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Everything posted by Koolkid101

  1. Koolkid101

    Have to go.

    Hey I'll remeber you for those A-6s.....
  2. Koolkid101

    Is hw2 worth my money

    I asked this to other people on some other forums, I was wondering is this game worth my money. Home World Two, they said the original was full of bugs and crap, but my friend recomends it. But I did research and found out that their devloper like abandoned the community Also someone showed me this funny video about sieara http://hosted.tribalwar.com/musashi/marweas.html Does anyone have HW1 that could give me some advice?
  3. Koolkid101

    Bbc - total war

    Do you get to control the units in the battle scene?
  4. Koolkid101

    Bbc - total war

    I'm still confused....
  5. Koolkid101

    Bbc - total war

    http://kgfs.org.uk/rtwpics.htm Hmm looks more like C3...... Is it an RTS like Yuris revenge or turnbased Civ. 3?
  6. Koolkid101

    Animated livestock...

    Maybe they could have some good deer.... It'd be like Deer Hunter.
  7. Koolkid101

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Damn you people..... I can't play until Friday....
  8. Koolkid101

    New codemasters cd key replacement policy

    Is it just me or is it hard to tell if some of the numbers are letters and vice versa?
  9. Koolkid101

    Twilight 2000 - good concept?

    Hmm does anyone have pics though?
  10. Koolkid101

    Bas island - working title "lost island"

    What are the cities like?
  11. Koolkid101

    Updates (and mig-27)

    OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHICH MOTHERFUCKER DID THAT!!!!! FUCK..DAMN .....SICK SON OF A DONKEY!!!                            AND THIS ON MY 1000´st POST JESUS! Can you tell me what happened please?
  12. Koolkid101

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Me thinks BIS should advertise these pics...
  13. Koolkid101

    Is hw2 worth my money

    Ok, so I should buy it?? It looks cool.... and the video was funny.
  14. Koolkid101

    Are we all gonna die

    Ok people we're not gonna die now, so aren't we gonna celebrate??
  15. Koolkid101

    Are we all gonna die

    HAHAHA ITS NOT GONNA HIT! http://www.msnbc.com/news/960340.asp?cp1=1
  16. Koolkid101

    Are we all gonna die

    I'll drink to that. Â Yeah but you people are old....... I got like 85 more years ahead of me
  17. Koolkid101

    Teh crap mishun

    Whos Garth Gates?
  18. Koolkid101

    Are we all gonna die

    Damn this sux.
  19. Koolkid101

    Everon cartel

  20. Koolkid101

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I am very happy you choose one of my picture ( this one: http://www.plankton.ch/lee/BASKabul.jpg ) in your extremly cool picture! Very nice work, like to see more from you! MfG Lee Holy shit sven and oswald those pics are amazing
  21. Koolkid101

    Call of duty demo out!

    I could play it a long time if it was moddable.
  22. Koolkid101

    Beriev be 32k

    I wish he would've made the camera go back alittle further.
  23. I wish the ai would be more independant..... I don't like commanding them.
  24. Koolkid101

    Wow Flashpoint for Civilization2

    http://www.civfanatics.com/civ2scenoth.shtml You've been the grunt in the FPS Operation Flashpoint. Now, with this scenario, you can direct the troops here and there! Be the general this time! REQUIREMENT: Civ2 FW or MGE Author: Leonel; File Size: Â 387 KB http://www.civfanatics.net/downloads/civ2/scenarios/civflash.zip WOW COOL OPF FOR CIVILIAZATION 2~