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Everything posted by kronzky

  1. kronzky


    wrong place...
  2. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    You're in Veteran mode - that's why you can only save every 10 minutes, and that's why you only see limited unit info.
  3. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    You will have serious problems using mismatched game-saves, since these saves store your whole mission progress (rank info, towns cleared, enemy levels, etc.). So if there's a mismatch anything can happen. As far as having to start over - well, that's why I introduced the passcodes, so that you don't have to rely on incompatible game-saves. And, rather than writing them down (which might be a bit of a problem if you're in the middle of a firefight), I would suggest just taking a quick screenshot when the message pops up. And even if you missed that, you can now also always bring up your passcode prompt, and it will show you all the previously achieved codes, so you can write them down at your convenience.
  4. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    I would seriously recommend against using old game-saves with the new version. Since I have changed all the global variables to now have the EVO prefix, there will be problems. (And that's probably what you're getting there, since "wcam" used to be the name of a global variable, but now it's called "EVO_wcam".)
  5. kronzky

    ATI 7.7

    Can somebody who has it installed tell me whether this is actually an update to the drivers, or just to the Control Center? (The posts in the overclocker's thread were a bit contradictory.) I've had MAJOR issues using 7.6 with an X1950 card, when running ArmA in windowed mode (horrible performance, colors way oversaturated, and everything way too dark), and had to go back to 7.3 to make it usable again. Update: I did take the plunge after all, and it looks like they fixed the issues with windowed mode in 7.6. It now runs and looks fine on my system. Wouldn't say that it's any faster than 7.3, but it's definitely a lot faster than 7.6...
  6. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    The POW issue has been discussed before, here in this thread, and is also addressed in the enclosed manual. Unfortunately, ArmA is getting confused when captured units enter vehicles, and there's not much we can do about it... But I would rather have a somewhat buggy POW feature than leaving it out altogether. (And if somebody finds it too much hassle to deal with these limitations, then they can just ignore those POWs altogether.) Next time you have captured a city, do a game save, and then try different strategies to deal with the POWs (I've even had them fly themselves back to the prison camp - of course, with a "chaperon" in there, so they don't run away, but it can be done). Just experiment a bit until you find a solution that works for you. Markers aren't updated while you are in the vehicle, but as soon as you get out, it should be at the new position.
  7. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    Quick Update: Version 1.0 is finally out!!! The last changes regarding global variables didn't seem to have introduced any new bugs, so it's time for it to now finally go out of Beta. I have included a detailed manual, so that even people who aren't familiar with the MP version will be able to figure out what it's all about. Details either on the updated first page of this thread, or at my site.
  8. kronzky

    Sniper ranging training/mission...

    Try this one. It shows you all the stats after a shot (distance, speed, impact height & lateral offset) in the dialog, as well as the impact point on the map.
  9. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    I didn't say I lost the codes, I said I lost my harddrive, and had to re-install everything. That's why, at some point, I didn't have the capability to generate any codes. But independently of that, I only offered to generate the codes for some of the early beta testers who went through a lot of repetitive cycles, and who didn't have the code feature at that point. Once I implemented the codes I gave them the ones for the cities they had already completed a bunch of times. But now, where anybody should have their own codes if they completed either a rank or a city, it is your responsibility to save those codes. Don't PM me if you have forgotten, or lost, or never achieved them in the first place. That is just way too time-consuming for me, and if I did that I would never get anything else done. On another subject - since I haven't gotten any reproduction steps for the empty cities, and since I, despite trying everything I could to reproduce it, wasn't able to provoke it, I assume that that issue is finally solved. I have also made any global variables unique (via a EVO_ prefix), so that there won't be any potential conflicts with addons. In view of that I will release V1.0 this weekend (which will have the prefixed variables, and the capability to re-arm enemy vehicles). Don't know if anybody who might have been interested in this mission would actually wait until the official release, and not just jump on the Beta version. But nevertheless, I will finally put out the official release within the next few days, and it will also include a manual.
  10. kronzky

    This warning should have come with the game...

    Since this is the troubleshooting forum, but there isn't really any troubleshooting whatsoever going on in this thread, I'm closing it... Consider the ArmA is just ... disappointing or the PC Discussion Thread, in case you want to continue the discussion.
  11. kronzky

