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JB Time

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About JB Time

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    Lance Corporal
  1. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I completely agree. A mission editor for co-op missions would be fantastic - a unique offering for the Xbox 360.
  2. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Still no news I see. I'm still optimistic that BI will give Xbox 360 gamers the chance to play Arma 2 or something similar. Keeping those fingers crossed in the meantime for a co-op shooter with a mission editor.
  3. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I agree with the comments about attracting new fans. There is no point taking an elitist approach (pardon the pun) when comparing ArmA 2 with the other crop of modern shooters. The other games mentioned are great in their own right, but many gamers I've spoken to are looking for something more absorbing which is exactly what ArmA 2 will be. If they do release it for Xbox 360, then they will have no direct, like-for-like competitor. They could really take the market by storm in my opinion. Xbox Live numbers are growing and many new Xbox gamers are from PC roots. I don't know the facts and figures, but I'd imagine that the console crowd is now a different demographic to what it was 4 years ago. Surely there's enough demand to warrant a release? In relation to one of the factors on Avibird's list, does anyone know how well ArmA 2 is selling on the PC?
  4. Is this game likely to get an Xbox 360 release?
  5. JB Time

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Too early to judge but my initial impression is that OFP: DR and ArmA 2 will be completely different gaming experiences. Obviously they both have certain things in common but OFP: DR seems more like a COD/BF: BC experience, but in a massive environment - a lot of fun! Hopefully both titles will set the industry norm in terms of large sprawling environments which support CO-OP campaign play. The big factor for me, as an Xbox 360 gamer, is the mission editor. If ArmA 2 does come to the Xbox 360 and it includes a mission editor (however basic), then it gives ArmA 2 a huge advantage over any other shooter in the market. Infinite replay value holds massive appeal to me.
  6. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Sometimes when I'm reading posts by the PC gamers I do scratch my head with all the talk about graphics cards, processors, RAM, HD etc, it seems that one person's perfect setup is another person's worst setup, i.e. rarely do PC gamers agree on ideal gaming hardware. Anyway, in terms of the PC release for ArmA 2, I've heard positive things from people who actually own the game since the patch was released. Some of the most negative comments I've read are from people who had negatively prejudged the game before release. After hearing about some release day bugs, their eyes have lit up and they've used that info to pour even more scorn on the game. I guess it's just hatred for want of a better word. Personally I think ArmA 2 looks like great. If it does come to the Xbox 360 then it'd be a completely unique title and definitely stand out. I don't know of any game, existing or planned, which will touch this type of gaming experience, the concept is fantastic.
  7. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Zensuji makes a good point about the PC/Console transition and the fuzzy line between both platforms. The stereotypical 'console gamer' tag doesn't always apply. A lot of us want far more depth and realism from our games. I know that some people who haven't played the original OFP will not know about the benefits of a mission editor, but it's not a didfficult concept to grasp; mission editor = plenty of replay value.......not rocket science is it? I never played the original OFP but I want a mission editor big time. In fact, I've never played a CO-OP game (military shooter) which had a mission editor so I see it's inclusion as a major step forward in gaming terms. I get the impression that ArmA 2 won't let us down with this core feature, but after mismanaging my expectations for OFP: DR, I'll not assume anything until they confirm it.
  8. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    :D BIS Xbox press release: "Don't worry Xbox gamers, we won't make the same mistake as the Germans did" - now that's a catchy corporate slogan. You're right in what you say though. Everyone needs to be patient (including BIS) and then we'll be able to enjoy a quality product. I've already told others about this game but as soon as it becomes official, everyone needs to start spreading the word.
  9. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Fantastic news! I hope BIS take as long as they need to and don't rush the Xbox 360 version. Whatever happens, please include a mission editor for consoles and you'll make many people very happy.
  10. JB Time

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    That's exactly how I first heard about Operation Flashpoint. Whilst searching for the Overseas Pakistanis Foundation, I stumbled across some links which led me straight here. As a result, I am very grateful to the Foundation and everything they stand for.
  11. JB Time

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Interesting post. I am truly gutted that they're not including a mission editor for the console version. It's strange that CM were promising a basic, dumbed down mission editor from day one, and then last month we find out that there won't be one. If I understand you correctly, you are basically saying that CM had no intention of releasing an editor for consoles in the first place?
  12. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I have no issue with the release date. Whenever they're ready is fine with me. It's important that when they do release the Xbox360 version, the game is as bug-free as possible and the gameplay is good. The fact that Ivan Buchta has mentioned that the console version will have a basic mission editor is great news. After what happend with OFP: DR and the removed mission editor, I just hope that as and when BIS confirm ArmA2 for the 360, they also re-confirm the mission editor's inclusion.
  13. JB Time

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I'm not too fussed when it comes to online multiplayer. I mostly play CO-OP system link games and although I pay £40 p/yr for Xbox live, I rarely use it for online gaming. Useful for demos/videos, DLC and occasional lag-free online multiplayer gaming. I just hope that OFP: DR are able to include a mission editor either on release (unlikely) or via DLC at a later date.
  14. JB Time

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Nothing confirmed but it seems likely. BIS can't officially announce it until they sort out a publisher. The positive thing is they haven't denied it. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1263107&postcount=18
  15. JB Time

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Some positive Xbox 360 news. CM have confirmed that OFP: DR will support system link CO-OP for 4 players. Fantastic stuff!