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Posts posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. I would really like to see a system similar to ArmA 2 mixed with Red Orchestra 2. I love how in that game the guns aren't fixed to the player view, but it's a lot less 'robotic' than ArmA 2. In ArmA 2 currently there is a floating zone, when you get to the edge of that zone the camera moves. In RO2 there is a floating zone but the view is constantly moving outside of the floating zone. It is quite hard to describe to somebody who hasn't played RO2, so I recommend just playing it and see for yourself. If we had that type of aiming system in ArmA 3 I'd be amazed.

  2. I think the topic creator is getting Stratis mixed up with Limnos. Stratis is where 90% of sreenshots and videos have come from. Limnos (main island) is more populated and much larger than Stratis. I don't think it's fair to compare Limnos to Chernarus when we've only seen a tiny portion of what it is.

  3. Dynamo;2157315']using a video which is captured by a camera' date=' is no way to depict what is seen through an operators eyes. our eyes have this awesome ability to stabilize our view during movement. i have done some off roading as well as shooting on the move. what ever you are focused on is automatically stabilized by your eyes, if it wasn't for that road signs would be useless. i would love for BIS to make the player's camera view from vehicles untethered. it would make for a much more natural feeling in-game, and not the jarring blurry mess we have with ArmA2 and every other game out there. it's one of the main reasons why it's almost impossible to hit anything when on a moving vehicle. i have been in airsoft games with offroad vehicles, it is real easy to aim at targets on the move.[/quote']

    I couldn't agree more! I hope the developers include something like this.

  4. I know this isn't really the place for it, but I'm familiar with the users here and it can't hurt in "off topic". Any help is much appreciated. In full screen mode Just Cause 2 minimizes. I can hear the game still as I stare at a black screen, then it stops responding and I must end the task. When running the game in windowed mode it minimizes and I see "Display Driver has Stopped Responding". I have tried nVidia's 301.24 and latest WHQL driver release. This is really annoying because I can't play for more than half an hour without it happening.

    Windows 7 x64

    GTX 570

    8GB DDR3 RAM

    Phenom II X4 955

    M4 Solid State Drive

  5. I don't think it has anything to do with TA2DST. Try to start your server the normal way with all your mods activated and see if you get the same error.

    You could also try changing the order of the mods.

    Also, on a side-note, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2" isn't a mod folder, it's the root.

    You should pick the mod folder inside if you want to include that.

    ---------- Post added at 07:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 AM ----------

    The problem is TA2DST is launching Operation Arrowhead. I need Combined Ops instead of OA.

    I was not selecting ArmA2's default directory for a mod, I was selecting that in an attempt to load ArmA 2 as a mod to mimic launching Combined Operations.

  6. I'm having an issue with the missions WF Menu. I got incapacitated in a captured OPFOR tank to where I was blacking out phasing in and out of consciousness. I got tired of looking at a black screen so I pressed escape to respawn. As soon as the menu popped up it disappeared again, I guess because I was incapacitated. I had to double tap the escape button to access the menu and respawn. When I respawned at base I can no longer access the WF menu because it goes away the second it appears, similar to the menu before. Basically I cannot access the WF menu because it disappears the second it pops up. Obviously this makes the mission pretty much impossible.

  7. Great tool I've been using it for a long time now. I do however have a problem I'm running into. I'm trying to set up the server to launch Combined Operations + ACE + Isla Duala + Beta Patch properly without errors and it just doesn't want to work for me. Launching from "operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" with these mods:

    @CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_USNavy;@brg_africa;@fallujah1_2;@ibr_dtowns;@ibr_plants;@isla_duala;BAF;PMC;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2

    I get "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGamUI/MPTable.shadow'."

    I'm having the same issues here now, but with other mods.

    I'm trying to run a mission on Lingor, so I'm starting it with @lingor;BAF;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;PMC. Getting the same error as Juggernaut.

    I can get as far as role assignment, but as soon as I try to launch it just restarts back to role selection.

    Edit; Nevermind this, I just merged the ArmA2 folder with the Arrowhead folder and it works.

