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Everything posted by KaRRiLLioN

  1. KaRRiLLioN

    CTF with THREE flags?

    I'll try to dig one up for you and post the source.
  2. KaRRiLLioN

    CTF with THREE flags?

    Yep, there are several missions with Res vs West vs East. Â I have some on my server that you can get. Â Just connect to the server and vote yourself admin, then change the mission to one, start it and you'll dload it to your MPMissionsCache folder. Â Most of the CTF missions have 3-way mentioned in the title, i.e. 3-way bay on Everon. Â I also have some 3-way C&H missions that I made a long time ago as well. See my sig for my server info.
  3. I think the best part about OFP scripting is that it's complex enough to give scripters a very wide latitude in their mission-making decisions, but simple enough for anyone to learn without being a programmer. Also, functions added some extra depth to the scripting playbook as well since much needed If-Then commands were added. Debugging exists...although mainly in manual form. If something isn't happening the way I want it, then I debug with hints galore to tell me what ofp is doing with the code. My main experience is in SQL programming, which bears little resemblance to ofp scripting code, and I'm definitely no expert on C++ etc, but I think OFP's scripting is pretty good, especially considering how long it's been around. I think the current command set is a good base for OFP2 and hopefully it'll be greatly expanded upon.
  4. Scripting? Is that where you put the triggers in the mission editor and waypoints for AI to move? I made a mission like that once!
  5. KaRRiLLioN

    ECL's record breaking attempt players on one serve

    It would be interesting to see some benchmarks of the Opteron vs. Xeon/P4 for running an OFP dedicated. My last server was a 3gz Xeon Dell 1 RU. This one is an HP 1RU with the dual Opteron 250's (2.4gz). They just came out with one that is slightly faster, the Opteron 252 @ 2.6Gz. I dedicated 1GB of RAM for each CPU and that seems to help some. It also has a SCSI drive with no redundancy since I'm not worried if the data gets messed...I have backups. At home I run an AMD FX-53 cpu which has been a lot faster for me than my P4 3gz that I had before. From the gaming benchmarks, the AMD's seem to be quite a bit better for many games, even though their clock speed is lower. It may be the same for servers, but I haven't seen any benchmarks to really validate/invalidate that. I'm also very curious as to whether the new dual-core CPU's will offer any performance boosts right off the bat, since it sounds like a program doesn't need to be multi-threaded to make use of a dual-core. I might pick up a dual CPU dual-core server when they're available (and one for home as well ;) )
  6. KaRRiLLioN

    ECL's record breaking attempt players on one serve

    I haven't seen a good server-based pissing match for a while. It's too bad that OFP can't make use of dual CPU's. I got a dual opteron server anyway. It seems to have helped a little bit but OFP MP always has lag of some sort. We have played some 24-man RTS3 games that went pretty well until one team or the other started building tons of ADAT's or Tunguskas. Those suckers lag up pretty fast. I will say that Mr.Zig and Korax's CNC-RTS is pretty lag free even with 40 tanks blasting away like mad at each other. As for trying to fit 100+ players on a server, I'd like to see a real DM with that many, if for nothing else, to see the smoking remains of the server afterward.
  7. KaRRiLLioN

    Rearm scripts in MP

    If you use a "killed" eventhandler, then when the AI dies, it will run the script local to the killed unit and the killer of the unit. Â You can have the script use DeleteVehicle _unit for example. Â Deletevehicle can be run locally or remotely, it doesn't matter, it's always a global public command. A killed eventhandler is probably the best way to go, but you could also put in the init of the AI something like [this] exec "deathmonitor.sqs" And deathmonitor would do this: Now, the downside of this is that it's a loop which is constantly checking the status of the unit. Â I'm not sure if eventhandlers are much the same, i.e. they're constantly checking for a certain state to be true, but I prefer to use eventhandlers for unit deletion. To use the Killed eventhandler, simply put this in the init of the unit in the mission editor: And then the script for it would be like so: If you have a lot of units on a map and you don't want to have to go thru each one's init to put that, simply create a trigger that is triggered by East, west or whatever side it is and name it WestList, then in init.sqs put this: Then it'll add the eventhandlers to all units that trigger that trigger list.
  8. KaRRiLLioN

