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Everything posted by Kamamura

  1. Kamamura

    Sabot or High Explosive?

    Hello, Excuse my potentially trivial question, but what are the exact differences between these two ammo types in the game? AFAIK, Sabot is a solid, armor - piercing round that relies on high kinetic energy to penetrate the enemy armored vehicles (tanks). High explosive rounds, on the other hand, might mean ordinary HE round that is useful for killing soft targets, but harmles against armor. Or, it can be that modern type of amunition that is fired with relatively low velocity, and has multiple charges that first burn through the armor plate on contact, and then explode inside the vehicle killing the crew. Can anyone explain how is it implemented here? The manual is very sketchy on the subject.
  2. Kamamura

    Sabot or High Explosive?

    Thank you, guys, for you explanation. Flashpoint is now quite old, but it still shines!
  3. Kamamura

    Radio communication

    Okay, but if my AI squad members ask me "Where are you" and I have no means of answering them, isn't it weird? They don't always catch up, when they have "away" status, they keep asking about my position. Moreover, when I can determine my position by clicking on the ground with move command as a commander, it would be hardly a "cheat" to report it directly, wouldn't it?
  4. Kamamura

    Radio communication

    Just one question - when playing as an ordinary squad leader asks me "Report status" , how do I respond with "Position <coordinates", like AI squad members do? Similarly, when I am a squad leader and someone asks "Where are you?", how do I tell him my coordinates? I went through all the radio commands, but could not find this one. No word about it in the manual (which is fairly inadequate, anyway). Thanks for help.
  5. Kamamura

    Radio communication

    Hey, that remark with chat function was funny, wasn't it? However, this seems to be a design flaw, then. Anyone reported it as a bug?
  6. Kamamura

    Problem in Campaign

    I encountered a strange problem in the mission (the original campaign) when you have to paradrop, conquer and hold a base on Kolgujev (the mission after crashing with A10 and becoming a hostage). The mission begins with your squad transported in helicopters, just before the paradrop - but there are BMPs hovering in the air instead of helicompters - one member of your squad sitting ridiculously on each BMP. The sound of choppers is there and the program also writes "helicopter", when you point on the BMPs, but they stert to chrashing with each other, your squad members dying right in the beginning - and when the command to EJECT is given, the program realizes the BMPs cannot fly, so they start falling, usually right on the heads of the paradropping squad members, killing them right away. Is it a bug, or some strange FADE feature? :-)
  7. Kamamura

    Problem in Campaign

    Gee, thanx man, I appreciate your info :-) Didn't try yet, but I surely will... I have only some unoficial campaigns installed, but no special weapon packs. Might be that beta 1.20, though