 completed

    Thanks for the mirror blackdog!
  5. Koolkid101

    Pinky un-mod!

    Any pics?
  6. Koolkid101


    Its very nice, and a good thing is if u hit a little bit above the cockpit with and rpg7 the thing goes down but doesn't explode.
  7. Koolkid101


    Thanks making it work!
  8. Koolkid101

    Now for something different

  9. Koolkid101


    No its new thanks for the tip, and I can't get the download link to work!
  10. Koolkid101

    Any news from hudson ?

    Can someone translate that into vermont time?
  11. Koolkid101

    Marineflieger tornado released!

    Does it have any special features?
  12. Koolkid101

    Starwars stormtroopers?

    Are you sure there not man boobs?
  13. Koolkid101

    Marineflieger tornado released!

    I'm gonna download can't get link to work!
  14. Koolkid101


    But what if they did?
  15. Koolkid101

    Starwars stormtroopers?

    I thought the Empire didn't like female soldiers and aliens.
  16. Koolkid101

    Freedom fries 2

    That yellow stuff sucks, so does swiss, the best cheese is pepper jack duh!
  17. Koolkid101

    Corsair beta released

    hMM. From Black Dogs thing download site it says my compressed folders invaild or something. I clicked the bottom link and it worked.
  18. Koolkid101

    Corsair beta released

    hMM. From Black Dogs thing download site it says my compressed folders invaild or something. I clicked the bottom link and it worked.
  19. Koolkid101

    Sweet set of scripts!

    Yah its cool
  20. Koolkid101

    Sweet set of scripts!

    Yah its cool
  21. Koolkid101

    Mi-2 urn v1.0 released!

    I put it in the opf-r addon folder and now the mi-2no thing is gone and that mi-2urn is gone too. Is it just me?
  22. Koolkid101

    Mi-2 urn v1.0 released!

    hahahah I'm gonna download first.
  23. Koolkid101

    St mod

    Wow maybe you should work with the SCI-FI mod too, it sorta fits this mod.
  24. Koolkid101

    F-4 phantom!

    Theres another version again the cockpits been fixed. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/