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Everything posted by KingN

  1. That's a good question. By "fixed" I refer to the men, not the amount. That means when somebody gets killed in a squad he's dead and you must replace him with some other guy. The maximum size of a squad is 6 men. You (Mikhail Koikov) are always assigned to the Alpha squad. In addition to Alpha, if the mission allows, you can also assign an assisting AI controlled squad, Bravo which you can command on the field. So depending on mission the maximum amount of friendly platoon members on mission is only 6-12. This way you have more time to keep an eye on the situation rather than commanding your subordinates. So you actually replenish you killed squad members from the inactive reserve which is the rest of the platoon. Each squad member has his unique skill values (leadership,marksmanship,awareness and endurance) randomized at the start of the campaign. There are also 4 trained medics in the platoon, the others are standard riflemen. There are 3 reasons to take care of your men. The first is that if your platoon size shrinks below 12 after few massacres you can't have full squads in large scale missions anymore. Secondly some men might have valuable skills than should be cherished. Thirdly, at the end of the campaign you get an overall success percentage based on survived platoon members and successfull objectives. ---------- Post added at 01:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ---------- What do you mean by "camp" and that you can't play it? There is a main operating base from where you are deployed onto missions and vehicles and helicopters are stationed in, except one of the helicopters which is stationed in an airbase up north.
  2. Few known bugs left to polish out before some beta-testing and some neat intro and outro cutscenes. That's all there is left to do. Edit: Oh and the voices of course too. Glad you like the russians too for a change as well, I guess it's the language why americans are so much more used. But russians have that special feel to them and I find russian language exciting, I wish I could speak it. :p
  3. Thanks. :) Like I've said, the voices are a bigger problem at the moment and it would be a relief to get enough voice actors so this project could continue steadily. I've already found 1 Russian to do some voices. In addition to voice actors I would be happy if somebody here with native russian skills volunteered to do the English-Russian translation for the dialogues. I'll update the first post.
  4. Huh? There is a dive animation when you jog/sprint forward + go prone. Only that I looks a bit painful and awkward to land flat on your stomach. At least I was taught in the military to land on your left side (weapon in right hand), with your gear on you could do it very fast and without any pain.
  5. Hi ZeroG! I'm making a dynamic campaign of about 7 missions about a russian anti-terrorist platoon myself. You can plan your operation beforehand (insertion, group structure, loadout etc.). The campaign will involve different kinds of mission types. The most time taking part of making the dynamic missions has been making the units spawn in logical positions and do logical things at logical moments in a logical way. Otherwise the mission lacks immersion (which is maybe the most vulnerable aspect of dynamic missions) and the missions won't work reliably. So if you haven't yet made these things work in your mission/campaign you are in for some tedious scripting and tweaking but after you get everything work it'll pay off eventually. :) After you get the base/core system compiled together (meaning the spawning groups,vehicles and objects and make them behave appropriately at each scenarios + whatever repeats itself more or less in each mission) it's fairly easy to add different mission types afterwards. I'm at this stage at the moment so I'm about 75% finished with my campaign I guess.. and I've been making my project actively for about 5-6 months now, if this information helps you comprehend how much this kind of campaign will take from one person to put together. Anyway, I'll guarantee your project will definately take more time than you first might think so I would suggest that you stick to your original plan and keep the project as compact as possible as you proceed. And try to keep up the immersion thoughout the mission/campaign. These are my advices, hope this helps! :)
  6. Great addon with nice details! I noticed the engagement range bug also after a minute of testing, set an enemy infantry group about 100m away and the BMD's didn't shoot a single shot at them. Hope you fix the bug sooner or later. Keep up the good work. :)
  7. I just finished playing a mission I failed because my AI subordinates didn't board an extraction vehicle 10-15 meters away because enemies was present nearby in a forest. My subordinates just used this combat movement by moving only few meters at a time and then scan the surroundings as if we weren't in a hurry. I took 3 minutes to get 3 of my 6 men aboard until the vehicle was knocked out by an rpg. Needless to say, I was ranting a bit at the AI. :rolleyes: Anyway, my two cents for this thread: When I order "return to formation" my AI subordinates' first priority must be returning to formation as fast as possible. When I change the behaviour to "aware" and order them to do something (like board a vehicle) my subordinates should stop hiding in bushes and scanning the surroundings and do what I tell them to. Alternatively there could be an order for them to hurry up and get moving. Sometimes the auto-combat mode is a good feature for saving few seconds from manually telling them to go in combat mode. But most of the time it prevents/slows down the AI from doing what they are supposed to do for no proper reason. I hope you BIS could do something about this.:o
  8. KingN


