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Everything posted by Taconic

  1. Taconic

    Red Hammer Studios

    Looking good. I'm really looking forward to the Ka-60 and OPLOT.
  2. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    Not yet. The second that I get permission, rest assured that they will be released.
  3. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I don't have a full feature list yet (and I haven't even officially made note of all of my changes. ) Once it enters beta (soon,) I'll post a list since the features will be pretty static at that point. I'll check it out and make note of it. Thanks. About all that I can suggest is making sure that DynamicRange.pbo is in @ECP\Addons, and if it is, reinstalling DR to see if that gets it working. Everything is in order sound-wise for those items in the config. For the ural: soundEngine[]={"\DynamicRange\Vehicles\URALengine.wss",0.2,0.700000}; For the mine: soundHit[]={"\DynamicRange\Explosions\timebomb.wss",100.000008,0.800000}; It should work as long as the DR PBOs are present.
  4. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    I don't really want to release anything without permission. I know that Marfy especially is very protective of his work (as he should be. He makes some of the best textures that I've ever seen.) I think that Rudedog's situation was different. Nobody has been able to contact Hyakushiki for months through any means, but not for lack of trying. As far as I know, Marfy and Jonno are still around, so I wouldn't really want them coming onto the forum one day, finding it, and getting pissed that I didn't wait for their permission.
  5. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    I don't really want to release anything without permission. I know that Marfy especially is very protective of his work (as he should be. He makes some of the best textures that I've ever seen.) I think that Rudedog's situation was different. Nobody has been able to contact Hyakushiki for months through any means, but not for lack of trying. As far as I know, Marfy and Jonno are still around, so I wouldn't really want them coming onto the forum one day, finding it, and getting pissed that I didn't wait for their permission.
  6. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    It was that for you as well? Do you know where you got the one that was causing the problem? Or at least the name of the RAR or Zip? I'll put a note in the readme about it. Also, the MAF M925 will no longer even be required if I can ever get permission to release my M925 pack... In any event, I'm glad it's working now. That's good. It seems like RHS is getting ready to release a lot. Yeah, an old version would definetely cause that. I can't stress enough that you need the current version of ECP installed as well. In 0.4, all of the core ECP scripts are required and unchanged, so you'll see all kinds of problems if you're using the wrong versions of anything. This will change a bit in 0.4.1. Included will be a new ecp_effects.pbo since I was forced to alter a few scripts in order to fix some problems and to get some of my new eventhandlers working properly, but everything else will still be required.
  7. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    LHO asked him for permission at the same address and got it, so I assume that he could understand the request. I may resend it with a picture if I don't hear from him, though.
  8. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    LHO asked him for permission at the same address and got it, so I assume that he could understand the request. I may resend it with a picture if I don't hear from him, though.
  9. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    That's the address I sent the request to. Tankieboy gave me a couple of others, but they seem to be out of service. I may try dropping him a PM if I don't hear from him in a few days. Thanks.
  10. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    That's the address I sent the request to. Tankieboy gave me a couple of others, but they seem to be out of service. I may try dropping him a PM if I don't hear from him in a few days. Thanks.
  11. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    Click on his name in the news items. I'm fairly sure that I remember seeing somebody say that they were starting work on an FMTV recently.
  12. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    Click on his name in the news items. I'm fairly sure that I remember seeing somebody say that they were starting work on an FMTV recently.
  13. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    Jonno (it's based originally on his jungle 5t pack) and Marfy (textures.) Lee H. Oswald allowed me to use the config of his desert pack as a base to save me time and to ensure that no discrepencies exist between his desert pack and my woodland pack (it wouldn't make much sense if they behaved completely differently.) I emailed both Jonno and Marfy over a week ago and haven't gotten a reply yet. If anybody knows of a better way to contact either of them, feel free to clue me in.
  14. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    Jonno (it's based originally on his jungle 5t pack) and Marfy (textures.) Lee H. Oswald allowed me to use the config of his desert pack as a base to save me time and to ensure that no discrepencies exist between his desert pack and my woodland pack (it wouldn't make much sense if they behaved completely differently.) I emailed both Jonno and Marfy over a week ago and haven't gotten a reply yet. If anybody knows of a better way to contact either of them, feel free to clue me in.
  15. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I see now. I just compared yours side-by-side with the BIS one and found that it has much better proportions and is actually more than a few cm off the ground, like a real truck. I hadn't noticed prior to this since I've never seen them side-by-side and because the textures are similar. Good to hear. I'm looking forward to it. I should probably finish the CSLA2 campaign first, though. I always take forever to get through a campaign. I just got around to finishing Insurgency and the FDF 1.2 campaign a week or two ago.
  16. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    I've already made one. I just haven't gotten permission to release it, and considering how long it has been since I asked, I'm starting to think that I'm not going to get it.
  17. Taconic