    Rearm scripts in MP

    If you're running a script meant to equip units on a dedicated server, then it has to run locally on each client in order to work. The same goes for if you're adding weapons to an ammo crate, you've got to have a script run on each client so each client will have weapons to choose from. AI in your group are local to you, and AI in another player's group are local to him. Players in your group are remote to you. AI not in any player's group are local to the server. A Radio trigger is global, i.e. it exec's on all clients. I would suggest you run your script straight from the radio command because then it'll run on all clients and you can filter out those you don't wish to be rearmed from your script. If you wish to run the command from an action, then remember that all added actions are local to the unit that uses them. In that case, exec your rearm script from init.sqs and have it wait on a public variable. When you click the action, have it call that global var and then public var it. Oddly enough, even though ammo crates are local when loaded with weapons, they also have a global pool. I have a weapons purchase script for RTS3, where you purchase weapons and they are put into the ammo crate for you to take. If you and another player purchase the same weapons, even though the weapons are loaded locally to each client and you can't see what's in the ammo crate for the other player, if he takes the same weapon from the crate that you also put there, then it globally reduces the count of that weapon/ammo from the crate, so yours would be taken. OFP MP scripting is loads of fun to figure out at times. I think I'd almost wish to have all commands global and then you could filter out everyone you didn't want from the script. Ah well. Hope this helps.
  9. KaRRiLLioN

    Server view distance

    View distance set in the user.cfg is only for single player or when you're not playing on a dedicated server. In some of my missions I have barrels with a viewdistance action on them so players can set their own viewdistances. It's all client side so everyone can have different view distances. I only tend to do that on coop missions though, or missions where I don't care how far they can "see".
  10. KaRRiLLioN

    Mission Editing Competition

    So....where can we download these missions?
  11. KaRRiLLioN

    OFP mp

    OFP is THE most flexible game I know of insofar as editing and making missions go. With BF and others, you are stuck into either C&H missions only, or CTF only. With OFP you can do coop, then CTF, then C&H, then RTS, etc. You're not limited to specific gametypes. If someone can think it up, it can most likely be scripted into a game type easily in OFP. I remember when I first made RTS-1 a few months after OFP game out in the US. I wasn't sure if OFP could be made into a real time strategy, but it could, obviously since there's now several different rts types out and I'm up to RTS-3. There's really no limit on game types. Also the island sizes are SO much better in OFP than in BF, and add in the extremely talented addon community that is still pumping out high quality models from every era and it's hard to beat OFP really. You can play any of the above gametypes these eras: Civil War, WW2, Vietnam, 1985, Modern, and Sci-Fi. Anyway....other games might have slightly prettier graphics, but OFP is still the best whether you're into realism or rambo.
  12. KaRRiLLioN

    PIII/800 mhz with 320mb RAM as Server ???

    You should be able to run most missions OK unless they have a lot of AI. Fat_Tony's suggestions will help you the most in this. I'd say for most player vs. player missions with few AI you'll be ok, and also for smaller coops.
  13. KaRRiLLioN

    Teamspeak, battlecom or what ???

    We've been using TS for a few years, and really like it. So you have to purchase Ventrillo licenses to go past 8 players? We regularly have 12-20 people on TS at once, so that wouldn't do.
  14. KaRRiLLioN

    Custom in-mission GUI's?