    Still haven't seen a reply to this problem. Aside from copying the entire ArmA 2 addons folder into operation arrowhead. That's no fix though.

  8. The animations look amazing but there is a bug if that a parachute explodes like a helicopter if it hits the trees. It might only happen if the soldier is dead but it looks quite funny.

    I've rarely had the same thing happen in vanilla actually. It's much more noticeable is all in WarFX since it has such an awesome explosion.

  9. I have these settings set and I can't tell anything has changed. Playing most recent ACE with CBA.

    //disable losing gear when getting in as pilot/crew in ACE

    #define ASR_ACE_unrestrictedCrewGear

    //disable ACE earplug requirement (assume everyone is wearing some ear protection)

    #define ASR_ACE_everyoneHasEarProtection

  10. Great tool I've been using it for a long time now. I do however have a problem I'm running into. I'm trying to set up the server to launch Combined Operations + ACE + Isla Duala + Beta Patch properly without errors and it just doesn't want to work for me. Launching from "operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" with these mods:

    @CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_USNavy;@brg_africa;@fallujah1_2;@ibr_dtowns;@ibr_plants;@isla_duala;BAF;PMC;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2

    I get "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGamUI/MPTable.shadow'."

  11. I need a bit of help with the server launching tool. For some reason I can edit most values in the server tab such as password but I cannot fill in a name. When trying I get a flashing cursor for text entry but the text box doesn't respond to any input from my keyboard. Because of this I have no way of finding my launched server other than over IP. I've searched here and have not found an answer. Another question for when I get that resolved. Is there a way to make an admin password (not a server password) so I may log in as an admin to chose a mission, etc?

  12. I've always got earplugs on me, I generally forget to put them in when picking up an MG and I don't notice it starting to ring until I get through a few belts now. That's my reminder to put them in. I find CSW's starting to jam more frequently then they should now, and that starts before you go deaf. 400/500 rounds out.

    Hmm sounds like good news to me. They must have fixed the issues hearing being impaired far too easily. Browning M2s do jam quite often, especially in the desert conditions.

  13. I never asked if they were deleted, just made less annoying. I can tell you with 100% accuracy firing ~75 rounds in bursts from an M240 without earplugs in an open environment will not make your ears ring. I remember this happening in ACE unless you opened up your ACE menu, opened the earplug sub menu, and then clicked the equip button every time you spawn.

    The biggest annoyance isn't equipping the earplugs, it is going through the massive unorganized ammo crates to find an earplug to then equip. It's quite a tedious act adding bore to the otherwise great mod.

    Why on earth are you playing ACE evolution anyways? Vanilla servers are everywhere. You shouldn't be running ACE unless ACE is on the server, and ACE versions of domi and evo should be correctly set up for ACE.

    I'm playing Evolution because it's the only large scale COOP game my friends can find to play on my private dedicated server. I run my server with the same mods my client has. I've never played Domi I have no idea what that is. I thought it was a spin-off of Evo.

  14. Should I retry ACE? I installed it years (I think) ago just after it was first released to the public. I remember loving it overall, but hating a few features enough to turn me away from the mod. For example blacking out flying a plane when you're not a pilot, ears ringing when firing a machine gun if you're not a machinegunner, and flopping on the ground like a little kid throwing a fit when you get "exhausted" carrying too much weight. I realize there are people who say it's not realistic to fly jets if you're not a pilot, etc. Try to think of it from my perspective though. I play Evolution a lot and other large scale coop missions. The missions are not set up to be this system and can cause a lot of frustration as you constantly black out, lose hearing, or otherwise be penalized. Anyway has this been fixed so it works properly with most missions now? Possibly just turning off the annoying features?

    I should note I loved ACE in ArmA 1.

  15. 3D scopes. Please implement this BIS! Think about it for a second. You've already got render to texture implemented in this engine (mirrors, monitors, etc) you could apply that same technology to scopes so there isn't just a zoomed screen with an image "scope" overlay. A good example of this is Red Orchestra 2 sniper rifles. That uses render to texture to show the scope like that.