    New urals and 5t trucks

    I've already made one. I just haven't gotten permission to release it, and considering how long it has been since I asked, I'm starting to think that I'm not going to get it.
  18. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I'm planning on waiting for RHS' UAZ pack to replace those. RHS has been very supportive of this project and has given me preempitive permission to utilize their work, so if RHS makes something, you can bet it'll show up here. As for the Urals, unless I'm looking at the wrong one, the only difference that I see between the CSLA and BIS one is an addition of a licence plate on the right side of the truck. Correct me if I'm wrong, though. I'd like to replace it with the AH-64D from Battle Over Hokkaido, but the BoH guys seem to be hard to track down (either that or my email sever is on the fritz again.) If I get permission, I fully intend to. He also is working on the M113 ambulance, which is nice. That was the only thing missing from the CSLA BMPs. The BIS BMP ambulance looks terrible next to CSLA's awesome BMPs (I still can't get over how great their BMPs look. I've seen them a hundred times, but I'm still impressed by them.) You did fine.
  19. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    This problem has occured for several other people and has been solved the following ways 1: Check for any duplicate addons (Ex: Delta/Ranges 1.55 in @ECP\Addons and 1.0 in Res\Addons) 2: A corrupt addon. If this is the problem, you should be able to determine what it is by playing around in the editor. 3: The wrong version of an addon is in use. Somebody recently PMed me about CTDs in every mission using my config. It turned out that they were using a version of Marfy's M925 that had a differnt PBO name than the one that I linked to. Once they replaced it with the proper version, their problems went away. There are no flaws with the config that should cause any sort of crashes as long as everything is installed correctly and nothing is corrupt. http://redhammer.ofpr.com/ As a side note, starting with the next version, each requirement will have links to multiple sources to prevent problems like this. I'll also probably compile a list of PBO names and checksums so that people can check it to ensure that they have the proper addon and that it isn't corrupt.
  20. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    No apology needed. In reality, this was a pretty mild and civil digression. I recently went through the Tonal thread again looking for some missions that I misplaced, and that had some quite ugly ones. As for that, feel free to send them to. I has messed with the recoil values on my own for a couple of hours in the past, but I have yet to strike a balance that I liked. The main hurdle with recoil values is the fact that something like that is time-consuming to test. I'd have to go through and play a mission or two with a weapon affected by the new recoil values in order to decide if I like them or not, which means that I have less time to test and implement other features, which slows progress. This is why I initially went to the FDF mod - their values worked and would have provided me a solid base to work from and further tweak. It isn't because I'm "lazy" or because I "don't know how," but because I only have so much time to stick things in and test them, and recoil values have been a much lower priority than scripts and balance changes thus far. So if you'd like to provide values that you feel work well, go ahead. I may be able to work them in.
  21. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    BTW, there's one final thing that I wanted to add on this subject since Kegetys brought it up a couple of times. My goal with this project isn't to "move OFP forward." A select few can truly be credited with making the revolutionary leaps that have moved OFP forward over the years, and I think that they know who they are (and, IMO, Kegetys certainly one of them.) However, I think that many would argue that OFP moves forward too quickly. In fact, I know this to be the case. Look at RHS, for example. They made the great T-55 pack. How long was it in development? A year? It was finally released, and... where were the missions? I honestly can't think of more than a handful of missions that make use of them. It doesn't seem like that's a fitting end for their hard work, now does it? Look at Tonal. Tonal, for God's sake. Tonal is an amazing accomplishment, but where are the campaigns? Eight months after its release, we have Insurgency 1 and a bunch of loose single/multi player missions, which are certainly good in their own right, but in the end what we have doesn't amount to 1/8th of what we have for any given CWC island, and that's a damned shame considering its potential. My project is to ensure that things like that don't happen as often (unfortunately Tonal is beyond the scope of it, though if I ever do get around to finishing the campaign project that I've been working on erratically since 10/01, that may change.) With this config, the missions that CSLA's BMPs appear in don't number in the tens, but hundreds. The same can be said about RHS' work or any other group's work that is included. If somebody wants to replay CWC again, why shouldn't they benefit from the advances that the community has made? There have been projects like this going on in one form or another for quite a while, so the ideology behind this is nothing new (see the desert and arctic ports of the original CWC campaign for a good example.) What drive will people have to continue raising the bar if their past works never get the attention or use that they deserve? What's the point of spending months perfecting something only to see it used in five missions? It seems counter-productive to me, and I really don't blame the people that have gotten burned out or simply lack the will to finish what they've started because of this. Pushing forward is good, but not if you're leaving people behind. My goal was never to be revolutionary. It was to be evolutionary. If I wanted to be revolutionary, I would have chosen another project.
  22. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I completely agree. I understand your motives and I'm not arguing with them. Within five minutes of being told that I couldn't use the values, I removed them from the development version of the config. It was that simple. You may not know my name, but I'm not "new" to modding by any stretch of the imagination. I know what kind of work goes into things, which is why I respect the wishes of anybody whose work I'd like to use. I've simply never publically released anything that I've done (for any game) prior to this, and the only reason that I released this was because I saw that it filled a need which, at the time, nothing else filled. I didn't know that. I've had that pack for ages, and the RAR that it's in had no readme. I hadn't noticed that. I still haven't seen better recoil values. Anything that I came up with on my own would probably have similarities to FDF's values since I would be using FDF as a base to judge its effectiveness against. In any event, I'm not going to bother with the recoil values for quite a while because there are a number of scripts that I'd like to focus on over the next few versions.
  23. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    This is also why I try to keep any "deals" that I make private until I get a positive answer. I never would have mentioned it in this thread if I had gotten an answer to my PM. I had hoped that it was just forgotten and that somebody close the FDF team could pass my request along, but I didn't really anticipate that this would be the result. In any event, I have no hard feelings towards the FDF team.
  24. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I actually have most of that stuff in my own version. One thing that I've been thinking about doing is adding a "reccomended addons" section to the readme with links to things like Llaumax, the Cessna, etc. as well as instructions on how to install them all together. I don't know if I'd want to include them with the config because then we'd have to deal with things like increased filesize (which I'm trying to keep down,) more permission, and so on. There are also a bunch of "llauma packs" out there, so IMO adding another would confuse things.
  25. Taconic

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Nobody needs to worry about being hacked to pieces by me. I fully expected something like this to happen, which is why I've gone to great pains to avoid stepping on anybody's toes.