    Haha, I also was shocked to see myself doing some odd new animation that I couldn't repeat, think it was this same sidestep. I guess it's some animation/action bis failed to fully remove during developing the game.
  9. _civ assignAsdriver _civvehicle; _cargounits = ((units _civgroup) - [b][size="4"][[/size][/b]leader _civgroup[b][size="4"]][/size][/b]); {_x assignAsCargo _civvehicle} forEach _cargounits; {[_x] orderGetIn true} forEach _cargounits; To get correct _cargounits value you need brackets around leader _civgroup. Try that. :)
  10. KingN

    Music In Chopper

    That's a good point actually, I can't think of anything else rational why the music is working for me but not for warghost20 in the same mission. @warghost20 Are the stock arma 2 songs working for you ok though? And one more thing you could try, export your mission to sp missions and test it there, that's how I've got some some problems fixed related to the game not updating some configs and new files.
  11. KingN

    Music In Chopper

    Ok, I reconverted your song with audacity and now it's less than 50% of the original size, only 4mb. Try it, if it doesn't work I'm out of ideas. It's strange that for me that mission works alright, maybe it's your arma installation or sound card drivers or something, really don't know. Hope this .ogg file works for you though. filename1.ogg
  12. Another way is to use an array, which have turned out to be a practical method for me because you can add elements into the array as you like without modifying the rest of the script. SpeechArray1 = ["speech1","speech2","speech3","speech4","speech5"]; Guy1 say (SpeechArray1 select (floor (random (count SpeechArray1))));
  13. KingN

    Music In Chopper

    Then I think it's the music file itself. It's not converted into ogg correctly somehow. I believe it's not compressed enough for arma2, 10mb for one song is a bit too much from an ogg file to my ear anyway. I remember I had a problem with an ogg file not being played by OFP once, just plain silence. Finally I got it working by finding another ogg converter software and recompressed the file with it. I suggest you to do the same. The mission I gave you is working just fine in my comp so just keep replacing the oggfiles with different ones until you hear something, remember to save the mission after replacing the files if you have the editor open.
  14. KingN

    Music In Chopper

    Again, use the class name instead of the file name when using PlayMusic command, in other words PlayMusic "Musictrack1", not PlayMusic "filename1". And with the helo1 say "MyNamMusic" you had the music file under 'sound' folder but in the description.ext it said \sounds\MyNamMusic.ogg with an extra "s". I know, it's tricky with these things. ;) You'd better name all classnames and filenames with the same name in description.ext to avoid confusion, as with the MyNamMusic one. I corrected everything and did it for you this time, get it below. Have fun! :) music.utes.7z
  15. KingN