    I like the approach you're taking. People on the server keep bugging me to make an RTS on AEC island, but I think that mission would take forever to play. An objectives based approach sounds very good, however. Instead of standard C&H towns, you could make it a progressive fight, where you can't just skip around and do everything. It's sort of like Frontlines that MrZig and Korax made for the server, except Frontlines is more of a Battlefield 1942 type C&H, where you can spawn at zones you've capped and vehicles spawn for your team there. The difference is that you have X number of territories and you have to cap them in order, i.e. go from A to B to C, etc. and you can't skip around. Something like this might be the next evolutionary step in RTS-style missions for OFP, because sometimes just plain C&H gets boring...there needs to be other objectives besides C&H and destroy the enemy base. I've added in some other elements to RTS lately. I put in ore mining--it's the primary method of making money now, and you have to cap territories in order to reduce the build time for vehicles. I also made it so the buildings are non-targetable unless you sneak into the enemy base and beacon them. Anyway you can shoot it over to me sometime and I'll look at it. Things have been hectic for me lately...I have a new baby so time is like gold for me now.
  15. KaRRiLLioN

    Custom in-mission GUI's?

    I was wondering why I hadn't seen you around for a while. Go to www.binarybone.com/ofpwatch or go to ofp.info/karrillion and click the link to ofpwatch and grab it, then put in my server ip It'll auto-download all the mod folders you need. I just set up a new FTP with a 45mbps pipe on it, so it should be fast. I also have a new server, Dual opteron 250's with 2GB ram. We've been maxing out the RTS games and it's been smooth (unless someone is running ECP...grrr.) Anyway, swing by, it'd be good to frag with you again. I think I see the gist of what you're trying to make. You start out with a pre-determined number of vehicles as in real life, and if you use them up then they're gone, right? Insofar as restricting players to certain vehicles you can do that by using typeOf driver vehicle, but in games like RTS and CTI I think that all the squad leaders are of the same class, correct? I'd probably make an array like so: cam_pilots = ["SoldierWPilot","SoldierEPilot","other classes"] Then the vehicle would have to check : ?!(typeOf driver vehicle in cam_pilots) : <whatever action you want> You can do the same for tanks, etc. I'd use CountType for Tank and Air so you don't have to drill all the way down to the specific unit class insofar as determining which array a vehicle uses for determining valid classes. It sounds like an interesting idea, so let me know how it's going!
  16. KaRRiLLioN

    Custom in-mission GUI's?

    Go to ofpec.com, click on Editors Depot on the top menu bar, expand the Tutorials section on the left menu bar and select Browse tutorials and look for Vektorbosen's dialog tutorial, or in the quick search box put in Dialog and it should pull up that tute as one of the first ones. That's the best one for learning the dialogs, i.e. menus. It might take a little while, but once you get the hang of it, you can do a lot. You will need some scripting abilities in order to make full use of them. GL!
  17. KaRRiLLioN

    direction of velocity script

    one minor thing, I think it's _velX Atan2 _velY. Also if you want to convert this to a normal 0-360 just do it like this: It really doesn't matter if you do that since the result is the same, just in positives, rather than negatives.
  18. KaRRiLLioN

    Aircraft takeoff issues

    Thanks! It's the landing speed apparently. I saw that in another thread when I was searching and I thought that I'd put it in, but must've put it into another config that I had open for an example.
  19. One way to do it if you're only allowing Players to spawn is to create a trigger in the mission editor, set it to Repeatedly and for the condition put Alive Player OnActivation [player] exec "randomrespawn.sqs" Then create a script named RandomRespawn.sqs You'll also need the positions that you wish the players to respawn in, so I'd recommend placing a chair or something in the map, and then in the onInit blank, put this setPos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1), 5] This will set the object in the same position, except you adjust the Z value to get it exactly on the floor that you wish. Once you've confirmed that the object is in the position you wish (by going into the mission and looking at the chair) then you can change the object to an invisible H or something and give it a name like spawn1. After you've set your spawn locations by placing those objects, then you can crate the randomrespawn.sqs file. Let's say you placed 4 spawn locations named spawn1, spawn2, spawn3 and spawn4 using the above method, then just put something like this in the script: If you want to make it so AI also respawn to these spots, then you'll need to name each unit in the map and create a separate trigger for each one. Let's say you named the units U1, U2, U3, U4, etc. Then instead of Alive Player in the condition of the trigger, it would be: condition: Alive U1 onActivation: [u1] exec "randomRespawn.sqs" And you'd need to make a trigger for each unit. Make sure to set it to trigger repeatedly. There's plenty of ways to do this, so you might find a better way. You also might have to trouble-shoot the method since I'm just writing this off the top of my head.
  20. KaRRiLLioN