    Evolution 3.1

    Please use the existing thread for Evolution to ask any questions related to that specific mission.
  12. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    The way enemy vehicles are handled right now is a compromise. What you got is the capability to take over fully armed enemy UAZs early on in the game, independent of your rank (even though you are not able to do that in MP). What you lost is the ability to reuse armed vehicles later in the game (even though you might be qualified by that time). I'm considering though, to add an Eastern ammo truck to the harbor area at Corazol. That way you can use abandoned enemy armor later on in the mission by rearming them this way.
  13. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    This is on purpose. If the gunner of a vehicle decides to leave it, he will destroy any ammunition that is left (so that the enemy cannot take advantage of the weapons). If he is killed though, the weapon and ammunition stay fully functional.
  14. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    Well... What could happen is are overlapping global variables or that a mod removes some event handlers that are needed by the mission. Unfortunately, I don't actually have ArmA running myself right now, so I can't try it out (I had to install a new main drive, since my old one was dying, and now ArmA won't start because of stupid SecuROM errors...). But once I'm back in business I'll definitely give ModWars a try.
  15. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    If it happens when you just leave the airport and approach the first city (the trigger to spawn the Paraiso units starts near the first side street that runs parallel to the airport runway), then it MUST be an addon issue. Otherwise this would happen to everyone playing this mission. Have you ever tried playing it without any custom addons? In case you lost track, here's a list of the default files. As far as screenshots are concerned, there's a paragraph about how to take one in the article about overview.html.
  16. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    As I've said before many times - If you have problems (especially regarding empty cities) I will need EXACT REPRODUCTION STEPS in order to be able to do anything. Exact Reproduction Steps means that anybody can start a game from scratch, follow your steps, and then see the described behaviour. Unless somebody can put those steps together I will not be able to do anything about this issue. The "empty city syndrome" also might be caused by a certain addon. So, if you do experience this problem, also list which addons you have installed. Just like with any bugs with ArmA - If you want a bug to be fixed, be as specific as possible when describing it. This will greatly improve the chances (and the speed) of something being done about it. Statements like "occasionally I see gibberish on the screen" do not help in troubleshooting. If you do get an error message take a screenshot of it and PM it to me (with details of when they appeared).
  17. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    The next version will show you all so far achieved codes when you bring up the passcode prompt: Of course, once you start a new game from scratch that list will be empty, so you will still have to write down those codes somewhere (or just take a screenshot).
  18. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    That was a bug that snuck in in 0.14. Should be fixed now.
  19. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    Radio and ladder issues - These are both ArmA bugs. Not much I or anybody else here can do about it... Empty cities - I need exact reproduction steps before I can do anything about it (a saved game doesn't help me much as I don't know what got the game to the buggy stage, and I'm also not able to analyze what's going on during the game if I can't re-play it in the editor). It must have something to do with how some of you are playing the game (which is obviously very different from how I play it, since I've done several sessions that lasted a few days each, and never once run into this problem). So, as I said, I need step-by-step instructions as to what I have to do to reproduce this situation in the editor, otherwise I could be spending weeks poking around randomly... Improvements & Modifications - The goal of this SP-conversion has always been to stay as closely as possible to the original MP game, and only make modifications that compensate for the lack of other players (or that are technically necessary). Other than that there will be no changes to the mission.
  20. kronzky

    Tree Classnames

    Trees don't have classes in ArmA (i.e. you cannot place them yourself). You would have to install an editor update in order to have access to those special objects.
  21. kronzky

    Editor Database

    Since this question is coming up over an over again: To have access to more objects than the ones available in the editor you need an "Editor Update". There exist two versions: * 6thSense.eu's EditorUpdate, which give you access to objects that already have class names, and are just not listed in the editor (about 400 objects). * EditorUpdate 1.02 by LowFly, which creates custom classes for every object in ArmA (over 1,000 objects). This update has to be treated like a custom addon, i.e. if you are using objects from this update in your mission people will need to have this update installed as well to play it. (This is not the case with the first, smaller update).
  22. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    I'm still waiting for some translations, and I still have to write the documentation, but once that is done it will probably be released "officially". The issue with POWs has been discussed before (see page 10): As far as the occasional empty city is concerned - I've tried everything I could to reproduce this, but to no avail... Either the people who are still reporting this somehow got a incorrect version, or it only happens in very unique circumstances that I don't have reproduction steps for. So if you do have this problem, just download the mission once more, and if it still happens, see if you can get it to happen in a reproducible setup, and then PM me those steps.
  23. kronzky

    Evolution V3.0

    @KilJoy - Do you think it would be a good idea to perhaps change the city markers from gray to red when a city is "in battle"? That way it would be easier for a new joiner to know right away where the action is, and it might also encourage more concentrated team effort onto that one particular location.
  24. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    Now that you don't get any points anymore when entering the rank code I've reactivated the 20,000 points bonus you get when entering a city code. I hope that will be the optimal setup to avoid points cheating and being able to reproduce a previous game status. I think I need to keep the points penalty, as otherwise you could just go through hundreds of AI units without any repercussions, but I'm now making the skill of your team members dependent on your rank and the number of cities they've cleared. (So you should definitely try to hold on to your long-term buddies...) All I can tell you is that you probably have to search a bit harder for those last guys. They might be hiding in the bushes somewhere, or are just running in circles, but I'm sure they're around. Even if they would've spawned at a wrong location or ran off, the side mission would notice that (since there's a presence trigger over the green area that will fire if there's no enemy units left). As I said, there should be eight foot patrols, so if you only killed 6, there are obviously still some hiding... I'm PMing you to see what's going on in your particular case. No matter what I try, I cannot reproduce that behaviour... Yeah... I noticed that too. I've tried to limit that stationary time somewhat, but since this situation is hard to reproduce, I'm not 100% sure how successful I was... I've now added a two-minute delay before dead units are removed from your group, so that'll hopefully address this problem.
  25. kronzky

    Evolution - Single Player

    The error message was just for the return marker, and shouldn't really affect the mission. Did you get the message that all enemies are eliminated? (There are about 8 foot patrols and one UAZ.) Once you get that you have to be within a certain range of the reporter for him to join you. After that you have to return to the base (landing pad near POW camp). As far as the pilots in the Air Patrol mission are concerned - that does seem tough to have to eliminate them, even when their plane is already down, but that's how the original side mission was set up by KilJoy. My priority was always to keep the mission as close to the original MP version as possible, but in this case it was probably more of an oversight to test for the pilots instead of the planes, so I changed that requirement. I'm not much of a pilot, so I was only able to test it in while being set to "captive", but if you want, you give the modified version a try.