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Everything posted by Koolkid101

  1. Koolkid101

    Battle over hokkaido demo released!

    I got the mod folder to work but now i got no sound, can someone help?
  2. Koolkid101

    Gulf war armor pack by cobrasquad

    Arghh I can't find a place to download this.
  3. Koolkid101

    Gulf war armor pack by cobrasquad

    Wow, I thought this was gonna be a flame war.
  4. Koolkid101

    Ofp 2 system specs

    I can't upgrade my dell dimension 4300s any more. The frame is too small to hold a good video card, i have a nvidia Geforce 4mx 420.
  5. Koolkid101

    Making an assault aircraft carriers!

    What do I use to dpbo it? Can soemoen give me a link to the untility? A name?
  6. Koolkid101

    High detail helicoptor!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ 01 May 2003,19:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (brsseb @ 01 May 2003,13:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But these are a work of art<span id='postcolor'> I'm sure Blackdog is already eyeing them for new entries on the OFP Photography thread. <span id='postcolor'> Hey Bsserb whats up with your hi-detailed chopper?
  7. Koolkid101


    Vit sent us his F-16 Pack, you can download it by clicking below! . http://ofp.gamezone.cz/
  8. Koolkid101

    Battle over hokkaido demo released!

    I feel sorry for you 56k guys, whats the fastest 56k and download?
  9. Koolkid101

    Vit's harrier

    Hmm i can't get the vtol to work http://ofp.gamezone.cz/
  10. Koolkid101

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DeadMeatXM2 @ 26 April 2003,20:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another slightly different one: <span id='postcolor'> Is that picture trying to make a statment about us being blocked out of getting things??
  11. Koolkid101

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    What was the script thing you have to do to get that colored smoke?
  12. Koolkid101

    Faklands mod beta sea harrier release

    Dying??? Also his F-16's where very good.
  13. Koolkid101

    What ever happen to the ch53

    I'm very happy with it!
  14. Koolkid101

    Graphics engine improvement

    I hope I won't have to buy an expensive video card.
  15. Koolkid101

    Two years on, how have your feeling evolved?

    When I first got it everything seemed soo weird to me, I played DF2 for such a long time I had to reajust, and then it took me 5 months to discover addons, now I can't even remember how to play DF2 the controls seem so weird!
  16. Koolkid101

    French pack air

    Will there be a converison for English Speakers? Also why is my font arial?
  17. Koolkid101

    Mig-21 by vit!

    Vit sent us his really good Mig-21 addon! There are 5 variants with differents weapons! http://ofp.gamezone.cz/
  18. Koolkid101

    Wow look what i found

    http://www.cafeshops.com/cp/store.aspx?s=avonsofpfaq She really sells stuff!
  19. Koolkid101

    Bas mh-47e released!

    Whats the dif. between OPF time and real time, plz tell me we have to type the frigin manul. How bout a quiz?
  20. Koolkid101

    Militia cops released

    Theres like blue up top, and the writing when i'm writing this looks weird!
  21. Koolkid101

    Bas mh-47e released!

    Please tell me this is a lie
  22. Koolkid101

    High resolution skies

    Its the drop ship
  23. Koolkid101

    Brssebs o2 tutorial site. beginners look here!

    Where the fuck is BRSSEB, I wanna know about his commanche? Did he quit?
  24. Koolkid101

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Villiage hosting is messing it up!!!
  25. Koolkid101

    Bas mh-47e released!

    Yes finally i got it to donwlaod.