    mod rts 3

    You need to edit the mission using the in-game mission editor. Keep the flags/markers labeled as T1* through T5* or T6, depending upon how many you want to have. In TW.init in the mission folder, you'll need to delete the city names for the ones you don't want, and delete where it execs the territory script in there and you should be set. Sorry I didn't answer this before but I didn't see this topic.
  21. KaRRiLLioN

    Us presidential election 2004

    This is politics and there's been plenty of country bashing being thrown around on all sides. If it makes some people feel better, then fine, let them wallow in the ecstasy of bashing. I don't know too many people who haven't made a derogatory massly generalized comment or two about any number of things. Of course things almost got out of hand on teamspeak the night before the election. Several of us were playing some WW2 coops. There was a German, a French fellow from Salsburg, 3 Canadians, a Brazilian, and several Americans of various political persuasions talking and someone started on politics. Man, I thought I was going to have to shut down the TS server, lol. Well, we managed to calm it down, and then proceeded with our German invasion of Skye Island vs. those nasty American imperialists!!
  22. KaRRiLLioN

    Us presidential election 2004

    Actually the income tax is a crap idea. The nat'l sales tax idea is much better, but I'm not sure that it's OT to go into depth here on the specifics. Those who pay no taxes now would get a full refund check each month Everyone would be taxed on what they spend, not what they earn, so the rich would still pay the lion's share of taxes since a 25% tax on a yacht is a lot more than it would be on a fishing boat. Corporations would no longer have federal tax incentives because they'd be paying a 25% tax on everything they buy (unless it's for resale) just like everyone else. Prices on goods would fall since the built-in price of double-taxation of corporations would be gone You don't have to be libertarian to appreciate it. In fact, two Republican senators ran on the Fair Tax Code as the basis of their campaign, and both won, despite the rhetoric their Dem opponents threw at it. You have to admit, the current tax code is a special-interest bonanza! Corporations have so much crap built into it for their own good that it's time we dumped it. Just think, no more tax returns to fill out each year!!
  23. KaRRiLLioN

    Us presidential election 2004

    Or change this topic to: "The desperate search for that silver lining". I stayed up until 3:40am EST watching the returns. I know a lot of people don't like or understand the electoral college, but it sure makes for exciting times. It'd be so boring just watching a single national number. :P I have 2 main wishes that I hope can be fulfilled now that the Rep's have almost a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. 1. Scrap tax code and put into place something like the Fair Tax act, i.e. a national sales tax and dump all income taxes for individuals and corporations. 2. Reform Social Security and allow younger citizens to invest a portion in secure investments while still paying out to seniors. The Rep's have absolutely NO excuses now for not fulfilling one of the two. They are in a better position now than they ever have been. I just hope they don't go off on a social tangent, i.e. constitutional amendment against gay marriage BS. There's so much that needs reforming in gov't. I'm having to temper my enthusiasm, however, because I know how all politicians can be.
  24. I've been searching both here and at ofpec for this, and I've found plenty about optics, but I can't figure this one out. I'm using a standard BIS tank optic, but the white dot in that is supposed to be in the center of the sight is a little bit lower than the optics center. I've looked in Memory LOD trying to figure out if there's a vertex, and I've aligned all of the other gun related vertices, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to align this blasted white dot!! Anyone know how?
  25. KaRRiLLioN

    White dot in optics of tank not aligned

    Here's a pic of it. I've circled where the white dot for the cursor is centering, beneath the optics. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted/karr/whitedot.jpg