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Everything posted by Koolkid101

  1. Koolkid101

    Wow Flashpoint for Civilization2

    Wait your right, I can't find them, ss will be up in minutes. Here http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-8/152613/unites.GIF some more will be up later
  2. Koolkid101

    Wow Flashpoint for Civilization2

    There on the site....
  3. Koolkid101

    Call of duty demo out!

    Yeah, the fire fights where so freaking sweet!
  4. Koolkid101

    Call of duty demo out!

    Swat 3 -team- Ai was very good in my opinion AI?? Its not really smart they just got a good shot.
  5. Koolkid101

    Wow Flashpoint for Civilization2

    Yeah but its for CIV2??
  6. Koolkid101

    Call of duty demo out!

  7. Koolkid101

    Call of duty demo out!

    Looks amazing http://kowboy1.himmelfallt.com/BAR.jpg
  8. Koolkid101

    Need multiplayer addon maps

    Some of aren't as lucky as you to be a beta tester.
  9. Koolkid101

    Bis, flashpoint and ubisoft, what happened?

    I'm glad BIS pays attention to us....
  10. Koolkid101

    Bbc to release every production for download

    KNIGHTS OF NI!!!!!!
  11. Koolkid101

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Its called the OPF combat photography.......... I didn't know you could do things like that with OPF
  12. Koolkid101

    Modern usmc marpat

    Reskinned USMC3 Beta Charles Wipman sent us a reskinned version of Earl & Suchey USMC3 Beta Units. Keep in mind that as he didn't changed yet the class names and configs you'll overwrite original Earl and Suchey Marines, and that the upcoming MARPAT Marines will render the beta models unusable. This USMC3 Beta addon is done by Earl & Suchey from Baconbomb & the textures are done by the ppl of the HK Pack 2. I only have retextured them to use it well in my own MPMissions, i've rearmed 'em & i've do too a entire unit from the single soldier addon. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/
  13. Koolkid101

    B52 bomber beta

    Can you release some of those?
  14. Koolkid101

    Red Hammer Studios

    How big will the pack be?
  15. Koolkid101

    New ONS Canadian units out!

    Missing CAF_Gwagen for the mission?? What is that??
  16. Koolkid101

    World athletics championship : 2003 edition

    Bah! I hope the U.S.A beats everyone next time.
  17. Koolkid101

    Congratulations to Major Fubar

    Actaully didn't they discover the plaque talking about Fransis Drake discovering California and claiming it from Elizbeth?
  18. Koolkid101

    Congratulations to Major Fubar

    Does this mean raunchy german porn is legalized in the forums now?
  19. Koolkid101

    Congratulations to Major Fubar

  20. Koolkid101

    Pst! 1.92beta is out!

    Really? If thats true sweet!
  21. Koolkid101

    My ofp dedicated server

    So how bout it, a oldies night!
  22. Koolkid101

    Ac-130h or ac-130u

    Nope, I don't think you can do it.
  23. Koolkid101

    My ofp dedicated server

    I dunno if you can find it anymore  I shall look. Edit Chopper Crazy is by Karillion Plane Frenzy is by BigQEd(a couple of versions.)