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King Poulet

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Everything posted by King Poulet

  1. I played trial by fire mission earlier with 1.03 at vet. Still the same problem. Enemies spot you instantly in very dense bushes with no troubles while you are prone or crouched, while you can barely see their heads through the dense grass and still looking where they are while bleeding to death.
  2. King Poulet

    Ai thread

    i'd like the leader AIs on team to be more specific when giving orders. Like, ALL MOVE TO THAT TREE! Which tree? wtf, there's like hundred's of them... I think OFP used to be much more specific, like adding 2 o clock or something. Saying to left or to right isn't helpfull neither, confuse me more than anything.
  3. Disapointed with the sound too. Gunfire from 500m still sound like I was just as 10m from it. And AI's Xrays vision through vegetation still active, it not worth putting vegetations ON yet. Looks like I pass. Thanks for the effort BIS tho.
  4. King Poulet

    Interface discussion

    I don't know if it has been mentioned, but I want a PAIN direction indicator like most of games. Since the sound is broken poor on this game, I can't tell where the bullets are coming from.
  5. King Poulet

    PvP: An Endangered Species

    That's doesn't add-up nor making sense. No matter how realistic the game is, if the community wants PvP, maps maker should at least focus for the best balance on both side that doesn't make more experienced player to pick the same side because of possible exploits, terrain flaws or vehicle superiority, otherwise it not fun for any players on the other side and would never join the server simply for that reason. It not a win win solution in long term. Why do you think BF2 servers are mostly infantry only nowadays? Vehicles map are just too unbalanced with the exception of few. J-10 maps with an average player as pilot could completely dominate a game just by himself because the J-35 has too much flaws and couldn't dog fight for ****. I remember in my OFP days, there was a tank map, M1 vs t80, equally numbered and same distance of the objective. Yet, I could beat an entire battalion of t80 with the M1 because it had less weak spot and was much faster. It was much harder on T-80 because there was a light slope on their side of the map that render the t80 tank slower than the m1 and I could never be the first to arrive on the objective technically. And the funny thing is, when the map was filled with AI as players, it looked balanced, but in the hand of good players, it was totally different, especially if they were aware of the flaws. I know there's map that actually work, maybe it sheer luck or because the game is new. I won't be surprised too see many of you taking advantage of a side and always sitting on it because of the flaws. I'm actually suggesting to to keep balance in mind if this community wants better PvP for starting.
  6. King Poulet

    ArmA II more popular that COD

    er wait, this is the multiplayer forum, isn't it what we are discussing now?
  7. King Poulet

    GPS malfunctioning!?

    well thank you... so much controls to learn :D
  8. King Poulet

    ArmA II more popular that COD

    it not even on IGN list, but IGN weak sauce too (Diablo III in the top 100? wtf)
  9. King Poulet

    GPS malfunctioning!?

    I wish they could make the GPS showable on fps view instead of map only. As a matter of fact, I just don't understand why they couldn't just put a map overlay on it instead of just flat numbers. It not like we haven't the technology to do it today.
  10. Yeah I can't have much speaker sounds because I live in an apartment, and I much prefer headphones since I don't have budget for a decent speaker system. I can live with sound imperfections.
  11. Is the game would benefits some fps boost if I add an external audio card? I currently use my default Realtek and I can use an Audigy 4 if I could. Some games doesn't really matter if I use software or hardware audio but some have some quite differences. I'd like to know if ArmA could do a difference.
  12. King Poulet

    ArmA II more popular that COD

    that's unpossible
  13. King Poulet

    Graphics engine improvement

    Damn that was subtle, you are right, never noticed before. Maybe too inanimate?
  14. King Poulet

    Game physics

    Something really bothered me on this game is you can plow an entire forest with an APC, while you can't pass over a wall of rubbles. This is to me unacceptable. OFP originally allowed you to plow singles trees but you couldn't on dense forests, I was ok with this.
  15. King Poulet

    Graphics engine improvement

    Trees reacting to winds. It kinda flat and lifeless as it is. Which brings: does this game has wind? When Ghost Recon was released 8 years ago while playing OFP, I was just flabbergasted of the trees effects. 8 Years later ArmA still lacking in this area.
  16. King Poulet

    Considering buying ARMA 2...how is PVP?

    I was wondering, is the re-spawning system is still the same like OFP? Like, you need to join a game 30 mins after it start? or do you respawn 15 sec later or you have to wait your sqad to entirely die before respawning? thanks
  17. King Poulet

    PvP: An Endangered Species

    I think PvP is unpopular simply because it unbalanced. Not to mention the time it can take to test a new map for it balance. Considering developers can spend a whole year into mp map balance, I figure the interests of making new maps is simply reduced in this game because of the hardened dedicated involvement.
  18. Ok, I just changed my computer (P3 500 with SB Live!) to an Athlon XP1800 with Audigy card and I still have the loud footstep problem if the audio HW acceleration is enabled. Is it a problem for all user with SB card or it need specific settings?
  19. King Poulet

    Turrets all point one way?

    I tried in vein to get a positive answer of this problem and I've been told it not a feature of OFP editing and it impossible to set the turret on a specific direction, sorry. It pointing on North what ever u do. Theres some work arounds like make destroy the vehicles at the begining and respawn it, respawning vehicles always set the turret pointing toward. But this is also a problem when you dont want the gun pointing toward (like the UH60 or Chinook, once respawned, it M2 gun point straight forward which is impossible to do manualy) Another thing I havent tested is to set vehicles like choppers who cant point the turret to north set to south (180). But I doubt it work.
  20. King Poulet

    Need screenshot program plz

    I tried that ofpss program and it junk! (keep alt tabing without having took a single shot) I got windows XP and im sure theres better screenshot program around, plz enlight me! thx
  21. King Poulet

    Modiefied config file - timeout

  22. It occuring more often. I think it never happened before. Â Once, it crashed back to Windows XP. Now it not only do that but the computer just reboot itself!! Â Cant point out the problem. Â Anyone know what it is? Â I read a little and it a bit related to VIA chipset on AMD. Â But since it started to reboot i'm a bit worried. my eq: Radeo8500 retail Epox 8kha+ Athlon 1800+ 256 Meg ram Audigy Xgamer
  23. King Poulet

    Computer reboot by itself after crash

    good post placebo! it was all checked (restart included) is it better to set all setting like this printscreen? hope it fix the problem.
  24. King Poulet

    Who here would buy future games from b.i.s.

    I didnt write that last post to make u upset Rage It was release like in same time so i didnt know you were about to reply this, and for the cheating part people know you created that BS story. I wont reply here anymore. ps ur sig dont work Drak
  25. King Poulet

    Who here would buy future games from b.i.s.

    Forget that post and notice the post time