    Music In Chopper

    I just dled you mission and took a look at this. Your problem was firstly that you used PlaySound instead of PlayMusic, your configs are set for a music track (CfgMusic), not for a sound (CfgSounds). Secondly you must call for the class name when you're using PlayMusic or PlaySound, that's "Musictrack1" in your case. I succeeded in getting the music play either by setting the condition to "true" and selecting you music file in the "Track" combo box (the one that says "Music_1") or with condition also "true" I put in on activation " PlayMusic "Musictrack1" ". Hope you get it working now! :) ---------- Post added at 07:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 AM ---------- It's possible, put in you description.ext: class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { MyNamMusic }; class MyNamMusic { name = "MyNamMusic"; sound[] = {\sounds\MyNamMusic.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; }; and the put in you music activation trigger helo1 say "MyNamMusic", helo being you choppers name. With the db+0 part you can tinker with the distance of how far the sound can be heard, db+25 means the music will be heard kilometers away and db-25 means that the sound can be heard only within meters away.
  16. Hey, I'm not sure if this belongs to the troubleshooting section or editing one. Anyway I have a mission with a script spawning enemy AI manned vehicles and I noticed that sometimes the gunner of a spawned vehicle won't open fire, it will just point the turret at you but won't shoot a single round, as if the gunner were ordered to hold fire or set to "never fire". I used createvehicle + BIS_fnc_SpawnCrew and also BIS_fnc_spawnvehicle, both having the same effect. I took a closer look at this script testing it by spawning the vehicle in front of me and checked that it opens fire at me. I found out it's more related to vehicle types, naming at least BMP2 and Shilka (all side variants of them: guer,ins and cdf). Other vehicle types I've tested don't have this problem, they open fire every time. It seems that sometime when BMP2 or Shilka is spawned the first time after starting the mission it will open fire but after that trying the second or third time and from that on, it fails to open fire, just stares at me with the turret. I tried using setcombamode and selectweapon for the ai gunner, adding delays to the script, even copied the bis spawn script and adding 0.5 sec delay after every command but no avail. I checked that the spawned vehicle has ammo in it, result was positive. I have no clue what might be causing this. It's odd that _sometimes_ the ai opens fire but the rest of the spawn times it won't. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  17. Ok I got my problem solved. Odd thing is I had to run the bis spawn function via a trigger instead of from inside an sqf script. I don't know why but that's how I got BMP2 and shilka to shoot.. now I can continue my work!
  18. KingN

    Please give us a Run Command

    I agree, it should be easy enough to implement anyway, just skip the ai procedure of covering himself from enemy detection and fire and use all stamina to get to the give position asap. Plus, I like the idea of having an extra speed mode in the editor: "LIMITED","NORMAL","FULL","HAULASS" :D
  19. Hi, After looking through quite a few links and official campaign files I'm also interested to have some small and simple tutorial on how a conversation works seen in the campaign. Some where you can choose "yes" or "no". That would be much appreciated. :)
  20. Has the mission worked fine after the little update? Anything that needs improving or is it ok as it is now? :)
  21. Hi all! I confirmed the revive script not working and have fixed it now. I also noticed by accident that in the end scoring the corresponding revive count values was not correct and fixed that too. In addition I added the option for 0 revives option, which is the most difficult option now. I remember that it got the game crash when starting the mission but haven't got it since, I tested the mission if I could get it crash again but no avail. I think it's cause by the game code itself, not by my scripts but I'm not sure. I'll have a closer look at that later. Are you using any mods? vop sounds or the fire and smoke addon? I've noticed that those addons causes the "scripts loading, please wait" screen to last at least 3 times longer that normally if this has anything to do with the crashing. Anyway, the mission is patched and the armed assault.info and SW depot links should be updated as well. Thank you! :) Edit: Change log Version 0.79 hotfix: Revive script initialized correctly fix: revive count should be scored correctly now added: option for 0 revives ("extreme" difficulty) ---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ---------- The AI is disabled because AI controlled playable units interfere with couple of scripts and this mission is inteded to be played with human players so you have to play it as a lone wolf. Just set the difficulty settings to easy and you should be ok. :)
  22. I played this through alone for a little last test before I submitted this mission. ;) Just set the difficulty settings to match your player count, skill and taste. I played it the enemy strength set to "weak" and enemy accuracy set to "very poor" so there were just few enemies per map target that couldn't hit me early enough. :D So no worries, even 1 player is enough if you set the difficulty settings right. Thanks Old Bear, mirrors updated again. :)
  23. Thanks a lot ceeeb, got it working! The resolution is indeed quite high, about 5m squares or so. Did a quick study on how the surfacetype command works with radio trigger with this in "on acivation" hint format ["%1",surfaceType [getpos player select 0, getpos player select 1]] The command returns either "#CRForest1" or "#CRForest2" when I'm in forest. Problem solved. :)